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Everything posted by djzenjen

  1. Great stuff! The bead curtains are a great idea. I will be on the hunt for those. Mischief likes to climb down from her cage and walk into the kitchen. I have to find something to keep the dogs out and the birds in on the ground level as well. (Even though Mischief is flighted, she loves to walk places!)
  2. We have this back bedroom that gets used maybe 3-5 times a year. I wanted to make it into a bird room, but my hubby quickly shot that idea down. (It's actually his music room area... :laugh:) BUT, he said I could turn the room that the birds are currently in, into a bird room. So, here I am doing research on the idea and hoping to hear from others who have done this. I want to take everything out of the room but the bird cages, stands, and perches. I thought it would be cool to paint the walls like a forest with trees, grass, and etc. My vision is a room to themselves where they can have free motion of flight, play, and whatever. And, I wanted to bird proof the room. So, I'm looking for ideas on flooring, safe painting materials, and design tips for perch layouts, etc. And, why this is or isn't a good idea. The only thing I am trying to figure out is the doorways. The back bedroom has a door on hinges that can close. The room is in the front of the house and only has walkways to enter the room. No doors. I was thinking of something screened in, but they would be ab;e to chew right through a screen. So, any suggestions would be fantastic! I'm still in the planning stages and would love to see your bird room if you have one. And I'm wondering what cleaning up would be like? There is tile in there already, but would it be better to lay down some type of plastic flooring or cheaper Wal-Mart type carpets like I have in there currently? I included some pictures of the room so you can help with your suggestions. Thanks everyone!
  3. Simply stunning! Beautiful CAG! Does he like to climb to the top of the rope and chew the ceiling popcorn? My TAG does that and the popcorn is becoming scarce on the roof and more abundant on the floor! :pinch:
  4. Yeah! Mischief has also been sleeping on it at night. B)
  5. Everytime I go to the bird fair I see more and more creatively built parrot toys. (Which is why I spend more and more money each time I attend...) I saw this one and HAD to get it for Mischief... and she LOVES IT. Mischief doesn't chew very often on wood, but I do have a few wood toys in her house, but most of her toys are now more towards the plastic persuasion like this one. How many of you put these types of toys in for your TAG/CAG? <br><br>Post edited by: djzenjen, at: 2009/08/21 06:46
  6. When we adopted Mischief about a year ago, she was able to fly freely around her old house. But, we kept her wings clipped only because we wanted her to get used to her new place and her new home and not get seriously hurt. (I really hated doing it, but I knew they would grow back... :unsure:) As of a few months ago, her flight feathers fully came back and WHAM, her personality came out full force. Her talkativeness has doubled, she is more loving, and she even plays with her toys more. It's like we got a whole new bird. And all that time when her wings were clipped we perch trained her, so now she is golden! I am not a fan of clipping wings, and I actually cried when Mischief got hers clipped. But that will never happen to my baby again! She deserves to be a bird!
  7. Mischief is not allowed on my shoulder. I hold her and direct her to where she can stand.
  8. Give the grey plenty of time to get used to you. She may turn around eventually, but on the other hand, she may not. My father has a 16 (ish) year old CAG (Shadow) that he's had since a baby. Shadow will not allow any females to even get near her. His wife has been nice to that bird for 10+ years, cleaning the cage, feeding it, and etc. That bird just doesn't like, and probably will never like, females. My father can do anything and everything to her, and other males can have her step up onto them. Some birds just bond so well with one owner, and they don't want anything to do with anyone else. But don't let this discourage you! Continue to work really hard with your new baby and good luck!
  9. When ever I pick up the phone, or anything that resembles a phone, I hear Mischief... "Heeelllloooo?" If I'm in another room and I start dialing the phone, I hear Mischief... "Heellloooooo?" If the phone rings... "Hheeellllooooooo?" If I go up to her and say "Hello!" I only get a raspberry.... :pinch: (pppffffffffftttttttttttt!)
