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Everything posted by SarahDavid

  1. Thanks alot for this information. Did you get your birds from sweden or did you get it from your homeland ? And if from your homeland how was you able to do it.
  2. Noah is doing great! But i have been worried about something. Since i'm from denmark but living in US and i purchased Noah from here. Do you think it will be a problem to take him back with us to Denmark if we ever wanted to move back ? what kind of proof do i need to show that he is not caught from the wild ? The breeder that gave me Noah didn't give him a ring she mentioned it bothers them and they will keep biting it. Is the ring important? and when does the birds get their rings? Thanks
  3. Thanks for the support it's actually my first time handling that young kitten that's why i'm frustrated i talked to an expert about this issue and was told that the mother will most likely reject the kitten because the bond is not there anymore. And i also contacted the original owner who was a 17 years old and she understands now that we both made a mistake so she is keeping the other brothers and sisters kittens untill they are ready for an adoption, I will update you with anything new and we will also see a vet soon!
  4. Thanks for sharing the link with us!
  5. Summer did you get him yet ? He sounds like a very good parrot!!
  6. What atracted me to owning a parrot was their loyalty i wanted actually a macaw but because i live in an apartment i couldn't have it but i never regret that. I saw in a macaw beauty intelligence and loyalty. When i got Noah i recently moved to the states from Denmark and it was very hard on me i felt very lonely so i thought a parrot would be the perfect pet for me. When Noah started talking a little i became extremely happy because if anything happens out of control may God forbid it he will have a better chance to be rehomed if he talked.
  7. I would like to know what your opinion is; should i try returning the 1 month old kitten to his first owner and his mom because it's too risky for his life he is at us? Or you think i'm overreacting and being too worrid about him and he should be fine? I'm bottlefeeding him, he eats, drinks and sleeps a lot But he sneezed today 3 times on different occasion.. Let me hear your opinion please i want the best for this little kitten!
  8. Can i risk that my CAG Noah gets jaloux of My new 1 month old kitten Isa? Anyone who have experienced that their parrot gets jaloux of their other new pet? and how should i deal wit it?
  9. Getting another CAG for Noah as a companion will that stop him from learning to talk he just turned 1 year? I heard once they have a mate they do not care for talking really. is that true og just a myth as many other myths ?
  10. i have tried many time and photopucket wouldn't accept the photos how can i do it again ???
  11. yeah we just got him Kitten milk Formula KMR but he preferd actually his moist kitten food..
  12. Never try this, Tui was lost because of free flying! look up videos of Tui the African grey..
  13. as soon i have pictures i will submit them here he is all way black
  14. Thanks all for your support he actually just eliminated for maybe 20 min. i did what you suggested and it worked out very well. This is first time i deal with a kitten that is so young my other kittens where around propably 7 or 8 weeks when i got them if not older and they did everything on their own but this little thing is so tiny and helpless but im sure he will be very fine.
  15. no he is eating dry kitten food with a little water and he walks alot. I hope he will make it he is now very active and curious
  16. I adopted yesterday a 1 month old kitten yes i know i made a mistake! i did'nt realize he was that young untill i saw him. He eats and drinks good and sleeps alot but he havent been eliminating since i got him yesterday at 9 a clock at night and now its almost 9 in the morning. I keeo him very warm with blanket around him and a heater on close to him. I put him in the litter box but he jumps out of it everytime i put him there. Please help me what should i do ??
  17. Find out what your parrots love is it seed peanut an almond or extra petting ? once he mimics you one time react to it in a extremely excited way and give him whatever he loves he will soon try everything to get what he loves. That worked for me. but i'm still in the process of working with my baby Noah on that. good luck.
  18. http://i609.photobucket.com/albums/tt171/Sarahdavid11/011.jpg Thanks Tycos mom i appreciate that.
  19. hmm i can't see the photo ??? what happend i submitted it
  20. Here is a photo of Noah i want to share with you that was taken for several months ago. He wasnt very comfortable with the fether tether harness so that was his last walk outside. but as soon i get the aviator harness there will be many of those walks for him.
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