Sounds like Bella just wants some space. I let my grey come out of her cage on her own. She has hanging perches and boings all over the house so she can sit and watch the house revolve. I find that if I let her come and go as she pleases with supervision she will come and hang out with my more often.
Fruits are watery so that is why the droppings are probably watery. You should probably mix up the foods a little more. You should take a look in the Food Room where members have posted recipes, etc. that they provide to their fids. Jasper certainly is a handsome bird!! Thanks for sharing him with us!
Waiting until you arrive in the US is certainly the way to go. Why put yourself or a new grey through the stress and uncertainty of travel and then being separated for months. You will have your Grey family here to keep you company until you move and there are oodles of information in these threads to keep you busy for months. Welcome to the Grey Family!
I live alone with my birds, so I have no answers for you. This is an interesting question as others have posted about their greys mimicing the "less" favored member of the family and I am also curious to know the answer. Karma to you for posting a perplexing question.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/01/05 20:56
How it bugs me when Ana Grey has a feather out of place. She has had a missing tail feather for awhile and it drives me crazy!!!!! Finally she is starting to grown in a new one. Thank goodness!!!!!
They are all so different. If Ana Grey had her way she would want to have scratches 24/7. When I stop is when she grabs my hand for more!!!! Marguerite is so right you have to learn to read your grey.