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Everything posted by Mistyparrot

  1. We will vote yes anyway. We think it is a very good banner:) Steve n Misty
  2. Sadly some Greys get into a bad habit and it is hard to get them out of it. Bo sounds like a very happy and smart fellow. Out of interest can you tell us what you have tried to help Bo stop? Steve n Misty
  3. I saw this article today about a repair to a Macaws beak :http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2105905/Whos-pretty-boy-Parrot-nose-job-catching-beak-door-fixed-Polly-filler.html Can anyone comment on how the beak will grow back or is it only the tips that grow? It also points out the danger that doors can pose to our palls. Steve n Misty
  4. That is exactly what I do and it helps a lot! Steve n Misty
  5. Thats amazing! She knew just what you meant! Misty used to make his imaginary calls mimicking his former owner but now he listens to my calls and joins in with "Uh ha " and "OK", "Yes" . Often the caller can hear him so I have to explain my parrot is eavesdropping! He can always tell when the call is due to end. Then he starts to say "By by" . I assume he tells from the way I am speaking. He is the same with visitors. He can tell when they are about to get up to go and he says his "By by" Greys are extraordinarily good at reading human body language Steve n Misty
  6. Misty does the exact same thing. He makes a very obvious water sound.It is clearly parrotese for water but he also uses the human word just to make sure I get the message. I wonder if wild Greys make the water sound to tell flock members about water. Steve n Misty
  7. I believe that whistling games with your Grey help to establish empathy between you. It certainly has not affected Misty's use of human speech and he also uses a variety of small sounds and body language to comment or communicate. He will use what ever works best for the occasion but he seems to pick up on new things all the time. I don't think your whistling with Stewart will lead him astray but it will help bring you all closer together. Steve n Misty
  8. I am trying to teach Misty "E=MC²".:cool: But for now I will settle for "It's bed time.........It's bed time........................It's bed time NOW!" ( I do tend to stay up to late!) Steve n Misty
  9. Thank you so much for adopting an older Grey. The others have all given good advice but I will also say please don't clip him. As he is a flyer it could make him very unhappy and insecure. I understand why some might say it would help to build trust because he will need you more to carry him but he would be much more likely to have a flying accident. The reason most birds have wings is for flying. It is a big part of being a bird! If his talons are very long it may be because he has not got enough suitable climbing perches that his talons can grip and his beak will benefit from good things to chew on. Unpreserved wood branches from fruit trees are good for both climbing perches and good for chewing as well. Many parrots seem to think that reducing wood to sawdust, paper to shreds and computer keyboards to their component parts is their chief reason for being! Steve n Misty
  10. Great videos and a very smart bird. Thank for posting. Steve n Misty
  11. I think you just need a little more patience. He is still adjusting to his new situation. As you have said you have heard him speak on occasions so you can be sure he will speak more. Stretchings ? do you mean wing stretchings? If you mean screeching I would not encourage that! I think if you use the same greeting each morning with "good morning" I am sure he will start to greet you the same way. In the morning as I get up I hear Misty call out his contact tune and I call back the same way. When I open the door to his room Misty greets me with "Hello Babe" And I say "Hello Misty" but it took a year or so to establish this particular routine. Just keep talking and explaining things but in a simple way and he will catch on. These things can take a little while so as I have said just a little more patience . Steve n Misty
  12. I don't usually disagree with Dave but I do over whistling. Whistling is a different kind of communication from talking and will not displace it. It is used more for distance contact and community play. Talking is for more intimate communication. Whistling is a great way to have fun with your feathered friend. Steve n Misty
  13. Thanks for the video. Gracie looks so determined. Very clever parrot. Of couse if she was really smart she would have gone in through the open door;) Steve n Misty
  14. What are you feeding him on? To much seed including sunflower seed can be bad. Steve n Misty
  15. He has a gorgeous smile:) Steve n Misty
  16. Congratulations. Charlie sounds like a well socialised parrot. I doubt that he sees himself as your child but as a junior flock/family member. I think as long as you explain to him what is happening he will be just fine. There is a good chance he understands you are pregnant. As you know Greys are very in touch and observent so he will not be surprised when new baby arrives. Normally Greys are family oriented birds so he will probably accept the new baby as a family member. Just hope he dosen't teach the baby to fly or you will be in trouble!:eek: Steve n Misty
  17. I know that sensible parrot keepers avoid teflon/PTFE coated cookware. I certainly do, but the reality is that teflon is only dangerous if it is heated to breakdown which can happen with burnt pans and self-clean cookers gone wrong. In normal use it is very stable and not at all toxic. If it is over heated it can produce fluorocarbon gases which is very nasty stuff indeed! It needs to heat to over 250 Deg C (over 500F) to be dangerous . Birds are extremely sensitive to any toxic gas or vapour but it is very unlikely that a coffee machine would be a problem. It might be worth while to see if any other process or cleaning chemicals might be present. Steve n Misty
  18. Smart bird indeed! Misty has never shown any ability to open his cage doors although he rarely has to do other than sleep in it. I wonder if Gracie sneaks out when you are away to explore and gets back in and closes the doors after? If I were you I would check your surfing history for any unexpected parrot activity!:eek: Steve n Misty
  19. Dave gave great advice and I would also suggest if you can, follow his whistling whistle back to him. He needs to feel some empathy with you and learning his contact call or teaching him one is a great way to do this. All naturally raised birds have contact calls with their family and flock members. Each one is unique and is like a name to them. Some human reared birds can be nameless and it can confuse them so you will need to establish one if that is the case. He is bound to be freaked out in a new place with strange people. How and where is is cage placed? He needs to feel as secure as he can so if there is to much traffic around him at this stage he will not be able to relax and take stock. Your new guy will settle in quite soon. The most important thing you can give is a loving and understanding home. I am sure you will be fine. Steve n Misty
  20. I am posting these great training videos on behalf of "flychomperfly" who I met in another online group. Amongst other things this video shows how well a clipped parrot can fly. Clippers take note! Steve n Misty
  21. I am posting this great flight training video on behalf of the makers "flychomperfly". It shows simple directed flying and recall. Steve n Misty
  22. Yes it does. He seems to know what I am going to do before I do! Either that or he has somehow taken control of me with out me realising. Now I'm just off to chop some fruit.........:confused: Steve n Misty
  23. Perhaps we could all start a Parrot percussion band ? Gamelan perhaps:D ? Steve n Misty
  24. That's a good point Tracie. Misty loves to knock all kinds of things with his beak. Glass tumblers, coffee cups. If I leave unattended empty or part empty cups or glasses Misty will go straight to them! Wine bottles, the metal shower rose in the bathroom in fact anything hard and especially anything hard that makes a good noise! I don't know if it's the noise or the sensation that turns him on but soft unresponsive things just don't do it for him! Steve n Misty
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