  10. One lucky grey! I want an outdoor aviary so bad!
  11. Mischief waves hello, but from a distance. The flock is the first thing you see when you enter the house. Usually I introduce the parrots to my guests and that is when Mischief will wave hello. They cannot pick her up though. She wouldn't have that. Then, once we leave the room, Mischief will talk up a storm.
  12. When we brought Mischief home last year, we clipped her wings. I hated doing it, but knew it was best until she got used to her new home. (She was 8 when we adopted her.) I spent time with her every day taking her around the house, perch training her, and showing her where the glass was located. Now that she has learned the entire house, she is now flighted. If I had the ability to fly and someone kept taking it away from me, I'd be really mad and upset. My vet told me that it is best to let the bird learn how to fly because they need to develop their coordination. I forgot what age, but she said they would not clip any bird's wings until they reached a certain age. Good luck!
  13. I just purchased one from eBay. They said a SMALL would be right for my TAG. It may even fit my Alexandrian, too. Once I get the proper fit, I'll have to order one more. Then, a large for my Amazon. :woohoo: I hope I'll be able to work with Mischief for this thing. Thanks for the response!
  14. Well, we've had Mischief for just over a year now. We clipped her wings when we adopted her so she could get used to the new house and her new area. A few months ago we stopped and she figured out the other day that she can fly once again. We're going to keep her flighted, and now I want to try and train her for a harness. Any tips would be fantastic. She's not a bird that loves to be touched, so I think this will be a challenge for everyone. However, I like to take her to Parrots in the Park and the bird fairs, but now that she is flighted, she need to wear a harness or no dice to the outdoors! She is a TAG, so I am wondering two things. 1) What size would be good to get for her and 2) Where do you buy bird harnesses? I'd be afraid that she would chew and chew and chew to get if off of her asap. So, I'm thinking that a lot of training will be needed. Suggestions? Thanks!
  15. She was sneezing left and right today. (She has an awesome sneeze imitation!) Maybe she caught the human flu? :laugh: I was yelling bless you at her once every 30 seconds it seemed like! :lol: I think she sneezes more just to hear me yell across the house at her. :woohoo:
  16. We all love videos of birdies having a fun bath! So, here is my Alexandrian. She LOVES taking a bath! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=60100169
  17. :laugh: I talk to my birds as if they were humans. I carry conversations with them when entering the house, leaving the house, walking around the house, and you see where this is going... My friends are always like, "What ARE you doing?" Then I proceed to explain how much the birds rock and they love the attention. But the non-parrot people just don't get it. It's a bird. Just a bird to them. SOME of my friends think I'm a bit crazy cause they see a bird perch in every single room, and some think I have children because they see plastic baby toys thrown on the floor. Nope. Those are just my FIDs. And the only kids for me! I never get sick of them looking at my funny. It makes me laugh and then I only play the part more! :lol: :woohoo: And one example is just the other day at work I was on here and my co-worker came up behind me. After a few seconds, he said... "You are NOT really on a bird forum... are you?" I said HELL YEAH! :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: djzenjen, at: 2009/07/03 04:54
  18. I think I lucked out with Mischief, too. She's not a chewing machine. She hardly ever chews anything other than what I put in her cage. We have let her roam around the house since she became comfortable here, and so far so good. I'll come out sometimes to find her in the kitchen cabinets rummaging around, but not chewing! Good birdie!
  19. I know what you mean! I buy those by the case at the bird fair! B)
  20. Oh no! I really hope Schroeder has a safe return. My fingers are crossed for you and him!
  21. This was a big month for Mischief! We adopted her in June 2008, so this is her 1 year anniversary with us. She also turned 9 sometime this month (not sure of the actual hatch date). So, to celebrate, I got her a basket of treasures from the bird store yesterday. I actually got the idea from seeing photos on this forum. She didn't really touch them yesterday, but when I woke up this morning they were scattered all over the floor of her cage. So, I gathered them back up, and within an hour she was playing with them again. She has brought tons of joy and excitement into our lives. Happy hatch month/anniversary Mischief!
  22. Poofy parrots are so cute! Here is one I posted of Mischief a while back, but it worth posting again as a funny pic! (haha) She's hiding!
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