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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. Here I am thinking it getting a bit nippy and I might be getting a bit of a cold when Misty starts "Aaatchoo" ! Talk about psychic! :eek: Steve n Misty
  2. When Misty wants to come out I have absolutely no doubt what he wants because he says "Can I come out" ! I have no idea how he learned this but he started saying this after he had been with me about six months at age two and a half. I would say "want to come out" to him but the "can I" part is something he added. When ever he tries to tell me what he wants I always try to comply so he can understand that communicating with me will have a positive result. His requests are not always obvious so I have to work out his meaning. For example "stop it" means he wants to share my food. "Your allright " means "skritch the back of my neck". He now uses "Tickle tickle" as well. he doesn't let me do this except at his request. "Tickle" is one of the few things that I taught him directly. Greys are brilliant at learning from observation and interaction but positive reinforcement is very important. They don't learn as much when they spend most of their time caged except perhaps meaningless sound repetition. An ignored parrot is an unhappy parrot but they are not like toys that can just be put away when you are bored with them. Misty is never boring. Sometimes annoying but he did not choose to live with me so I try to adapt to him wherever possible. I am fortunate because I don't have to worry about bringing a baby human into the mix! Steve n Misty
  3. Just give him what he wants. He is an intelligent sentient being who is naturally social and wishes to be part of his family. I am sure he has tried other ways to attract your attention but he thinks you are ignoring him. I guess you are finding out that there is much more to adopting a Grey than a nice cage, toys and Harrison's. Gizmo simply wants to join the flock. Steve n Misty
  4. One of Misty's favourite games is the Boff game where I gently boff his beak with my closed fist as in a mock boxing fight. He beaks my fist back saying "Boff boff" although his eyes pin he never gets aggressive playing this and is always happy to perch on my finger or hand when offered. Misty loves to climb up my chest and plant his beak on my lips for "kissy" sessions. I feel incredibly bonded to him when he does this. However it is a bad idea to allow his beak into your mouth as you could cause pathogens to be transfered to him. Also if his beak tip catches on your lip or tongue it can be an unforgettable experience and not it a good way:mad: Misty will allow beak rubs at almost any time but he usually only allows neck rubs when he asks for them with a "Tickle tickle" request. Steve n Misty
  5. I wanna hear the rest of the song! Come on Brutus you know you can do it! He seems to be able to hold a tune which is more than Misty can do! Steve n Misty
  6. I love it. They will be lifelong friends for sure:D Steve n Misty
  7. Hello from Misty and me (Steve) . Welcome and thank you for taking on an older bird. I am certain you will find it both a challenging and rewarding experience. How is Peppers wing now? Steve n Misty
  8. What a wonderful picture! I am sure that if you give him lots of love and attention as you are he will forget about nibbling his feathers. His improved diet will help and perhaps showers with Aloe Vera. Congratulations and well done to you and Buddy:D Steve n Misty
  9. Hearing Misty laugh is one of my favorite things about living with a parrot. Nothing says more about how smart they are than their sense of humour! Steve n Misty
  10. Misty taught me his eight note contact call soon after he came to me. I think that sharing a contact call with your Grey buddy is an excellent way of bonding. These days he calls to me as soon as he hears me stir in the morning or if he hears me at the front door coming and I call back to him. We also have concert times together which is mostly me trying to keep up as Misty's calls get more complex. He has learned the signature tune of a radio soap that I listen to ( The Archers, fellow Brits my be familiar). When he hears it on the radio he joins in. I suspect that all Greys have a contact call but if they lose contact with their birth parents , typically when humans take over the feeding job, their personal call may not be established . Research has shown that song birds give their chicks an individual call that in effect becomes their name for life. They also have family calls that they use to keep track of each other. I am quite sure that all parrots have the same kinds of calls. Steve n Misty
  11. You don't say if he is directing this behaviour at anyone. Also how old he is. I have had Misty (COG) since he was two and he started doing this at me after he had been with me about a month. We had become good friends by then. I assumed that it was some kind of sex display. Now about six or seven years later he still does the wing thing when he is sitting near me or on my knee but without the sound effects. I have come to the conclusion that now it his his way of telling me that we are good friends and how much he admires me. I could be wrong but it works for me. Steve n Misty
  12. In England the Salvation Army is a highly respected religious organisation that do lots of charity work. They wear a uniform and sometimes gather together in a shopping precinct as a small brass band to attract charitable donations from the public. They often feature members rattling tambourines.
