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Posts posted by she

  1. I totally agree,a trip to the vet would be a good idea,He could have been exposed to illness from wild birds or eaten something he shouldnt,he will most likely still be feeling very scared and confused from his adventures.Please let us know how he is getting on.

  2. Yes he has carrot all over his beak. He is a very messy eater,arent they all lol. I do often end up with food in my hair,on my clothes,on the walls,well its all part of the charm.

  3. No Judy I had no idea you now had a tiel,arent they just fantastic little birds. You will have to tell me all about him/her. Cracker can tell when its bed time, he will let you know sometime between 8.30 and 9.00 pm that its night night and he wants his blanket on his cageHe shouts at the top of his voice so you have to put him to bed,

  4. Oh no I come on the forum and yet again bad feeling,what is happening to this forum. Please management sort it out once and for all. I think the reason Julie asked for a pm is exactly that it is not a political site. This is an off topic room and I came to this post to add my appreciation to armed forces ,British and American, and what do I find , this. I loved this forum and it is so sad what is becoming of it,.I am angry and upset.

    • Haha 1
  5. I am one member who posted on this forum daily. I fazed off the forum because I felt the atmosphere was bad. I did not like the name calling and bickering and what seemed to me people ganging up on one person or other. Forgive me if I Am wrong but that is how is looked. Jess you are so right , this is a feed back section and I hope what gets said is taken seriously. I sent a pm to penny a couple of weeks ago voicing my feelings and as yet have had no reply. This hurt as I have been a very active member for some time.I now feel I am not valued at all so spend my time elsewhere. I also voiced my concerns a good few months back and the post was deleted. Was that not the time for the trouble that was brewing to be delt with. I can still see a few people have problems with each other , it is obvious to such a long time member. Please do not let such a fantastic forum be ruined because of situations being left untill they go too far.

  6. very early days indeed. All birds take time to adjust to a new home and are often quite upset when they first move. Sit close to her just chatting to her and offer her treats from your hand if she will take them,through the cage bars if she is nervous.once she settles a bit open her cage and let her come out on her own. Dont force any interaction,let it be on her terms.

  7. I agree. this sort of procedure is best performed on a new injury and on a young bird for the best success. He probably doesnt even notice that he has this problem. My concern would be as he got older he may develope some sort of arthericic changes in the leg but a vet could advise you on this better than me.

  8. Well they dont come much madder than me lol. Mad , crazey, call it what you like but I love my birds and people who own them ,well most ,seem to be loving kind people. So I am proud as well.

  9. I have an iphone and I am having problems posting on the forum with it. When I try and reply to a thread it asks for a title and then it wont go any further,has any body else had this problem or know how I can solve it. Thanks.

  10. Charlie will fly to me when I call him IN THE HOUSE. I doubt very much the same would happen if god forbid the unthinkable happened and he flew out a door. I can see how some people may be lulled into a false sence of security and think their bird would come back if escaped. The bird for a start would be confused,disorientated and scared.A pet bird can have a very hard time if it gets free.

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