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Posts posted by she

  1. Hi. I cant comment on your other posts and I dont know who or why you were advised to rehome your bird. I will say I as so so happy that things turned out so well. I also wish to thank you for posting such fantastic pictures and the update on Bear and his friend Bean. To me it sounds like they both have a fantastic life and lots of love and care . It sounds like you had a negative experiance when you asked for advise on Bean and I hope you dont let that put you off keeping us updated on your birds . I am facinated by your life on a reserve which must be so rewarding and I am sure you can be a really great and valuble member of our forum. Sheila xxx

  2. omg What a shock. I cant get on the forum as often as I like nowadays but love the videos and stories you post of Emma. I am so glad the story had a happy ending . We can all sympathies with the fright and worry you must have gone through, it is my worst nightmare.

  3. I agree it wasn't a seizure. My old tiel had seizures toward the end of her life and they resembled nothing like Ozzie experienced. It would only be guess work to say what happened but I am so glad everything is OK.

  4. I took the seed catcher off my cage,I found it harder to clean than the floor.Also as has already beed said,it plays havock with the decorating,mind you the birds do enough of that anyway so that doesnt matter lol.

  5. I do full time shift work.Charlie my grey and Cracker my tiel do great with this.The important thing is quality time when you get home.I always leave foraging toys and stuff for them to wreck and rip up. It does mean a lot of adjustment,for instance I dont go out again once I am in from work and I plan ahead a lot more, but yes you can keep a grey and work.

  6. You know, I was a very active member on her from the day I joined. I loved the forum for what it was,a very good imformative place to learn and give advise.Above all it was a place where I felt a part of and enjoyed being. This thread is an example of why I do not come on hear anywhere near as often as I did. People feel the need to critisise rather than help and encourage people.At the end of the day,the birds are my concern, not who said what to who. PLEASE GREY FORUMS GET IT TOGETHER AGAIN.

  7. aw so cute. Yes please let us all know how the little darling starling does and when and if he is released. Is it possible to release a hand reared starling back to the wild? I cant see it being easy.

  8. It is so exciting when you bring your little bird home. I wish you and the bird all the luck in the world. 24 weeks does seem a little old to be needing 4 feeds a day . Please let us know how the home coming goes.

  9. It is so sad when a bird or any animal is not treated as it should be but I love seeing them in a new caring home where they never need to worry again about anything. OK Buddy may never be a cuddle bug but who cares,he is safe and happy and thats all that matters.

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