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Everything posted by jules1962

  1. I feel so sorry for you, i know how you feel. My cag Nelson flew away last june, and a man called Mr Jones found him and handed him in to the rspca. He was gone for 7 days before i got him back, so please don't give up hope.
  2. Awsome video! it's got me in stitches. Thanks so much for sharing it
  3. Casper mimics all the above mentioned noises, lol. This week he has learnt two new ones. After each sneeze he now says "bless you" instead of f****sake, which is brill, and he shouts "baked beans" at the top of his voice, thats through my son Gary messing about. So at the moment it's quite hilarious at home.
  4. Sorry we are a bit late. Happy hatch day Chimay, from Casper and Nelson
  5. My son is going to see if he can upload pics on the wii for me, there are so many usb sockets and things on it, and i am not very technically minded, he thinks he can, so ongers crossed
  6. Yes i do tell them both i love them all the time, especially when they are having head scratches. So he will have associated those words with scratches/preening. I never thought of it that way before.
  7. It was, as i say i don't know wether or not it was intended for Nelson, but it makes me wonder. I wish i could upload some pics, but my laptop is broken so i am using the internet via a nintendo wii, and it's not very good. Hopefully my laptop will be fixed in a few weeks
  8. Whats your fids favorite nursery rhymes? Caspers is ba ba black sheep, but instead he sings, ba ba sheep wool any wool, yes sir three wool, it's so funny listening to him. Maybe one day he might learn it all. lol
  9. My heart totally melted before. Casper and Nelson were both sat on their play perch preening each others head and neck, they always do that to each other. I think they do the bits on each other that they can't reach themselves. Casper had his head bent down for Nelson, and all of a sudden he started saying "i love you" in a really quiet child like voice. I don't know if it was intended for Nelson or not, but it was so sweet
  10. He he, love the video dan, it gave me a great laugh. It reminds me of my baby, Nelson. Julie
  11. Cassandra, thanks for the link, it sounds like a fantastic book, and i intend reading it like, tomorrow! Julie
  12. It's so good to hear your back with us. You really got me filling up here!!! I bet your baby is ecstatic. best wihes julie
  13. great pics. Wish i could get my fids harness on
  14. beautiful photos, well done. I think thier feet look funny when they are flying
  15. When i first got Nelson, Casper stopped speaking for about three weeks. And then he just started again as if he had never stopped.
  16. I notice a huge difference between my fids. As you say, Nelson is very shy and will avoid most eye contact with any one he does not trust and will look at them through one eye with his head on one side. At the sane time he will have his head feathers flattened and his neck feathers fluffed, thats when i know he's uncomfortable with somebody looking at him. Casper is usually very chilled out and always has his head and neck feathers fluffed and big relaxed pupils, but now and again if he's not in the mood for a cuddle or playing. He will still be in relaxed feather mode, but he will be pin eyed. Thats when i don't mess with him lol
  17. i know what you mean by the big pupils when relaxed, but don't mess with me look at the same time. I never heaed of eye games though, should be an interesting topic.
  18. This post has just gave me the giggles for the day. It reminds me of my son Gary. A couple of months ago he was standing with his back to the cage talking to me, and when he turned round to walk away he had poop all down the back of his pants, he said"how the hell did he manage to do that" I was in helpless fits of laughter. Casper is also a botty wiggler, Nelson leans forward and makes a little grunting noise, which cracks me up. Great thread, thanks for the laugh Jules
  19. When i got my 1st grey Casper, i fell into the womack trap. I did'nt know anything about teaching greys so i sent off for his dvds, what a bad mistake that was!!! I was horrified by his methods, i would never starve my fids in a million yrs, or poke sticks at them. Needless to say the dvds, book and clicker what he sent went in the trash. And i have never been near one of their sites since. As for dairie, my fids love a cracker with soft cheese with herbs and garlic, and now and again they love drinking semi skimmed milk, and it's never done them any harm. Im so sorry about your companian having ppd.He looks as though he's enjoying his icecream though.
  20. What an amazing video, absolutly adorable.
  21. Yes, sign me up also lol. Casper is at the terrible 2s stage and has turned from cuddly baby to a proper little grouch at times, especially at bed time. If he is on his play perch and i tell him it's bedtime, he will lull me into a false sense of security by putting one foot on my finger as though he is going to step up, and then he will tighten his grip and bite the hell out of me, and he has drew blood on quite a few occasions, but i still love him to bits no matter what he does to me
  22. So glad your feeling better flu is an awful thing]to recover from. I had swine flu last september and had to stay away from my two, and that broke my heart too. Especially when i could hear Casper shouting me, but i soon got better and we were together again. I bet Darwin will make a proper big fuss of you when she sees you
  23. Nelson was born on the 7/8/07 he is 15 months old. And Casper was born on the 18/10/07 he is 2yrs old. The breeder i got them both from also has a grey named Billy, and he is the grand old age of 37yrs. He's very cantankerous though, like a proper old man lol
  24. Darwin looks adorable to from her photo. I bet peebooo sounds so sweet, i can just hear her saying it in my head, awww sweetie. Thanks for the karma
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