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Everything posted by BaxtersMom

  1. I can picture that in my mind Susan. That is hilarious!!! But you know what...she's knows how to do it now. This is probably just the beginning of her helping herself.
  2. My amazon does the same thing. He cries like a baby. He must have come from a home with a baby as well because it's a perfect cry. If he hears a baby crying on the TV he will cry too. Even now playing that video he starting mimicking the crying again....He's still crying right now. And yes, it's cute as long as it doesn't last too long.
  3. Oh that was fun. I turned out to be a parakeet, too. :laugh: Said I was misunderstood. another:laugh:
  4. Oh, I do hope Willis is on the mend. You did everything in your power to help him get over this and acted quickly, too. I know how scary it can be when they get ill. Baxter got ill a few months ago too and I was a nervous wreck. He didn't come out of his cage and he didn't move from his sleeping perch all day. His eyes were closed most of the day and he wasn't perched on one foot. His poop wasn't normal either and he wouldn't eat or drink that entire day. I had never seen him like this before. The vet wasn't open that day (Sunday of course) but I planned on taking him in the morning. Later than night, he crept out of his cage and showed signs of improvement and starting acting like his normal self again. I guess he just had a bug because the next day he was back to his old self again. (whew!) Sure was scary so I know how you are feeling right now. I guess they can have a bad day or two just as we do. I hope Willis recovers quickly from this. It sounds like he is getting better already thanks to you knowing what to do. Keep us posted. I will say a prayer for Willis to get better soon.
  5. Oh, how adorable. It looks like Too of some kind. How precious. I want one.
  6. My ex stole from our house time and time again..and then would tell me some stupid story and expect me to believe it. All he did was lie. I made excuses to why I stayed in the relationship. That was stupid. And yes, he probably will hurt, kill or sell your fids if you don't intervine now. Its funny you said he didn't know how bad he was. After 10 years of marriage, mine said he didn't even know our marriage was in trouble. I dump the looser now. Before he hurts your animals.
  7. I just wrote a very long post about my experience as a wife of a drug addict and lost it all. arrghh. Here is the short version. I was married for 10 years to a drug addict. The first year was ok and I was pretty happy but then again, maybe not. I also found out I was pregnant on my 1 year anniversary. The next 9 years I was miserable with him but felt obligated. After 10 years I finally walked out. It emotionally scarred my son terribly and me too. Its funny how I was the straight one and responsible one and the only one who worked steady but he got all the sympathy. My ex died when he was about 46 years old from a "drug cocktail" prescription drugs and street drugs about 5 years ago. My son hates his dad for all the pain he caused us and he hates me for not being able to save or fix his dad. His dad is dead but he hasn't talked to me either for about 3 years now. Don't think it doesn't affect kids or that it will all work out in the long run. It doesn't always happen that way. Yes, a drug addict can over come it only if they want to. I have known a few to over come drug addiction but it wasn't because of a woman or a man. I would get out of the relationship. I know it's easier said than done though. I just know I totally screwed up my life and my sons life by just enduring the hell and fooling myself that it would all work out. I thought I was being "strong" by hanging in their when I was really being a coward by staying. I realize that know and too late and my son and me are paying the price to this day. I couldn't get up the nerve to go and I worried about what would happen to my ex if I wasn't there to support him. Now he's dead, my son doesn't do drugs but he is very depressed and withdrawn and won't let me even talk to him. It's very sad. I'm still paying to this day and so is my son. I am bitter now and that's why I say get out while you still can. I wasted the best years of my life on him. Good luck on what ever you decide. You asked about experiences. That was mine. Not a happy ending. By the way, I stopped loving him after the first year, just endured the rest. Your decisions do matter and your happiness matters too.
  8. My grey Baxter is 13 years old. I think he might be the oldest one on this forum. Does anyone know of one older than Baxter on here? I've also wondered this same thing. Why don't we hear about more older greys? It kind of worries me....what happens to them once they get older? Do people just quit talking about them? Or worse, do they not make it that long in captivity? Or do people just get rid of them and so on? Wish I knew.
  9. I have heard of greys who clam up when their owners are around are called "closet talkers" I got my grey when he was already 12 years old and he would never talk when I was in sight. If I was away from him and he couldn't see me he would talk quite alot or even call me from other rooms but as soon as he seen me, he was quiet. I got a set of baby monitors and put one near his cage and took the other one in another room with me. Wow, did I hear a bunch of talking. Mostly rubbish in different voices that I couldn't understand and a bunch of sound effects. I would sit for hours listening. I also took a small recording device (before the monitors) and that was cool, too cuz you can rewind and listen over and over. Baxter will talk around me sometimes now, but he's much more vocal when I am somewhere else. Greys are so fun and yes we do go to great lengths for them, don't we?:silly:
  10. I am so sorry for you loss and I do understand. I lost a pet, it was a cat that passed away about 1 year ago. (Jan 14th) I had her for 12 years since she was only 4 weeks old. When you love a pet that much I don't know if you ever really get over it. I am still thinking about my precious kitty and I do still love her and miss her. People might think I am crazy but I have pictures of her around the house and I look at them pretty often but I am glad to see her. I look back at all our good times through the years and I have to smile. She made my heart so full and she still does so I am glad I still think of her and am just thankful that she was in my life. I was blessed to have her. You were blessed to have Macey too. Try to think of the good times. Our precious pets that were part of our families are at peace and at a better place. Might sound strange but they wouldn't want us to be sad. Remember the good times and it will help your heart feel better. I wouldn't want to ever forget my kitty and I doubt you would want to forget Macey. We were blessed to have them in our lives. Hugs.
