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Everything posted by Adhaincroi
I am re-posting to make sure it wasn't missed and I have more Info.....I FOUND a Congo African Grey on December 9th 2008 in the Goodwood area of Baton Rouge Louisiana....I have since traced the leg band to a breeder here in my bird is pretty local...she is also pretty young....her hatch date was 2007...I traced the man who weaned her for sale...he said he gave her to a friend in Mississippi who often does the bird fairs (and doesn't keep good records worst luck)...this particular bird may have been purchased at a bird fair somewhere in the USA or some where in Mississippi however the likely hood is that this bird is not far from home...if anyone knows of someone missing a young CAG...please please let me and them know....thanks L
They are getting along fine..they call to each other in the cage and if they are both out sitting on top of the cage they don't show much interest in each other...they are at opposite ends of a large room so they have their own space lol...and Mr Tiki will now taste most food I give to them as long as he sees Roswell eat it that's a bonus lol...I am heartened that you all think I am so "wonderful" but to be honest I am only doing what most people would do in my place...I have still got a lead on Roswell's banding and I have the breeder and the man that weaned her checking records to see if they can trace the everyone keep your fingers crossed and thanks for all the support
I have a lead...I spoke to a store owner today who hand feeds hatch lings for sale and I asked him if he knew any breeders in Louisiana that had LH in their band numbers...he did...I just spoke to a Mr Hebert...who says the band number is his and that Roswell was hatched 5-20-2007...and that he sold him to the owner of the store who I had spoken to earlier...the store owner found a number one digit off from Roswell's...but not the exact I phoned the store owner back and told him all the details Mr Hebert gave me and the store owner is now rechecking...he says he may have given him to another person at a bird fair who will have had fed him to sell as a pet...its amazing to me how many hands these little guys go through before they find a forever home...and terrible really...but in this case a lead is a lead...even if In a sad case I never find Roswell's true first family...I will know where she came from and exactly how old she she was 1yr Seven months on the 20th of December...I found her on the 9th of December...poor love she barely got settled it seems before she escaped....its been a busy year or so for her...any tips on if she needs special treatment being so young...I don't want her to be missing some food or developmental things I should be doing that she may need...even if I cant find her people for now she is my responsibility...
Thanks for all the encouragement...I worked in animal rescue for a while when I came to Baton Rouge...but I don't have the time I used to any more so I mother maintains I have been in animal rescue my whole life as for birds she says I could be walking under a tree put my hand out to see if there will be rain and a baby bird will fall into it...I know for a fact any where I go at any time I can see a lost soul...seems I usually have a house guest I am trying to find the parents of...but this bird was the first large parrot I had to go and get...of course my antics are legend lol among my friends and all of them have heard numerous stories about Mr Tiki the devil bird as he was billed by prior owners (I say owners not parents or family) any way watching me for a couple of years with band aids on every finger while I tried to tame him has convinced my friends that I am a nutter...On Dec 9th 2008 I get an email from a friend who works at the library attached is another email from a friend and co-worker...who had a large grey bird at waist height in a olive tree in her front garden she was afraid of trying to handle it but was pretty sure it was not a wild bird...could someone come to the rescue off I go with my bird box towel and a pocket full of peanuts...Mr Tiki goes mental for a peanut and will do all kinds of things he wouldn't otherwise I was hopeful...when I got there I looked all over but Roswell was well camouflaged...luckily the ladies husband came home about that time and pointed to the tree in question...where a rather large sullen looking Grey clung to a branch well above my shoulder...its almost always hot here in Louisiana but it had rained and she was wet...and it was about to go cold that night so the temp was already changing and I am sure she could feel it ....I walked nonchalantly up to the tree and looked up and said in a sing song voice..."what are you doing"...and she cocked her eye at I pulled a peanut (in the shell) out of my pocket and showed it to her she looked a little with my other hand I grabbed the flexible tree branch and slowly brought her down to my level still above my head but I could reach her...held out the peanut and said "mamas got a peanut" "good girl" "step up" my amazement she did...when I lowered my hand she went to my I just got in my car..and after a bit of finagling managed to get her towelled and into the carrier..actually I was not bitten until later in the day well after she had a full belly lol...I swear God sends me all these animals and on occasion I whinge at him for making my life more complex than it needs to be...but he doesn't am sorry it was not a more dramatic and detailed rescue but there is a reason why I swear God does it...I am not really that religious...but when ever I go to get an animal sometimes even after others have tried..they literally just come to me...maybe I smell good
I suggest for the meantime he gets his favourite treat from your mom ONLY..and then only when he steps up for her...she should keep hold of the treat for a few seconds and then put him down where he was and give it to on this as you move closer and closer to the cage in should take a week or maybe two of repetition to work it enough to have enough time to get him to the cage..once she has it so he will remain on her hand until he gets to the cage and be placed on the perch before he gets the treat...practice this for a few more days...then she should have less issue with him once you are out...maybe test it one afternoon when you are at the store but not out of town...and see how it goes...My husband is ALLOWED to take Tiki back to his cage but only if he has a treat in his hand that Tiki saw as he stepped does take a while but it's worth it...I never have to chase my bird all over the house to get him back in his cage...but mines an amazon...the new CAG lol she looks like she may be a little more difficult to convince as I have already had to towel her once when the door bell rang and she wouldn't get back in...Thank God for pine nuts lol
I am so sorry you lost your baby...and I totally agree with your anger...If you know the address of these people..try reporting them not only to the local spca or other authority but why not try a local rescue...they know the lay of the land and may be able to get you some them to any bird societies in the could alert craigs list and local pet stores also...what happened to your little one was way beyond your control...thank heaven you were there to offer offer him the comfort that you did...maybe in a little while when you are ready again you might consider a rescue and take another little one under your wing...god knows there are so many who need it...meanwhile until that time comes any skills you have learned along this journey could be well used by the forum..
