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Everything posted by Trustdace

  1. Here is Congo and her ladder toy.B)
  2. Here is a Congo close-up I like a lot. She was hatched 2-9-08. I love my bird! Congo is probably the best pet I ever had my whole life!
  3. Well here are Congo's new toys. She destroyed her first ones so I went out last weekend and got 3 new ones. The look on her face hints she will go through these quicker!:evil:
  4. Greyt looking Congo. Keep those pics coming.
  5. What a great idea for a bird toy Carolyn, that looks like something Congo would love to play with. Thanks for the info on making the pine cones safe by using the oven. Excellent post!
  6. Thank you Dan for the clarification. What an interesting avian species. I don't know why but it captured my attention instantly. Now with the information you have provided me I will look up the other related species. Thanks again Dan for another incredibly informative post. I always enjoy them.B)
  7. Nice pic Susan. Chloe looks greyt!
  8. Actually Judy you are correct. The head does not have feathers. I just researched it and it has a featherless head. For some reason it seemed to me like it did have gray feathers on its head. :dry: I must be getting old, need glasses.
  9. What is the difference Judy between a vulture and a buzzard? :unsure:
  10. Ok cool. I do live in south Florida. Miami to be exact.B)
  11. Actually Judy the head is feathered, and a nice shade of gray feathers! Incredible huh? I don't know if it is a vulture or a buzzard. Maybe it is a vulture. You should have seen the size of this animal especially when it spread it wings!:ohmy:
  12. Here is a pic I took this morning. As I was driving the family to go eat breakfast the kids became excited and started yelling, "Look Daddy! Look!" I looked over to the side and saw this big black bird right at the side of the road. I didn't see the item it was feeding on at first and I thought it might be injured. I have always seen these birds flying around up in the sky but never so close-up. Well you know me, I grabbed the camera and started shooting away....suddenly my daughter said look there's a dead cat! I looked ahead of the buzzard and saw an animal carcass a few feet away from it! Right then it marched right up to the carcass and started ripping it and feeding it right before our eyes! Man I felt like I was in an episode of nature or something! The kids were going, "Oooh how cool!!" Anyways; the dead animal is actually a huge possum that was hit by a car. I did manage to take a short video that I might post later if anyone is interested. By the way the buzzard was an incredibly beautiful specimen. I particularly thought the grey head is a nice color.
  13. I believe the coloring is safe I have not heard otherwise. Maybe we should ask the birdfood room administrator.
  14. :ohmy: Incredible shots! Thank you so much for posting these photos and sounds like a place I would definitely love to visit. Where is this bird park located?
  15. Great photos. Great looking grey.B)
  16. Thanx you guys. I'm glad you enjoy my posts:)
  17. Thanks Judy. So you like the living vacum cleaner huh...lol! :evil:
  18. Excellent videos. Blitzen is awesome. He reminds me of a pet sugar glider I had before.
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