  13. Great video! Is he a Salvation Army bird?
  14. Well you are a slave to a parrot! (As are we all!) Steve n Misty
  15. They are ampmeters from an old power control panel. I think from a generator at a hospital, I collect electronic junk.
  16. Thank you for posting this Dave. It is good to know that the poachers don't always win. Steve n Misty
  17. It's not to clear to me either. I had just given Misty a squirt from the mister and his usual response to me when I do that is "Horrible boy":p Steve n Misty
  18. Yes at one time whenever Misty dropped something he would say "Dropped orange". The first time he had dropped an orange and I said "You dropped your orange" so after that whenever he dropped anything he would say "Dropped orange" but he has not said it for a while now . Steve n Misty
  19. Yes Misty commandeered that set of shelves a while ago so I have to be careful what I put there!:eek: Steve n Misty
  20. A new video of Misty. Steve n Misty
  21. I bet you can't wait! It's like waiting for Santa all over again!
  22. It's a tricky problem. When Misty flies up to where he shouldn't I set his spray bottle to jet and point it at him. Most times I don't even have to press the trigger. He knows that if he flies to my shoulder I won't squirt so he comes straight to me and tells me what a "Horrible boy" I am for spoiling his fun. This won't work with your young fellow because he has yet to build trust in you. As the others have said a toy with eyes may work for a while. One time I discovered by accident that Misty would not go near a sunflower head I got for him because I assumed he would like it. In fact he seemed scared of it so that worked as a scareparrot for a while. I put it on a bookshelf that he otherwise liked to go to. I am sure you will find things that will work for at least a while. I also used to have a problem with Misty landing on top of my TV and computer monitor. My solution there was to tape J Cloths on top so that they hang down the back. As Misty flies up to land the gust from his wings causes the J Cloth to rise up and that puts him off every time. Now days he never even bothers to try to land on them. Steve n Misty
  23. I am also retired so Misty, who I think is nearly nine, and I spend a lot of time in each others company. Some times he sits on my shoulder and snoozes or has a gentle preen whilst I am on the computer. But one of my favorit things is in the evening and I am watching TV and Misty comes and sits on my knee. He will sometimes watch as well and if it is a comedy program he often joins in the laughter! I don't really think he gets the jokes! Otherwise he just sits and looks at me with what I like to imagine is adoration although I could be kidding myself Steve n Misty
  24. Hi Talon. Assuming you were referring to my post I should point out that Misty is not often required to feed in his cage. So our walls are not subjected to Misty's interior decoration talents. He has a feeding table under his "tree". We usually dine together. As you may realise Greys are social diners by preference. When we eat I come in with my dinner and a plate for Misty. He flies to his dining table in anticipation. True enough his food does not always stay close to his plate! Neither is he above selecting a morsel and bringing it to eat while sitting on my knee:eek: Steve n Misty
  25. Misty is messy. He dislikes pooping in his cage but he is generally only in there to sleep. I take him to the bathroom regularly but his morning dump shows that he has been saving it! He has a couple of perches that he poops from as well so there are papers underneath. He also puts out a lot of fine dust so I have an air filter for that. Even with that a fine layer of feather dust accumulates on every flat surface so regular vacuuming is a must. He is also a messy eater and will chuck food about. He particularly likes to bring grapes or other soft fruit and sit on my knee so I will hold it for him. If I don't hold it he will push it against my knee to keep it in place with predictable results! There is a price to pay for the incredible honour of having a Grey share your home but I would not have it any other way. Nor would I want to restrict him in a cage or clip him just to make my life easier. He did not force himself on me. I made the choice to have him live with me and I am prepared to take the consequences and put up with the mess. It is more than worth it for the friendship and the love Steve n Misty
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