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Everything posted by John_Woodside

  1. One of the main reasons they dont talk is they dont feel the need to, if they were giving him as much attention as the talking birds, he may have just not seen the need. I also agree that he needs to get used to you before anything happens
  2. Wow, I'm sorry you went through that experience, but it seems as though the bird loves you more for making him feel better, so I'd call this a positive experience. Best of luck to you.
  3. This is all very good to know, I am again, very grateful for this useful information
  4. I'm glad to have found this forum, so much good advice. While I've set aside money to take care of the unexpected, I certainly don't have money to waste correcting ignorance related health and behavioral issues, thank you very much Dave.
  5. Well thank you all for the Posts. My future roomates already know about the teflon, perfumes and scented things, and I've agreed to buy all of the cleaning products because I believe it's only fair since I'll be telling them what they can and cant use. I live in Virginia Beach, and as the name implies, it's a tourist trap. There are a lot of places I can take my bird and introduce it to new people, I plan on doing this a lot while it is young. and LuvParrots, I am adopting a new baby, but I am considering getting some resuce birds when I'm out of school and have more time to spend with them. and such
  6. the bird in the photo is George, he belongs to someone else I just got on the list for a new bird and I'm rather excited about it. I've read one book and skimmed the forums and scoured the internet, I've learned a lot about the bird and how it's different from other birds. but yes, the questions. I read that many substances can kill them, and I already plan on making my home very bird safe, but the list of things is enormous, so I guess my question is how worried do I have to be about this bird? I'm beginning to think he might die at the drop of a hat. this next one is more of a poll. based on experience, how easy was your grey to socialize and how open is it to new situations? I ask this because I've only read the "if you do this then that will probably happen" sort of information and I want to know some more personal story type information on their behavior.
  7. gosh, so lucky... I just got put on the wait list at my pet store for a baby, then I have to wait for it to wean, it's gonnna be so long for me. on the upside I do get to visit the baby as soon as it comes in. I'm happy for you and wish you many happy years with your bird.
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