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Everything posted by daveyj

  1. A bath / shower / misting at least once a week will help;)
  2. Flight feathers & tail feathers are painfull when new ones are coming through its like you having an ingrowing toenail so when touched or knocked they hurt the feathers wont all come at once so it will take time so if this is the problem try not to touch the wings or tail and keep an eye on any old feathers if they appear then i think this is whats going on
  3. Is he moulting his flight feathers Alfie my grey used to do this when he was casting old feathers or the new ones were coming through if it is the flight feathers dont worry it will pass after they pop through
  4. It happens every morning without fail A stretch of the wings and flick of the tail A tiny whistle followed by a kiss A poop on the paper hope he dosent miss Breakfast for him and a cuppa for me A wonderful day its going to be He bursts into song what a noise he makes It wont be long before my head aches Shut up Alfie your getting to loud On his perch he sits so proud It dosent matter what i say Its just another of those grey days
  5. Having opened a new tub of Margerine this morning i got the shock of my life with what i saw I will leave it to your imagination to what it looks like ?
  6. Wow how close was that :ohmy: He would have had a shock if the Cat was on the way in
  7. They lay four eggs And sit them tight Throughout the day And throughout the night After a while they start to chip And out pops those tiny chicks Mum and Dad they feed them milk Those little chicks with feathers of silk Very soon the colours grey And those little chicks they love to play At twelve weeks they are fully weaned Off to new homes to forfill someones dream There will be love laughter and tears These wonderful birds live for many years So dont forget they are more than a friend Give them all your love to the very end
  8. Hope that water aint from the tees he might turn Green round the edges Luverly Pic
  9. Just a line for me to say Ive missed my friends everyday A nasty virus on my computer She opened an Email that didnt suit her Now things are sorted and computer clean If you missed me thats where ive been So now i hope to keep in touch Coz ive missed you all very much xx
  10. Some are dark grey,some are light Some are gentle,some like to fight All are different in there own way Just like there owners, some may say Everyday its a laugh and giggle Watch out for poop, when that bum wiggles That strange eye goes big and small Do beware when they stand tall Watch them fingers,they like to nip Hurts even more if they get a grip Kisses and cuddles they love to do Because deep down, they really love you So treat them well and do be nice You'll have a friend,for the rest of your life.
  11. Welcome Aly so glad you could join us
  12. daveyj

    Link for Tv

    Congrats on a great achievement Carol ya neva know it could be the start of a TV show as a presenter 4 you
  13. I was getting Petrol this morning and the man opposite me said morning do you know a bird has pooped big style on your shoulder mate. I turned my head to see a large amount stuck on my T shirt so i sniffed at it and said to the man thats no ordinary poop thats Parrot poop He laughed and said yeah Parrot poop in England I said its deffinatly Parrot Poop He said how would you know that I said well hes been Poopin there for the last 12 months {Feel-good-0002006E}
  14. Ha Ha i luv it you got ya own parrot CCTV
  15. Im very sorry Ana Grey Silly me missed your hatchday I hope you had a day of fun Now you are the age of one I wont forget when you reach two There will be a poem just for you Ive made a note so i dont forget So you be good for mom Janet
  16. Charlie A Jasper B keeko C now give me the cash
  17. Alfies been on Harrisons 2 weeks now and i noticed he now poops for England there seems twice the amount lol
  18. Keeko's had to visit the vet His mum Caroline was a little upset That porley wing its just a sprain So the medication will ease the pain In a few days he will be fine Bet his mum has a glass of wine So all is well and a little rest Keeko will be back to his best The only thing left to say Is guess the results of the DNA
  19. Thats Great news Caroline i feel a Poem coming on lol
  20. Its my pleasure to put into words what Greyt friends Alfie & I have all around the world {Feel-good-000200A2} {Love-0002011D}{Nature-00020095}{Sports-000200F1}
  21. Caitlin is the vidio queen Look on YouTube and see what i mean An animal lover and Vet to be Soon to treat her own without a fee Making toys for Ecko's play A beautiful baby in everyway These pets are lucky Caitlin's there mom Each day together life's full of fun She loves the photos of our pets to Nothing more to say only Thank You
  22. Ha Ha Ha so sweet i wish Alfie would say it ive been telling him for 10 months but its a bit one way traffic :angry:
  23. Oh dear poor Georgie i hope hes goin to be alright its fortunate that you got to the vets poppy i would have paniced big time I know your holiday is booked but Georgies in good hands so you go on ya holls hes only a phone call away
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