I have a note...on the sleeping in the food dish vein...My Amazon Mr Tiki always gets overly sleepy and slightly well crankier than usual when my parents in law come...I just thought he didn't like company coming to stay as he is not fond of my parents in law however I changed my mind this time as I now have Roswell CAG living with us also she is young and mostly likes everyone...anyway it seems to be because my father in law suffers night terrors left over from Nam and without my knowledge he gets up at weird hours of the night he then will go to the lounge and turn on the tv and it disrupts the birds sleeping pattern...we noted that we seldom watch TV late anyway..and if we do we tend to do it in the bedroom...otherwise we may be on the computer late but not making a ton of noise...I read up on it and according to Michelle Karras its quite common for parrots to suffer sleep deprivation due to the family members lifestyle..maybe move your little one back to the former position or do as my friend does and get a sleeping cage and place it in a quiet room..
I understand that when a new baby is imminent it can get a little stressful...My husband and I are trying for a baby right now I already have a rescued (very traumatized) Red Lored Amazon..and this Dec I rescued a CAG from a far no owner has come forward so if no owner arrives we will keep be honest with that a large house a huge yard a full time job and 2 dogs one of which is very elderly you would think I had enough going on lol...but it has not crossed my mind to get rid of anyone just because we will be having a baby lol or possibly two as multiples run in his family and I am older than 35 so they are quite likely...think about it...families the world over have animals and children...they sort of go together really...both are natures gift...why you think they wont mesh and your grey wont adapt I don't the wild younglings arrive every spring and the elders and teens and last years hatchlings don't exactly go mental or anything...your parrot will do what mine do when we mind a friends children...they love the lullaby's...they love the noise...they like the bustle and the baby babble coming from outside their cages...and if they are out then it means we are both there..probably one of us feeding thel ittle ones while the other keeps a weather eye on the feathered me its totally doable
My vet said human grade are a treat...I do feed them in the shell you think shelled are better...means Tiki would get less as there are usually 2 per shell and then I could give just one at a time...and he will most likely lose most of it to the ground...he doesn't like any other nuts though...and I do not feed any kind of seed mixture...I get Lafeber berries...that's it for seed
On another note for BIRDGRANNA...I am sorry your little one is ill...I read somewhere on the posts that another bird was sick with Aspergillosis she was feeding it cucumber everyday and said the vet was amazed that the bird was doing so well...maybe its worth a try...I am sure it certainly cant hurt
I also feed peanuts...Mr Tiki arrived pre-addicted..having been fed peanuts and junk food and then maybe some actual bird seed mixture...if anyone could be bothered..he liked the human salty dry roasted planters things according to the last owner..he gets Hines raw jumbo Virginia peanuts..from the yet touch wood we have had no difficulty...I figure he must be hardy after all he went through..I didn't even mention all the cola and doctor pepper I am sure he was given...I am ashamed to say I didn't know peanuts posed a threat until a year ago...I go on the assumption that if I eat a small handful and that's a portion for me then one now and then is a portion for him...I also feed everything under the sun including the pellets that were so hard won to wean him onto at the start of this journey (I agree that the manufacturer is probably trying to get my money also plus I am not sure if they should make having a parrot convenient maybe people would be put off and less would be in rescue)...he is still not keen on vegetables or fruit or many other things but will eat if I hand feed sucker that I am I hand feed him lol and my vet remarks every time I go that his feet are still dry and he is still underweight...and again gives me all the tips I've tried and all the advice I have sat up nights getting...but he's getting there, he's healthier and he's alive
