Sounds unusually smart to me! Tobie has also amazed me with the occasional too appropriate use of the language. It didn't happen that quick though. Yours sounds like a winner.
What's a hoopla game? I too jumped on the bandwagon and came back from the pet store with some chewable toys from the rabbit and hamster section. They averaged about 4 dollars each. What a great tip!
Thanks Toni! I don't know why I didn't find that when I was looking. Jan
P.S. Toby wants to remind Judy that he is after all a boy parrot and - no - he doesn't want earrings for christmas.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2008/11/24 04:18
Has anyone ever found a place to buy parrot jewelry. I mean, of course, earrings or necklaces that are small parrots. Not, of course, jewelry for my parrot. I'd love to have some parrot earrings and thought it would be a good christmas gift suggestion.
I used metal pipe on Tobies T-stands and a pvc threaded T-joint at the top that I stuck a wooden dowel through and secured it by driving (whatever those thin wood wedges are that I found in the shed) bits of wood in with a hammer. Needed no glue up there. I don't think I could have done better with those though there are some things I don't like about my playstand as I mentioned. The one in the dining room has a food dish I attatched.
mistyparrot gives me an idea. My husband has a reputation for liking puzzels and get an assortment in his christmas stocking every year -- bet there are some toys in the drawer I toss those in when he gets bored with them.
I really hate to read this. Tobie is stubborn about coming off my shoulder too, but this is such a conveinient way for him to be with me around the house. Also he rides on my shoulder(with a flight suit) out side on our walks. I think before I refuse to let him on my shoulder I will start seriously training him to come off to my hand instead of just putting up with his stubborness or waiting until he bites me. Hope it works
I've got another one. I catch myself at work going "Ba-ba-ba- baaaa-baaaa". Thats how Tobie sings lately. Someone asked me "what are you doing" and I couldn't answer because the answer was too silly. Casper's post reminded me of that.
This is a great timely post. I got on instant messages with the same question because I just bought a pomegranate. Tobie loves it. Just don't let him eat it while on your shoulder unless you don't mind pomegranate juice all over your face and in your hair.
I work four days a week and my husband works 5 or sometimes 6 days. When I switched from 5 to 4 days that's when I bought Tobie though I don't think the extra day made a difference. He has lots of toys and things in his cage and gets out only at night on work days. He comes to the den with me where we snuggle or watch tv and play. In a way its not bad that he has learned to entertain himself because he has to. He is still very loving and excited when I get home. We both look forward to my days off though.
the PVC is easy to work with and can be cut easily with a hack saw. the couplings are easy to figure out for almost any configuration. I used a table top (Lowes) for a base and stained and polyurethaned it and it whipes up easily.
I just finished building a playstand for Tobie. It is quite tall- about six feet but I've thought about lowering it by cutting off about 8 inches from the legs and the tree stand in the center. The only other thing I would change is to use larger than 3/4 inch plastic pipe because it jiggles more than I like. Tobie doesn't mind the jiggle and if I shorten it it will be more stable.
I know you say he doesn't care as much about shredding, but Tobie's best and least expensive toy is his little plastic holder for adding machine paper. He never has tired of finding ways to use the paper. You buy the plane paper, not the lazer kind and use the holder to punch the plastic out of the roll and then insert the roll. It lasts longer if you cram paper between the holder and the roll to keep it from unrolling too easily. Because I love to show off my bird I'll post a video showing one of his uses for the paper. If you guys get tired of my videos just say so and I'll quit showing them off. Also you'll see that he loves his wooden blocks cut from 2"x2" untreated pine which I drill holes in.
I have to believe that Tobie understands what he sais at times. When I was building his play stand I carried the base in through the living room and he asked "what's that for". Of course I told him. I doubt he understood that though. When I was leaving on a trip the suitcase was in the floor of the living room, packed but I kept remembering things and adding to the suitcase. Everytime I went back to the suitcase he would ask "what's that for". That's the only time he ever used that expression before building the playstand. Oh yes, he did ask "what's that for" when I used the camera for the first time to take his picture. If we are eating dinner and he sees something interesting on my plate he will lean over and ask "whats that"
I get a bigger kick out of Tobie's sense of humor and his interactions with me than my human friends. I get tired of them and have to go home to get away, but I never feel that way about Tobie. Also, while I like the pretty things I have (furniture, ear rings etc) I some how cant get mad if Tobie accidently damages them. My husband is another matter.