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Everything posted by Irishchicky

  1. why dont you just try and give your birds more green veg?? plwnty of calcium there
  2. ok thanks for your opinion. BTW what are boings lol ive never heard of them!
  3. Im doing some research on parrot play gyms and perches and i think you guys can help me . could everyone please tell me what they want in a perch and play gym. What matters most and what you like them to have Thanks everyone
  4. Im in the same position as you. My grey was clipped when I adopted her. Shes molting now so her flight feather will be back soon. Im still undecided as what to do
  5. congrats. you have a lovely bird
  6. hahaha awwww thats too adorable!!
  7. I think your right. I just feel bad doing it. But I guess its for her own good
  8. I was thinking about that actually but i wasnt sure whether I should or not. When she comes down theres reall no where for her to go other than run up and down the hall. The kitchen door is closed in case someone comes in and leaves the door open. I dont mind her comming down there is no risk to her in the hallway but at the same time i dont want her thinking she can just do what she wants whenever she wants :dry:
  9. I wasnt being high and mighty, im here to make friends not enemies. You just gave the impression that my bird was cut off from the family because her cage is in the hallway. Our house is small. Its literally about 20 steps from the front door to the back! The reason she is in the hallway is because she can see us there in the kitchen and living room but at night it will be quite there so she can get a good nights sleep. She has playstands that she is on for most of the day with us. But she cant have her own way all the time. Shes a bird not a child and there are times she has to be in the cage. I just wanted to know whether the fall could hurt her thats all and I apreciate the advice I just dont want everypne thinking I dont know how to look after her or that I dont care what happens to her
  10. she isnt left by herself . Why would you just asume she was? the kitchen is about one step away from the hall! She can see us from her cage were only a few feet away. Also dont asume she doesnt have a playstand because she does. She stays on that but she cant be on it all day long she has to go to her cage sometime.
  11. We have no other pets so thats not a worry.Her cage is in the hall and the kitchen and living room doors stay closed while the top of her cage is open. theres nothing for her to chew in the hallway . The only place she can try and go is up the stairs. Immore worried if she could hurt herself on the fall down :pinch:
  12. ok so its happened to me now too! Lilo my tag has started to jump off her cage and follow us around the house !! :woohoo: Now this doesnt bother me. When she cme out we keep a constant eye on her to make sure she is safe. The only thing worrying me is could she hurt herself jumping down from the cage? Her wings were clipped when i adopted her but i think it might be a bit severe she flutters to the ground but does make a bit of a thud. Could she hurt herself or would she be ok? Do I need to do anything ?
  13. The fact that she like being out of her cage around you is a sign that she likes you! Play with that new toy with her. Btw I think stepping up onto a stick is a good sign. Im working on stepping up on my arm with my grey. She will step up onto my arm now and then but i think she feels too unsteady sometimes because she is used to sitting on a perch or a stick
  14. Oh I will Im just reasuring her that its brilliant that her grey can talk like this at 4 1/2 months! Imagine what it will be like in a year! :woohoo:
  15. Yeah I guess patience is key with a grey;) She barked like a dog today for some reason :laugh: There must have been a dog in her previous home
  16. Hi everyone. Ive had my timneh lilo for a month now. Things are great. I was just wondering what her chances are of learning to talk. On the forum i see loads of birds that are alot younger than her and talking. I know it depends on the bird but lilo is 15 months now and is just chirping and making random noises. Do you think its too late for her to start talking? Or is it maybe that shes only been with us a month?? Im doing everything i can to encourage her.
  17. Dont worry. My tag is 15 months and hasnt talked!
  18. Also my bird 9 times out of 10 will nto step up onto my hand. She just doesnt like it. she prefers to step up onto a stick. Have you tried that? Is there a reason she wont go back into her cage? Maybe a new toy you put in that is making her uneasy? I wouldnt continue toweling her. It will frighten her and make her loose trust in you.
  19. Mine is starting to do that now too. I dont mind her doing it when im at home i just make sure the cage is locked when im out
  20. Mine likes her plastic key chain. There in kids toy stores. Also any thing that makes music. Teething rings are good, especially if they open and you can link them together.
  21. It sounds like your bird is going through the challenge phase. Where they will challenge there owners by biting and such to see if they can dominate and see what they can get away with I recently went through it with my Timneh lilo. when she bites you try hard to not react at all.If the bites really hurt try closing your fist but dont move your hand away. Im afraid it just takes time and patience but eventually your grey will learn whos boss
  22. It sounds like she is playing one of a grey fav games with you " How many times will you pick this up if I throw it on the ground" It sounds as if she doesnt want to be hand fed so I would let her eat on her own. Never starve a grey it doesnt work. You could try getting her to step up by holding your hand in front of her and holding the treat just out of reach with the other to entice her to step up. You can bond with her other ways like playing with her with her favorite toy.<br><br>Post edited by: Irishchicky, at: 2009/01/13 19:33
  23. hi and welcome. Karma to you for taking an unwanted grey! Get that food as soon as possible. Sunflower seeds arent very good for them in large amounts! Try giving him a light spray with a spray bottle to see how he likes it ! Good luck with your new bird!
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