I agree on the Hamster, bunny, ferret toys all very useful...also I use a lot of sassy baby toys and the rings you can get for babies not to mention the plastic rope from Home depot, natural sisal string from craft stores and walmart tissue paper and cardboard boxes from craft stores fleece from the sewing shop and small dog rawhide chews...I also have this great book with tons of goes without saying to always be careful when you are out looking for craft toy projects... Parrot toys and Play areas by Carol S. D'Arezzo and Lauren Shannon-Nunn Below are some more favourites that were purchased and have stood the test of time and still prove popular here...real parrot toys are very expensive as we all know...but these few were totally worth the money...I would love to know if anyone else has tried some of the purportedly indestructible and bullet proof toys and the ones made of polycarbonate I have the paper is actually really cheap to buy paper cash register out what they are made of obviously (goes without saying) I have the barrel of fun and the rings of fortune they are both really popular here the amazon cant figure out the rings of fortune even though he did the barrel in about 1 minute the first time...the grey loves the rings crazy leather box..I have a larger size it came with leather but I have refilled it several times.with shredded paper, fleece, and cotton rope, among other interesting things, he the amazon loves this thing
No as yet no family is found..she is doing well and has decided I am a safe and favoured person...I am still actively searching for her real owners but so far nothing
ok also I meant to say...a book I came across has been really useful to help experiment and is really worth having. The Healthy Bird Cookbook by Robin Deutsch another since I amon the subject of books (not food related) Parrot toy and play areas by Carol S. D'Arrezzo and Lauren Shannon-Nunn I got both at Amazon but I am sure you can get them elsewhere
My rescue Tiki (amazon) is a stinker we have been through almost every commercial pellet food available...before me he was fed a diet rich in junk food and seed...lots of sunflowers I think and lots of peanuts...I do still buy peanuts separately and give for treats as he is pretty much addicted...he wont try any new foods so I keep giving until he tries at least a bite he is slowly broadening his horizons...I am going to try the Harrisons as we have not tried it yet..also the corn bread mix with baby food and other (inserts)isn't as readily rejected add a little apple sauce on top to make it more interesting and sprinkles if you like a little bashed up peanut worked for me lol...I monitor the seeds so I buy the lafeber berries as it helps portion control and I hide them or put them in a toy where he has to work for them...he also will eat things if I hand feed them...hence other posts where I refer to him as special or short bus bird...poor love 16 years cage bound and ignored fed seed and other menaces he gets really excited if he sees a fizzy drink particularly Dr Pepper...I don't drink them so luckily its not often...another thing I have found is puree often works where they don't favour pellets also hiding pellets in birdy bread
My rescue Tiki (amazon) is a stinker we have been through almost every commercial pellet food available...before me he was fed a diet rich in junk food and seed...lots of sunflowers I think and lots of peanuts...I do still buy peanuts separately and give for treats as he is pretty much addicted...he wont try any new foods so I keep giving until he tries at least a bite he is slowly broadening his horizons...I am going to try the Harrisons as we have not tried it yet..also the corn bread mix with baby food and other (inserts)isn't as readily rejected add a little apple sauce on top to make it more interesting and sprinkles if you like a little bashed up peanut worked for me lol...I monitor the seeds so I buy the lafeber berries as it helps portion control and I hide them or put them in a toy where he has to work for them...he also will eat things if I hand feed them...hence other posts where I refer to him as special or short bus bird...poor love 16 years cage bound and ignored fed seed and other menaces he gets really excited if he sees a fizzy drink particularly Dr Pepper...I don't drink them so luckily its not often...another thing I have found is puree often works where they don't favour pellets also hiding pellets in birdy bread
I feed both Tiki and Roswell on a variety Basics pretty much always in the house would include Zupreem Fruit and Exact organic pellets Lafeber Berries and Beak appetite, Organic baby food vegetable mainly, pine nuts and peanuts...others are pasta, oats, millet, beans (sprouted, dry and cooked) the odd box of jiffy corn bread mixed and cooked with the baby food lol...many things off my plate..they force me to eat healthy and watch my vet told me meat was fine but watch out for fats and be aware that meat can occasionally contain parasites...he also said regular ie: maybe once a week yoghurt will mostly combat any possible parasite..we feed mostly lean chicken, beef, and other fowl...I don't feed much pork as it is naturally salty, maybe a bite if I am eating it...I don't feed meat particularly as in I don't make an effort to make sure they have it...if I am eating it and its ok for them to have they will get some...I am also told fish and shellfish is popular with some birds...Mr Tiki likes catfish and some shrimpy things which is a staple here in the south...I am not sure about Roswell yet...they both like eggs which I make often so they may get a little scrabled egg a couple of times a week...just a teaspoon maybe...Tiki is fussy and Roswell is young so a few things are summarily refused by them...we are still learning to "try just a bite" like toddlers lol ..
