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Everything posted by DavidH

  1. I walked into the pet store (owned by breeder), saw Shanti, decided not to "shop around", and bought him five minutes later. I've never regretted it. Not for an instant. Definitely love at first sight. I will say I wish I had had the courage to rescue a Grey. People who don't go to breeders or pet shops and who are willing to rehab a bird have my total admiration. I try to make up for that by supporting rescues and organization like the World Parrot Trust.
  2. >>Dorian absolutely becomes hyper and agitated at his bedtime, and it happens very fast, like a switch is flipped. One moment he's calm and preening, the next moment I hear his 'tired birdy' chirp, he begins pacing about, and there's nothing to do but turn off the lights and say g'night, so Shanti isn't alone >> I am happy to hear that! It's good to know that Shanti isn't just completely nuts
  3. Well, not really. But he definitely got some lift. Something startled him and he jumped off my hand, but before he hit the floor he went upwards. It was just a couple of feet and just a couple of seconds, but it was like the Wright Brothers first takeoff: You know they have the basic idea and will do a lot better in the future. Very exciting!!! And best of all, my wife witnessed it, so I can't be accused of imagining the whole thing.
  4. I like those Internet bargains! But I have to tell you I got the cheapest version of all: $0 for the book and $0.50 transportation costs to my public library. Hope you all enjoy the Chabon book. He's a very talented novelist.
  5. Recommended reading: The mystery novella by Pulitzer-prize-winning author Michael Chabon called "The Final Solution." It's a Sherlock Holmes type mystery with an 11-year-old boy and his African Grey as main characters. One fantastic chapter is written by the Grey in his voice. Greeeeyt book!
  6. Gorgeous! I will try to post some new ones of Shanti soon.
  7. Very cool. I'm going to try that with Shanti too.
  8. Shanti is 14 months old. He says, "Hello, Hola, Hannah, Eva (family members' names)" and mumbles a lot. As for human and animal sounds he barks, coughs, meows, sneezes, laughs, whistles, and does various bird imitations. He does the microwave beeping, phone ringing, door squeaking and various other mechanical sounds. He seems to understand the names of fruits. He definitely uses Hannah and Eva appropriately as identifiers of the two people. He calls to them when they pass by. He has never said David, despite my wife trying to teach him my name since day one.
  9. Good luck, Caroline. It's obviously a hard decision with no easy answer. Good thing the forum is here for all of us to celebrate the joys and work out the challenges of living with Greys.
  10. Sally, She doesn't hate you. She justs gets nervous when you invade her personal space. You say, "Even if I cannot interact with her I will still love her from a distance." She will love you from a distance too.
  11. The gimmick of the Adventure Pack -- one that I like! -- is that you can carry it on your back. It's perfect for walks and for short outings. True, it is small and cramped for Shanti, but he seems to like it. He hasn't eaten the cloth yet. It's also true that the cover doesn't quite fit. You can't zip it all the way, but that's only a minor inconvenience/glitch. No buyer's remorse for me. If Shanti eventually wrecks it, I'll upgrade to a better carrying cage.
  12. P.S. It was just a couple of drops of blood inside the shaft of the feather. It was liquid though, and had not clotted yet when I found the feather. Also, it was an especially long (dark grey) feather, so definitely not a newbie coming in.
  13. He is fine. Normal. He's molting. Actually, this morning he was EAGER to get his spray bath. That's a first! He spread his wings, loved it and then went for a long head dunk in his water bowl. I figure he's itchy (?) But otherwise, active, talkative, eating, etc. No blood in the cage or floor. Thanks for all your help!
  14. Something frightened Shanti tonight and he somehow fell. After the scare, I found a very long feather with a little blood in the end of it. He wasn't bleeding at all. First time I've ever seen this though. Anything to worry about?
  15. Thanks for all the good advice. I'll update this (if and) when Shanti starts playing with the ladder and boing.
  16. Well, about a month ago, I bought Shanti a wooden ladder toy that he's terrified of. This week I got him a great boing. Even though I tried to introduce it more slowly, he flipped out even more over the boing than the ladder. He actually had a growling fit with the boing, something I hadn't seen or heard since the first day I got him in December. I think it's a size issue. The bigger the toy the more he thinks it's a dangerous owl or hawk. Anyway, I'm looking for tips on how to get him to accept the gifts and enjoy them. Thanks for your thoughts, David<br><br>Post edited by: DavidH, at: 2009/06/26 21:39
  17. Great story! I just hope they don't think those tail feathers are TOO holy. The feather trade has been a terminal disaster for species of birds in the past.
  18. Great stuff, Carol! I'm glad things are working out so well!
  19. Yes, Shanti has done the same thing as Chimay. I also give him a water and then aloe mist every day. He avoids it, but sort of tolerates it. A couple of times he has immediately gone for the water bowl dunk afterwards.
  20. I spend a lot of time contemplating Shanti and wondering about him, as well as enjoying him, playing with him and taking care of him. He's always on my mind. I've never lived with a nonhuman who is this smart before, but my guess is that many of them -- apes, dolphins/whales, elephants and others -- would evoke the same kind of awe. In a way, Greys are MORE interesting than people. At my age, I've got people pretty well figured out. There's no mystery. But Shanti is an endless source of wonderment.
  21. "Alex and Me" by Irene M. Pepperberg: "How a scientist and a parrot uncovered a hidden world of animal intelligence -- and formed a deep bond in the process" (Harper Collins) "The Birdkeepers' Guides: African Greys" by Greg Glendell ( TFH Publications) "African Grey Parrots: A Complete Pet Owner's Manual" (Barron's) "For the Love of Greys: The Complete Guide to a Healthy and Happy African Grey" by Bobbi Brinker (Lucky Press) ---------
  22. I would talk to an attorney, rather than contact GE directly. Think of contacting a good attorney as a public service for us all. If GE and other companies provide adequate warnings about their products, many birds will be saved and many humans will be spared similar tragedies.
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