  11. It sounds like your Shaka zulu might be a bit hormonal. It happens and they can get quite ugly during these times. It is not uncommon for them to get territorial of their cages and even more aggressive during the hormonal changes if that's what it is. I thought they got hormonal during the summer time or hot season but I'm not sure. I would recommend using a stick or a perch to get him off his cage when you need to. If he isn't stick trained it's always a good thing for them to learn as a back up for those "bad days". If he gets real bad and biting then he just needs to be left alone untill it passes. Don't invite the danger by trying to stand your ground. If it is a hormonal stage he will most likely win every time and you can't reason with them at this time. No sense in having bloody fingers and lips. Hopefully his behavior will return to normal shortly but if it's hormonal it can last a month or so too. Or maybe he's just having a bad few days and something is upsetting him. Have you made any major changes since this behavior began? changed furniture around? Put something new by his cage? Changed hair color? Even small changes can sometimes upset our feathered friends. Keep us posted.
  12. I'm sorry you are going through the hormonal phase with Darius. Hopefully it will pass soon. Bonkers my conure never really got out of his hormonal phase and it's been about 8 months. :blink: It's better but he's been so unpredictable since last June. It's pretty sad. I can see why so many parrots end up in shelters when an unsuspecting owner enters the hormonal stages. I know that you are well equipped to handle anything that comes your way though. B)
  13. Those are great. I especially love the 3rd one where Cocoa's looking right into the camera. I'd have that one framed and hung on the wall!
  14. I have gotten several really nice cages off of craigslist for $200 and under. Nice big grey size cages, too. Just make sure they do not have any rust on them and they are in very good condition and a quality cage. Make sure they are big enough to house your grey. The dimensions on my greys cage are approx 36" wide, 24" deep and about 66" tall but I actually wish he had a bigger cage than that. It's hard to find a new grey cage for less than $200 if you buy them new and have had very good luck with www.craigslist.com
  15. That was a good one. He's definatly got the beat down.
  16. It's not a playstand but we have been know to take boings and hang them from the ceiling. Several of them fly to them regularly and hang out. Since they hook into the ceiling they can be taken down any time. It's pretty convienent and easy. I also have a larger hanging perch. Made out of wood in three big pieces (like a triangle) and it hangs from a cotton rope. You can add toys to the rope too if you want to. Another thing I should mention is too put something down under them like newspaper or a plastic matt to catch the poop. :whistle:<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2010/01/16 21:29
  17. Welcome back Pat. I just came back too. Since so much has went on with you, maybe you can post it all in segments. So how is your flock doing? I see some pics of some new? macaws, Darius and Chatot?...is there something you'd like to tell us. :whistle:
  18. Very well said, Pat. We shouldn't critisize what we don't know. They probably thought the pet store was the best solution and it probably was.
  19. Great update Susan, I love it that she says "I want out" I bet that's hilarious. Like she's a prisoner or something. haha. Did you give her a hatch day party this year?
  20. My thread was called Beat Up By Bonkers. :laugh: I got some good advice in there. Hopefully, it is just a phase that won't last too long.
  21. Hi, I've been out for more than a few months so I won't hold it against you. I didn't know that you had a senegal since I've been off the forum for awhile too. I've had some major problems with our nanday conure. He had a hormonal spell last June that he's never really returned all the way back to normal. Pull up my thread on Bonkers my conure. (It's too long to go into on here) Also I got some great advice from Dave007 and I think he knows everything there is to know about Senegals. I would pm or email him and get his advice. Good luck. I know how it is to have a crazy bird in the house. I felt Bonkers just went evil one day. It's been a long road and I don't know if he'll ever like my dog again. Me and him are making some very slow progress. In the last couple days he has let me give him a few head scratches and I haven't done that since last June! Anytime I used to get near him he would bite and draw blood (never had to get stitches though but close) and he would dive bomb toward my face:ohmy: so I learned my lesson and haven't really tried to handle him at all untill a few days ago and to my surprise he is accepting head scratches but he still won't let me pick him up. I feel for you. I hope you can figure out something that will work for you. I'd ask Dave. Keep us updated:) and tell Schroeder hi for us
  22. Tigerlily, I thought the same thing when I brought Baxter home. I thought step 1 was get a parrot, step 2 was cut the wings. I guess because when ever I went into pet stores they all had clipped wings so I thought it was normal, too.
  23. Happy Hatch Day Cloe!! I can't believe you are such a big girl now. I remember when you couldn't even speak. :laugh: And tell that mom of yours to come back on more often....I just came back and would love to see her on more often too. Baxters says hi!
  24. I agree with what the others have said and I would almost bet that if you are not consistently in it's life and gone for a month or two the bird may or may not like you, but will bond with your wife. Greys tend to be one person birds. My grey tolerates my husband but he can not pick him up. Only I can do that because he chose me. It's not up to the human...it's up to the grey. Please read all that you can on greys and go through the different rooms and forums here to get more information. I would say if you are away that often a grey is not the right bird for you. If he or she does bond with you and you leave it can cause lots of stress on the bird and could result in plucking or other stress habits. They are wonderful companions but the time and the reasons to get one have to be right. You shouldn't just get one because you want one. It's a long term commitment that needs to really be thought out..
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