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Everything posted by Luvparrots

  1. I'm so sorry to hear this. I would also post in the local grocery stores and gas stations. I hope you find your baby quickly. I'm be praying for his safe return.
  2. Congratulations Beau, you are a smarty pants!!!! This is wonderful news Robin. Things are all coming up roses for sweet Beau now! Hooray!
  3. Hi Logan and Kihei, you have come to the right place to learn about African greys. I look forward to hearing more about Kihei and seeing some pictures of your sweet grey in her new forever home. Welcome to the Grey family!
  4. It's always great to be able to watch and listen to Dayo. He is so sweet and self-assured. Love your Dayo Journal Professor.
  5. Very nice looking bird stand. You do great work. I'm impressed! I am also jealous, you have a sauna! Now I am so very jealous!
  6. Then Jill, perhaps it was never Harvey's problem and only yours!!!!!! The sunshine has worked wonders on you!! Truthfully, I would just enjoy the good times and not over think your good fortune!
  7. Sunshine like any little kid is trying to see "how far can I go." Because Ana Grey can now fly I just tell her no and gently swat her away. She has gotten really good with the phrase "Stop that" because she has heard it so often! She loves to sit on my computer screen and beak the off button! Just be consistent and firm as you would a small child. Redirect Sunshine to some other preferable activity perhaps.
  8. My pictures were coming out small also, or I got the message, "file to large" so I unchecked the little box that said "Retrieve remote file and reference" and got a larger picture.
  9. My Ana Grey loves hot peppers and I buy them for her all the time. I have to be careful because I am allergic to them and if I get any on my mouth, I choke and cough something terrible. So great for Ana Grey, bad for Janet!
  10. Murphy certainly is practicing away! It won't be long now! Very cute video!
  11. I knot plastic straws together for my grey all the time. She loves to play with them.
  12. Oh my that is too perfectly real sounding. That would drive me buggy!
  13. What great baby birdie pictures Jay!
  14. Everything is new to Rene so I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding. Their beaks are used like our hands so perhaps Rene was just testing the firmest of his "perch". You will both get use to each other soon so don't worry, I don't think you did anything wrong.
  15. Hi Paul, welcome to you and Murphy and the rest of your family! Murphy certainly is a little cutie!
  16. Well let's see, my Ana Grey will sit on the top of my computer screen and turn off my computer. She does this to get my attention. She knows it irritates me and her newest phrase is, "No, stop it." with a little chuckle.
  17. That is just too funny Talonsis!!!
  18. I enjoy hearing about Joey. He has a personality all his own (don't they all). Thank you for explaining some about his life and how he came to live with you. You is very lucky to have found you!
  19. Good for Emma. I believe she does know what it means. What a smart little lady Emma is!
  20. Great looking pictures Jeanna. That's a great looking playgym you and your boyfriend have made. These are great pictures of your baby's first month. I notice that your grey is out without a harness. Please invest in a harness for your grey if you are going to be taking him out. Even if they are clipped they can still take on air under their wings. Many greys have flown away because their owners thought they couldn't fly. While a grey is young is the best time to harness train them.
  21. Great looking pictures. Like the color of his cage!
  22. Hi Jeanna. You didn't say if your grey a baby or older. Perhaps once we learn more about your grey maybe we can help with the naming. I didn't find a name for my grey until I had a chance to get to know her and then her name just popped into my head. Ana Grey is my little sweetheart. Jeanna, I'm looking forward to hearing more about your grey and seeing some pictures. Welcome to the Grey family!
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