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Everything posted by poppyparrot

  1. wont your elecy bill be sky high?
  2. ok thanks, i will go and try that now :side:
  3. well you say "if he doesn't want to go out don't force him" But my parrot doesn't like going back in the cage, so how do i solve that problem? thanks
  4. yes poppy has a travel cage, she dosnt dislike it, but i am sure she would rather fly about instead of sitting in it! lol Do most of you parrot owners have a doctor that has dealt with parrots before, because i doubt weather doctors where i live have ever delt with a parrot, so this is a bit worrying. :(
  5. Well poppy doesn't really like it when other people come in the house who she doesn't no, never mind going into a different environment and seeing the vet. How do i over come this?:blink:
  6. thanks that really helped. Does every grey owner have a vet?
  7. I need to find a vets in the north east of england, if anyone knows of a one, that are good with parrots please tell me. Also how do you find where a good vet center is in your area, if you don't know where any are to start of with? thanks
  8. I am like you, i jumped in at the deep end, i had two love birds but they were no fun. ( mainly because they were abused as chicks and had no trust) So i did a load of research and got one (CAG). It made sense at the time and i don't regret getting her, its just i would advise you to look at other people who have parrots, if its possible, and see if you think its suits you. A parrot is a family bird and will see you and your family as members of the flock, so if you cannot persuade your parents to let you have one then there is no point, especially if all of you are not going to look after it! I see my bird as a baby, you have to feed it clean it, clean the cage and the floor about 3-4 times a day, talk to it, amuse it, don't let it become aggressive (this is one of the main reasons it isnt good for a first bird, you don't know how to control it. Of course you can read books to learn more about how to control your birds behavior, but you wont truly get a sense of how to keep it until you have one. They take TIME MONEY LOVE not nessacerily in that order! :lol: So i would advise you get something like love birds but make sure they are young or taim and come to your hand and stuff other wise its a long struggle to regain there trust. LOVE BIRDS RULE
  9. hey there, what are you feeding your CAG on that video, because ive been looking for small treats for poppy but cant find any? I live in the UK BTW
  10. hahahaha good to here this, i hope poppy can enjoy it as much as your birdys do! B)
  11. i dont think my grey swallows newspaper, but when we gave her paper towels to play with, it looked like she was taking little bits and eating it? Im confused!
  12. i absolutely adore baby CAG (L)
  13. i am the same as 90%of you on this one, i had a lot of problems in the first few months, but you just got to keep at it. Even if they do poo on the floor before you have had chance to pick them up, put them on the toilet (mine is the play stand), and still say the poop command even though they just did it on the floor, and say well done, take them off, keep a close eye on them, then next time try to get them onto the toilet ASAP say the poop command, then say well done, give them a scratch or a stroke. Repeat until they learn... Poppy doesn't fly to the toilet but if i put her there and say "go to the toliet" she will go.
  14. thanks judy, I am planing to make a small cage/aviarie outside for her in the summer, so when we sit out she can aswell.
  15. haha some good story's there, i wouldn't let pop outside with out being tied up in some way, shes just not that type of parrot, she is a bit crazy at times.
  16. i have just had poppy out side in her travel cage for the first time, she was a bit stressed and that is understandable being in a cage she hasn't been in that much. The last time we had her in it was earlier in the year and she tried to chew through the bars. Last time we went outside i put her on the leader and she hated it, bit me and drew blood. So i went for the caged approach this time and i suppose it went ok. Can anyone advise me on what to do differently next time i take her out, so she will relax and enjoy it more? Also your story's of having your birds outside for the first time would be good. thanks, steven
  17. cool cage, very nice i like the color!
  18. poppys cage and playstand. There is also more on my profile, take a look http://www.greyforums.net/component/option,com_comprofiler/Itemid,26/task,userProfile/<br><br>Post edited by: poppyparrot, at: 2008/06/23 14:20
  19. i know of one in carisle who i got mine of, he is very good, helpful and knows his stuff. I also know one in Newcastle/Northumberland who sells them for a bit more but they are toilet trained and harness trained. I didn't get mine of her but they seemed very good in the shop where you can go and bond with them over a period of time. If anyone wants the numbers for either, PM me whenever and i will sort the numbers out.
  20. BMustee wrote: same here, when im having my breakfast she will try to eat what ever i am eating. I read somewhere that if you are eating a more sugary breakfast cereal then give the bird more milk than cereal. But if you are eating something more healthy, give the bird more of the cereal and a little bit of milk. I normally save poppy about 2 table spoons of milk in the bottom of her bowl every day.
  21. hey, good topic. I can relate to what your saying, my poppy sits on my curtain rail and watches me, but my poppy seems a bit more calmer than yours, but every parrots different. Poppy will go to the shower head where the water comes out of and will put her beak in sometimes. Ive put her in the shower once by using a bit of force and she flew of onto the rail again after getting a little bit wet. I have just this minute put poppy in her first ever bath, so i will tell you how it went. Now i thought i had the worst parrot when it comes to shower time or bath time until i read some of these reply's on this page. It seems i am quite lucky that she finds water intresting. So i put her in our kitchen sink with the water luke warm, at a depth of about 2 inchs at the most. I put some alovera type of liquid in the water aswell to make her smell nice. i held her so that she couldnt fly away and placed her in the water, she was fine to my supprise, until i started putting water onto her with my hand. She tryed to fly away so each time i just brought her back. Then she sat on her stand and i got the sprayer out which she wasnt to fond of when i got it a few months ago, so i wasnt expecting her to love it. Anyway she didnt like it and tried to get into a corner as far away as possible. But it wasn't as disasterus as i thought it would be, its great to see a parrot flapping there wings and using natural ability to dry them selfs as if in the wild. Hope this may have helped a little? thanks, steven
  22. On my cage it dos'nt have those skirts around the edges to stop seed from falling. Do you find these sides help prevent the seed from dropping on the floor or not? thanks
  23. hi, thanks for the kind welcome, i have already uploaded pics of poppy as a baby for you all
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