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Everything posted by Irishchicky

  1. Welcome to the forum! Sounds like your bird has picked it favorite!! Im sure he will grow to accept your wife over time but I think he will most likley want your comapny over hers lol!
  2. Maybe im wrong but im sure they size difference would intimadate a timneh plus the fact that their would be 2 of them. I would say it would be 50/50 too
  3. I cant even begin to imagine how scared the poor thing was .
  4. Lovelylew wrote: I was just wondering do those pins have metal? Would the ones with metal be unsafe.? Wouoldnt the wood in them be treated against the weather??
  5. I dont think my grey would eat pellets either.
  6. I agree with you. They should be made to put a warning on the packaging
  7. I thought for greys to breed they have to be in seclusion? Maybe im wrong but im pretty sure they would not breed in a busy family home? Maybe another member can tell you for sure.
  8. my mom and dad both love my grey. We all take turns looking after her !
  9. my grey is going through molt now and the only word that describes her is shabby. Plus when I scratch her I can feel the pins. The guy I adopted her from says this is her first but she is 14 months so I don't know if it's true .
  10. Maybe its the smell of the soap or the salts on your skin? Would she be thirsty? Do you give her access to water while she is out??
  11. aw what an adorable grey you must be sooo excited!!
  12. My grey loves brocolli and carrots in the evening! Im glad to know they are doing her good
  13. Hi everyone i was just wondering if you guys have any tips on encouraging my timneh to play? I seem to have tried everything! Ive tried her with lots of different types of toys ive bought and made. Ive tired things she can forage in things she can take apart, things she can shred. Ive tried playing with them in front of her too and she still doesnt seem interested! I just dont want her to get bored! :unsure:
  14. lol ive never heard of it before. Maybe its like when we crack our knuckles
  15. I think your doing all the right things. I think you just have to keep doing it! My grey is not talking yet either but im hoping she may start soon
  16. lol my timneh hasnt started yet either but she does make some funny whistling sounds but if she catches you looking at her she freezes still its so funny
  17. I just keep talking to mine everytime i pass her cage or when sheson her playstand. Hopefully it will encourage her! Good luck!
  18. My bird doesnt really like to step up onto my hand she preffers to step up onto a stick. Maybe you could try that ??
  19. Im so sorry . You should report that breeder to animal control people. How can anyone treat animals like that
  20. I wanted to get rabbit toys too but i wasnt sure if they were safe! Now I know that they are i will buy some! Thanks
  21. My timneh is 14 months and hasnt started yet! Although she does squak and chirp and i hav heard her making some odd beeping sounds lol! Some greys talk when they are 4- 6 months. Most dont start till they are around a year. I know one person whos congo didnt start talking till it was 3!!! I think it all depends on the bird really. Maybe a more experienced member can help you more
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