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  • Biography
    Retired and interested in everything especially Mistyparrot and vintage electronics audio etc.


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    Brighton UK


  • Interests
    Interested in everything especially Mistyparrot and vintage electronics audio etc.

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  1. The access to this forum got very flaky a while back so I have been away. But It now it all seems to be hunky dory 🙂
  2. ATTENTION ALL! My Google Chrome Browser has detected Phishing URLs on this forum. Be very careful following any links published here! Steve n Mistyparrot
  3. Misty mostly ignores the tv unless my favorite soap come on and he whistles along with the signature tune. He also likes music programs and loves to join in with any laughter. Steve n Mistyparrot
  4. Does anyone know about this gell? It might be a useful medication to keep in the pet first aid box. https://cresilon.com/index.php/vetigel/ Steve n Mistyparrot.
  5. A very happy 2017 to all the friends of Grey parrots here and everywhere. Steve N MistyParrot.
  6. Misty is very happy to let me give a beak rub any time. Usually, I can only give neck rubs and scritches when he asks with "Tickle tickle" but then he will often bury his whole head in my hand. Steve n Misty
  7. Misty used to add extra ventilation to my shirts and tee shirts but he seems to have moved on from that habit. Thank goodness. So there is hope for all you sufferers out there Steve n Misty
  8. Another "quirk" that Misty has learned by example is to apologize! When he sends something crashing down he will fly back to his tree perch saying "Sorry Babe" He has also said it after a nip when I want to scratch my neck and caught him by surprise on the back of my chair! A while back I tripped while carrying him and sent him tumbling to the floor! As I gathered him up I said "Sorry Babe". When he learn to say "Thank you" it will make my day :-) Steve n Mistyparrot
  9. Misty will go for any unattended cup or tumbler if it has liquid in it. Luckily it is usually water. He will land on it and balance perfectly. The problem is when he takes off. If I try to rescue the tumbler he will get quite snappy. It is one of the few occasions when i may get a nip! Steve n Mistyparrot
  10. What a wonderful journey you have begun together. It is so moving to read your story. Thank you for sharing. Steve n Misty
  11. My problem is quite the opposite from those here. It is Misty who decides when it is bed time!I will be watching a film on TV and Misty will decide "It's bed time" I will say "Not yet I am still watching the film" He will patiently wait for a few minutes but then "It's bed time!" . Me " not yet! ". After another while. Misty, " It's bedtime now!" . Finally, he loses patience. I get "It's bed time, now! OK!!" At that point, I give in. We go to our appropriate sleeping places. Steve n Misty
  12. What can be done about this? http://www.birdlife.org/africa/news/ghana%E2%80%99s-grey-parrot-population-may-soon-cease-exist Steve n Misty
  13. Happy New Year to all. I wish peace, health and happiness to all who read this message. To all those who don't read this, well you had your chance To all who love and give happy homes to animals a very special thanks for caring. whether you read this or not.
  14. Was it the smoke alarms that panicked your birds or you? If it was the alarms perhaps you can get the birds habituated to it. In my apartment we have regular alarm tests every week and the occasional false alarm. It is hard to ignore as it should be! The test is only for about ten seconds and Misty no longer takes any notice. Even on longer false alarms.That may just be Misty's reaction. He was bothered the first few times although that was years ago. I tend not to flap myself so he may also take his cue from me. Steve n Misty n Parrot
  15. The first thing Misty taught when I adopted him was his contact call. That was more than eleven years ago. My learning it was the key to our bonding. We too play the whistle game. It can go on for a while. We also both enjoy it hugely. I shall record his call and post it here. Perhaps we can make an audio library of our Greys contact calls. Steve n Misty
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