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Everything posted by bebo08

  1. bebo08

    Food questions

    P.S. here is a picture of Cookie when i got her 1 year ago ... she was very small. .. i will send an updated picture shortly
  2. HELLO I read in many articles that beans (kidney, chickpeas .. etc ) should be served cooked ... what does that mean? does that mean serving them boiled?! if not can you please help in telling me how to cook them?? another question ... the below viggies ... do i serve them raw or boiled? 1-Red Beets, 2-Radishes, 3-Turnips, 4-Squash, 5-okra finally is it true that greys can eat Parsley ... becoz i used to have love birds at one point in time and the pet store guy said that parslet will kill them, does that apply to greys?!<br><br>Post edited by: bebo08, at: 2009/12/02 08:40
  3. bebo08

    Parrots Cold

    Hi She, can you post the pic? cause i cant see it, maybe i can go and check with one of the pet stores in my neighborhood
  4. bebo08

    Parrots Cold

    Thank you all for the feedback, I called the doctor couple of hours ago and asked him if Cookie could catch whatever illness that bird has, so he said that it is possible and i should monitor my baby for the coming 72 hours and if any unusual symptoms appear i should take her to the clinic Immediately... anyways, i tried to look up this forum to see if lemon is harmful or not to AGs in general, but i could not find any, so i googled it and found this amazing video on youtube for an AG eating a piece of lemon, so i instantly cut a lemon and gave it to her just as a precautionary action and she seemed to be enjoying it ... she did not eat that much but she ate some which hopefully will be helpful ... thank you everyone again ... and will keep you informed...
  5. bebo08

    Parrots Cold

    Hi Rana, thank you for the advise, hope that this will help... when i got home, i instantly gave her a bath "i dont know why" i washed her beak and put alot of "Prime" vitamine on her food.... i will make sure to get orange now and let her eat it as you advised. thanks again
  6. Hi folks, i took my TAG Cookie today to the vet to clip her nails, anyways, after the nurse finished clipping, i put Cookie back in her cage for me to pay the money, when i got back i saw that someone was playing with her and touching her beak, he seemed to be a nice guy, so i asked him why he is at the vet's clinic, he said that his CAG caught cold and the doctor is giving it some medicine... when he told me that i got freaked out and went crazy on him, i told him that he shouldnt have touched my parrot if his parrot has cold, becuase mine could catch it, then he started laughing and said that i should not be worried cause its not contagious ... i dont know, i dont believe him, can you please help, can Cookie catch cold or not through this stupid moron?
  7. Hi folks, i cant find aloe-vera oil in any nearby shop, however i found a 100% cactus oil ... its green and the weird thing its not oily!! so is cactus and aloe vera are the same or not? thank u.
  8. bebo08

    Red Mites

    I took my african grey to the vet and he diagnosed her for red mites, he gave me the treatment, however i was wondering do red mites affect human?
  9. bebo08


    so basically you are saying this is not mites
  10. bebo08


    Hi dave, well, yes, she itches alot, she doest pluck feather, but rather i see alot of downys on daily basis ... the doctor did not diagnose her for mites, but today morning i found a small black bug on the cage bars this morning so i assumed its mites... ever since i got her and she is inside the house never went out ... i guess i will have to see another doctor...
  11. bebo08


    and by the way another doctor recommended to use this spray http://www.scratchex.com/ftspray.htm so i dont know what do you think guys... does the dogs and cats treatments work for parrots as well?
  12. bebo08


    hi ranaz, ironically in the past 3 years, i used to visit dubai every other month but this year due to financial crises i dont think that i will visit dubai anytime soon however my sister lives in Al Ain, i will ask her to check for me ... however if you can help in telling me the exact location of these 2 places, i would highly appreciated ... the British vet clinic NAD Al Shiba Falcon hospital thank you
  13. bebo08


    Dear All, i am afraid that one of my birds has got infected with mites, so i went to the vet and he gave me a product that is made in holland called "Aerosol Spray for Cage Birds" it does not sound for me as a brand name, anyways, i researched on the internet and could not find a manufacturing source, so i really dont feel comfortable for using it, and unfortunetly, my country does not really have vets nor pet stores that are specialized in birds and birds treatments, so i was wondering if you can help me in telling if the below active ingredients are safe or not 1- Pyrethrins 2- Piperonylbutoxide 3- hydrocarbons .... appreciate your feedback.
  14. i like the name Zahra .... i believe you understand what does it mean, right?
  15. bebo08

    fennel bulbs

    thank you "lovethatgrey"
  16. bebo08

    fennel bulbs

    by the way it tastes good if you eat it raw ... they say its good for the eyes ...
  17. bebo08

    fennel bulbs

    Yeah i guess some people call it sweet anise ... here is the picture just in case ... <br><br>Post edited by: bebo08, at: 2009/03/21 16:54
  18. bebo08

    fennel bulbs

    Hi Folks, is fennel good for greys? i like to eat it raw and the other day she was trying to have a bite but i did not allow her cause i was not sure if its safe for her or not ///
  19. bebo08


    Hi folks, i have a question, my TAG koki is apprently having a new feather coming up on her forehead... however this feather is still under the skin... koki enjoys to be head scratched and sometimes i feel that she asks for it ... more to the point, today while i was petting her head .. i noticed that there are red spots (looks like blood under skin) around the new feather ... should i be worried ?
  20. Hi Dave, I already bought the small-size for my baby Timneh.. she is 5 months old now ... so you recommend to get the medium one ... she is around 350 grams? though i had directly contacted the parrot university and they recommended the small size for timneh grey...
  21. thank you tinytimneh ... that was really helpful.. one more question, why how long is the leash that comes with the harness and do i really need to get the standalone leash?
  22. actually, she doesnt accept to eat anything expcet for seeds ... i tried all the possible ways with her in the past 1 month and nothing seems to be working .. she only nibbles from broccoli and celery that i hang right next to the food bowl, other than that she just throws aways the vegetables, fruits and pellets ... so i thought i could add a little bit of this vitamin supplement in her water bowl until she starts to accept the different food i provide
  23. Hi Guys, do you have any clue if this vitamin supplement is good or not?
  24. hi folks ... long time which harness is better? 1) Feather Teather Harness 2) Aviator bird harness the weird thing with the aviator harness is that you have to buy the leash seperately ... but the FTH comes with the leash already....
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