I didn't strictly FIND her...a friend of mine who works at the library DIRECTED her friend to me as a person who already had "devil bird" (he's not anymore)a mad bad bird who was dangerous to friend figured since the people who's bush she was in were afraid of her and I had spent the past 3 years being bitten daily I wouldn't be afraid to get bitten one more time during a rescue attempt..this one is a sweety however and has only actually broken the skin upside to having her with me is that Mr Tiki (my Red Lored love) who hates all food except for two types in typical Amazon fashion has now decided if "NEW BIRD" will eat it so will he...Yay for flock competition...unfortunately for me...when I was trying to put the beak appetite in Tiki's cage yesterday he got a little over excited at the competition food arriving and bit me drawing as usual with the feathered it was a double edged sword...however yesterday and this morning he ate his Cinnamon sunrise (beak appetite) with relish A FIRST...maybe we can move on to veggies vet will be so pleased..meanwhile Roswell (CAG) and Mr. Tiki (Red Lored Amazon) today are sitting at opposite ends of my Dining room on top of their cages so far no flying attacks..Yay any tips on how to move to a play stand (neutral territory) later gratefully received...sadly still no sign of Roswell's real family...If I don't hear anything by the time Baton Rouge bird fair happens I will buy her a large cage...I cant bear to see her in Tiki's travel cage...which is not suitable for a long term home...only for a week or two on holiday somewhere
Sorry no microchip...but she is banded I am trying to trace that with a leg band far no leads...likewise on 911 parrot no leads....I am trying to read up on what to do with red short bus special lol...but Roswell seems normal...I know they have plucking issues and dietary concerns so I am trying to find out as I go...meanwhile thanks for any tips...L
ok sorry I cant figure out how to get an image on
Ok so here is a pic of Roswell..and her perch makes me laugh with the chick behavior and I am glad its nothing to worry about...shes eating regular food...exact pellets lafeber berries and cinnamon sunrise or veggie delight by beak appetite as well as the regular safe human style foods I don't think she still needs baby food... she gets excited and nips fingers trying to feed from them sometimes though...yesterday she was all quiet in her cage...talking to herself I hear a very human Yelp then she says "ouch" and after that she says "naughty girl no bite"...not learned from me... so obviously she has got a little over excited with her real parents in the past also...which makes me feel somewhat better lol
So true..I look at my two especially Mr. Tiki and remember when he was such a mess..unable to trust as he had no reason to...rescue and rehab brings its own reward...especially when you get past the band aids part lol
I found one in Baton Rouge Louisiana...that's why I am on here...she doesn't know the band number does she...just on the off chance
Ok so I was in the lost and Found and rescue section for a bit...bypassing I just wanted to say HI...I joined here as I found/rescued a CAG out of a tree...and figured if someone lost one they may come was one of the many places I have tried to find my rescue's parents for expediency we will call her "Roswell" far no parents have come forward...despite adverts and postings all over..and calling all the vets and practically anyone with an advert saying they lost a CAG going about a year back and all over the country (just in case)...No one has claimed my little lost soul so far..and I am fast becoming attached to her...she doesn't have any yellow in her eyes yet and I am told that is a sure sign she is not very vet and two CAG breeders agree she is most likely a SHE due to the grey veining in her tail feathers...Ros is fast becoming friendly and trusts me better now and is exhibiting chick tendencies she wants to feed from my fingers...she is making little grunty um um noises like a winey this normal...I already have a Red Lored Amazon...but he was a rescue from a bad situation and doesn't do many normal bird behaviors so sometimes its hard to tell with Ros if its normal...the vet said she is in good health...she is eating fine and she is doing all the rest of the pooping etc that she should be so I thought it might be a CAG thing...any advice is good...anyway her is my hello as was requested in the rescue section...thanks for putting up with me...L
She actually wasn't convinced it was her bird..she said she was not sure as her bird would have responded differently...but they are trying to find the band number just to rule it out...I phoned a AG breeder today and she said it was really hard to trace a band number