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Everything posted by PrettyPax

  1. You guys are awesome. I have seen the youtube documentary on Greys - and yes, it's a heartbreaking film (at times) , yet the footage of AGs in the wild is valuable and extremely rare. I've just started watching Monty Python on netflix streaming - what a great series!! I was so excited to see a Grey!! I have like, 30 episodes to go, and I may yet see another AG. I promise to keep y'all posted. Another film that may or may not have an AG (it's been years since I've seen it) is "Ace Ventura:Pet Detective"(1994). There's a scene with Jim Carrey and a bunch of parrots perched on his arm. Does anyone know for certain whether one of them is an AG?
  2. Hello All, This thread is very similar to an earlier one I posted, but I thought I'd start it again. For those of of you who don't know me (I reckon that would be everyone!!), I'm a huge film nut . I've been on the lookout for movies/documentaries that feature African Greys and I'd be very grateful to anyone who might be able to contribute to my "list". So far, I have 3 and they are all of British origin. 1.) Black Narcissus - 1948, 2.)Ghost Train-1940, and Monty Python's Flying Circus (the "untitled" episode and it's a fake parrot, but it's clearly an AG) - 1969. Please please help. Lauren&Pax
  3. Hi All, I've recently been introduced to the wonders of pvc piping as playstand building material. I was wondering if anyone might know where I could find a building "plan" for one of these creations. My CAG needs a playstand and I'd much rather pay pvc prices. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Lauren and I was fairly active on this site a year ago. My CAG is named Pax and she's two years old. I'm happy to be back on greyforums again.
  4. Haha JillyBeanz, that's awesome! Pax mimics any number of gross sounds. For instance, I had a roommate with a godawful smoker's cough, and my parrot quickly added that to her repertoire. She also does human sneezing and laughter.
  5. That's the spirit! I'd go through great lengths to protect my baby!
  6. I'd be pretty worried too. Keep your doors locked! Very sad about the doggie
  7. THat's so funny, Azzie! Interestingly enough, Pax's first word was also "what?" . Of course when she says it, it's in a very high pitched indignant sounding tone. Just like her mommy.
  8. What a great picture of Ecko!!
  9. No, you haven't done anything really wrong. It's common for birds to fly into windows - Pax has done it a few times. You're lucky that your bird is okay. Your baby is new, correct? She's still getting used to her new environment and you will need to allow her time for that. As to the biting, I wouldn't worry too much about that. Now is the time have positive bonding experiences with your bird. MAke sure to give her plenty of supervised out of the cage time. Is she still being spoon fed? You could try doing offering her some formula and feeding it to her - that's a good way to earn her trust. Good luck and let us know how everything is going!!
  10. Wonderful story!! Full of great advice too.
  11. I do like to indulge in a cigarette from time to time - but never in the house. A few weeks ago I foolishly left a box of smokes on the table and Pax snuck away and began to shred the box and the cigarettes!! I snatched it away from her and after a few minutes she started to vomit. On me and on the couch. It was this yellow liquid with pieces of tobacco leaves in it. I felt like such a terrible mother. She's fine now, but I was really frightened at the time. I won't make that mistake again.
  12. Hello my precious flock, Nice to be back again. It's been like a month since I've posted. I've been busy with my job, bronchitis, and parrot sitting. So, please excuse my absence. DId I tell you that Pax not only says "apple" now, but she imitates my cough as well? What a smart alek! As for the parrot sitting, I have been watching Pikachu (the Amazon) at my house for the past two weeks. Her owners are in CA. Pax is not very pleased to have her around - she's even tried to bully her on several occasions. Needless to say, the girls don't play together, but they chatter loudly at each other from across the room. I will be glad when things are back to normal. I love Pikachu dearly, but I'd rather handle one parrot at a time. For once the weather is quite lovely in WIsconsin. It's been raining on and off, but it still feels like spring! How's everybody?
  13. PrettyPax


    I feed Pax pieces of egg probably more than I should. In the mornings I sometimes give her oatmeal or fruit. Any other breakfast suggestions? She's really not too keen on oatmeal at the moment.
  14. Easy there birdlover, nobody meant to beat up on you. I think we can all identify with your frustrations. I adore my grey, but she can be a big handful sometimes - even a huge brat. You did the right thing in coming to this forum. I would advise you not to give up on Rico just yet. Sift through some the previous posts on various topics. There's lots of helpful information here. More so than in any of the books written on Greys. Good Luck!
  15. She did pick at the straps a few times. In fact, she destroyed two flight suits prior to the one we have now. What a brat!
  16. My bird would freak out if I put one of those things on her!! I feel lucky enough to have trained her to wear her flight suit :silly:
  17. Cute story, Dawn I must say, the new name was very aptly chosen.
  18. You're very lucky to have a bird that is so adorable!! It took a little while for my baby to trust me enough to let me scratch her head. Pax was three months old when I got her, and I must admit that we were very hesitant of each other. I had never owned a bird before. Now we're best friends and she is really out-going. So, you mentioned your AG is 14 mos. old. Does she talk yet? Post edited by: PrettyPax, at: 2009/05/15 01:48<br><br>Post edited by: PrettyPax, at: 2009/05/15 05:47
  19. Mahhhvelous topic. I agree with everything you say completely. I can see why others may decide to clip, but when it comes to this I have to ally myself with the PETA types. LOL! First and foremost, birds are meant to fly. In my humble opinion it would be cruel to deprive my baby of her only natural defense. I'm not worried about her escaping outside, as all of our windows have screens on them. Like I said, having a fully flighted bird in my house is not an issue. I understand that in other homes it might be. Needless to say, I am NEVER considering wing clipping . I also understand that wing clipping can affect the neurological development of birds that are under 2 years old. Or Something like that.
  20. Wow!! What a story. You're doing the right thing in that you're posting flyers everywhere. Who knows?? You may now have a permanent addition to your family!!! I would definitely heed the advice of those saying not to clip the wings. Hold off on it until the ownership situation has been resolved. Please Please let us know how everything goes.
  21. WHen will you be bringing Stella home?? I'm so pleased you will be getting your Grey!!! She's sooo cute.
  22. Wonderful post, Dave. I loved the cruelty about not letting him chew on the notebook computer. I got a big laugh out of it.
  23. I just thought I'd mention that I posted some new Pax Pix on my profile page. The top 4 pictures are the newest. I've also included one of Pikachu, the parrot I was sitting for back in February.
  24. Well said, Dan. And dude, How could you have not known that sending money in advance to Cameroon was a scam?? I suggest you do lots of research.
  25. From Here to Eternity - Frank Sinatra
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