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Everything posted by Ballsy

  1. Wow, very well done!! I have to try make one of these!!!! Step by step guide please Doug
  2. Tigerlily, Im from the UK aswell. I've harness trained my grey, so when the weather is warm enough to venture outside we spend hours in the garden. I leave her a supply of water and just keep an eye on her for the signs mentioned above
  3. Hi, Im looking to subscribe to a decent UK bird magazine, I own a CAG so would prefer it to consentrate on greys but wouldn't mind a genaral overview of all birds. Any idea's then please let me know Cheers Jason
  4. I've started to notice Skye is so quiet when were outside meeting people:huh:
  5. Skye took to her harness really quickly aswell. check the pictures on my profile. I'm just waiting for the weather to improve so i can take her out more often and further a field, instead of just the back garden!!
  6. I have harness trained Skye but only ever taken her in the garden. It just feels to cold at the moment so were waiting for the weather to improve!! And then the world is our oyster!!! :cheer:
  7. Hi HappyinGreece, yes this is the aviator harness its the only harness i've used so have no experience with others. I must admit that yes it was a bit loose in the photo's but usually its a much better fit. I get the same problems with her chewing but just have to talk to her and get her attention. She hasn't caught her feet in it yet but it can be abit of a trip hazard when she walking along the top of the fence etc. In general im really pleased with the avaitor harness and think you will be pleased with your purchase. Let me know how you get on with it.
  8. I've been lucky enough to harness train my cag. I've only ever taken her outside in our garden so havent bumped into anyone yet, but when the weather improves i will take her out and about. Does it matter what kind of weather conditions i take her out in? I have a couple of pictures on my profile for those interested
  9. I to have been harness training my cag for a couple of weeks now. I've been out in the garden a few times but not for long, as i don't want to push Skye to far to soon, although she seems fine! She also has a habit of biting the harness which im trying to teach her not to. Skye is nearly 6 months old and Im really pleased with how she is coming along.
  10. Im happy for you. I also had a big scare,Im a newbie to CAG's and have had Skye for almost a month now. Last week through my stupidaty and lack of thought, she managed to escape!!!She flew down the road with me in hot pursuit and landed half way up a house roof!! After 2 long hours of me clinging to the side of the roof i managed to tempt her down!!! Im so glad i was so lucky to get her back. LESSON LEARNT!!!!!
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