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Everything posted by Ina

  1. Ina


    To Kookers Mom, I an new to this forum and tonight i decided to read your story, it brought tears and tears to my eyes, I was so hart broken that the people at work could not understand why all of a sudden I was in tears. I am so sorry for your lost and just wish you all the best with the new baby. i do not have words ........... but my baby is 10 months old and i love him/her so much I will totally go crazy
  2. tracy welldone, i have copy,paste,laminate it and placed it on my work desk and also at home where charlie has his own wall of fame. excellent to all grey owners
  3. great stuff, i also bought some grapes for charlie today but he refuse to eat them but i will try tomorrow again and hopefully he will tast then eat them :ohmy:
  4. The pictures are stunning, please update us with more and goodluck with your baby
  5. Charlie says: kom eet jou kos (come eat your food), boykie-boykie and he coughs like my friend but i would like him to talk much more as i spend a lot of time with him, i even recorded a cd for him to listern when i am not at home, but hey i cannot wait for my boykie to keep on and on with his talking. He is now 10 months old and i luv him dearly specially when he speaks his words
  6. Hi All, Charlie my Grey is 10 months old, when I received him as a present 3months ago her wings was clipped. She does not fly around in the house but stays just about all day on her cage where she will be happy. If it is a nice day I will take her outside underneath the shade cloth where she will sit on her cage and I will be busy doing something. Lately she has been flapping her wings alot giving it some exersize. There is also alot of planes going pass my home and I am just sceared that she 1day gets a fright and fly away. I dont know what I will do should that happen ........ My Jardine Pepe goes regulary to have his feathers clipped which the vet puts him under anasetic and also trim his beack and nails but lately does not like it and starts to bite (not sure if the vet hurt him last time but he does remember it) My question: Both needs to have their feathers clipped. What are your opinion please advise because it will need to be done nextweek when I am on leave.
  7. Pat, it is so sad to year about Spike, me heart goes out to you. These featherkids is so special to us and we just luv them to bits, be strong and we think of you
  8. Hi Wendy and welcome to the forum. Please update us of your baby girl and goodluck
  9. Hi Wendy and welcome to the forum. Please update us of your baby girl and goodluck
  10. Hi Casey, Welcome to the forum. The picture of your grey looks to beautifull. Keep posting. I am also new and will post my pictures shortly.
  11. Hi Sean, welcome to the grey forum. I am also new and i have learnt so much already. Please keep posting as we would like to know about your baby:)
  12. thanks to you all for welcoming to the forum. I have already learnt so much about greys. Will be on this forum at least once a day. great people on this forum keep it up and i will post a picture of charlie soon
  13. i also have two bird, Charlie (10 months) the Grey and Pepe the jardine (3yrs). i had pepe before i got charlie but i cannot let the two birds out together as pepe will attack charlie although he is the smallest. I think it is more yelously. Pepe is also the active bird (more bitchy) and charlie is the calm and patient bird. I wish pepe could be like charlie.
  14. i also have two bird, Charlie (10 months) the Grey and Pepe the jardine (3yrs). i had pepe before i got charlie but i cannot let the two birds out together as pepe will attack charlie although he is the smallest. I think it is more yelously. Pepe is also the active bird (more bitchy) and charlie is the calm and patient bird. I wish pepe could be like charlie.
  15. Ina

    MAX Has Gone

    All i can say is I hope MAX comes home 1 day. What happend to your MAX can happen to our birds as well, to me it is also an eye opener. I wish to you all the best with your new grey. God bless and be strong you are in our thoughts ...
  16. Ina

    MAX Has Gone

    All i can say is I hope MAX comes home 1 day. What happend to your MAX can happen to our birds as well, to me it is also an eye opener. I wish to you all the best with your new grey. God bless and be strong you are in our thoughts ...
  17. hi, welcome back and nice to hear of all of you
  18. hi, welcome back and nice to hear of all of you
  19. hi, welcome back and nice to hear of all of you
  20. Hi and welcome, keep us updated about your birdie who has been attacked by your dog. Tell us what happend and hope he is doing fine.
  21. I am so sorry to hear about Spike. Starting to cry all over again. You are in my thoughts and remember you did what you could.
  22. I cried as I was reading your mail. I would do the same, bring him home where he belongs and take one day at a time. Spike you are in my thoughts and i wish you all the best.
  23. Ina

    Head shaking

    it's best to take him to a vet and have him checked out. Please supply us with feedback. Goodluck!
  24. Hi, just egnore him or else he will keep throwing his food
  25. Welcome you both Kate and April, from Charlie;s mom Ina {Feel-good-000200A2}
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