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Everything posted by Luvparrots

  1. Merry Christmas to all. To those who have passed on, I so miss you.
  2. Yes, ignore it and leave it be for now. If you take it out your lady might lay more and that's a no, no.
  3. I have a humming bird feeder at my front window. When a humming bird is stationary flittering and gathering nectar is marvelous to see.
  4. Adorable hummingbird. Thanks for sharing this great experience with us. 🐉
  5. Just curious....... How many Members have their greys microchipped?? My Ana Grey has been since 2008. When I got her. If she is taken to a vet, I should be contacted, unless the culprit is also Janet..... l
  6. Have you tried bells and other noisey things. I have perches in front of windows so they can see cars/people go by and make a lot of noise.
  7. Now I see it. You have your own home inspector!!! 😄
  8. I couldn't find the film, either.
  9. Kisses to Alfie. i hope is well for him now.
  10. Glad you are back!!!! Looking forward to reading more.
  11. Welcome to the Forum Family. Auri sounds like a loving grey. Looking forward to getting to know you both.
  12. Ana Grey, tag, is 13 years old, raised her from a chick, and Sadie, Lilac-headed Zon, is 22 years old, she is a rescue. They are great and I am getting over my 1st Covid shot. Life is good.
  13. So sorry to hear about Frank. He will be watching over us all; that's for sure.
  14. Hey, hey welcome! Pictures are always enjoyed, hint! hint!
  15. What is the Chat Box for if not General Chat??????
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