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Everything posted by Janfromboone

  1. Did you see the baby get pulled to the side of the nest and then put back in the center. I've kept it going on my computer and watch it all the time too. Tobie is doing fine by the way and flies very well now. I can't tell you how much help the forum has been through his feather trials and tribulations. My mother has been very sick and died a week ago and my mother in law died in November. Sad times, but maybe now I can visit the forum more often.
  2. Haven't been on in a while but I thought of my friends when I saw this and wanted to share. You have to keep watching. I just watched the mom or dad one feed the babys. there is still one egg to hatch.
  3. In order to use a water pistol you would have to come back to the bird while he's squawking and that would accomplish his purpose in squawking. I agree that maybe just stay in the next room where you are and speak to him. Tobie yells "Hey Jan" - isn't that funny. I always respond with "What" or something and it is enough to satisfy him.
  4. I just wanted to stop by the forum to see what everyone has been up to. I've had such a busy past few months that I haven't visited the forum for a while. Quick update, if anyone remembers Tobie. Tobie is fine. His skill at flying has just exploded. It's quite amazing to see. He is also much more confident. Tobie never ceases to amaze me. Here's what happened just last week. I'm in the kitchen and Tobie is on his play stand in the living room and we are out of sight of each other but talking back and forth. Suddenly it gets quiet and I'm thinking "maybe I'd better chech it out to see whats happening". As I turn away from the sink I hear Tobie say "Ohh, that's bad". Now I know I'd better check it out. Before I can see Tobie I hear him say " I'm not saying nothing" ( double negative, I know ). So there is Tobie on top of his play stand looking down at Brandy (the dog) who is sitting beside the playstand hanging her head with remorse. In front of Brandy is a large puddle of brown vomit on the carpet. So Tobie knew it was bad but wasn't going to tell on Brandy.
  5. Wow!! Thanks so much for the video. I really enjoyed seeing Irene Pepperburg talk about her studies and Alex. I was happy to hear her acknowlege that there are pet birds out there too that have amazing comprehension and speech. We all knew that though.
  6. I'm sure Dayo is doing his best to help you concentrate on your work. Ha, Ha!! His words are very clear and he seems determined to get you to let him out of the cage.
  7. Ha Ha!! I've had the same thought. Our birds must think we are totally duffus when it comes to making sounds whistles or beeps. One time Tobie and I were playing a game we play making sounds back and forth and I happened to come up with a new cool sound. He stopped and looked at me twisting his head around and then bobbing his head. I know he was saying "Where did that come from, I can't beleive you came up with that".
  8. Hi Bonnie, I've been away too and it is good to see familiar people among all the new ones. I put Tobie in the tub with the shower running but I don't put him under the spray. The drain I stop up so that gradually it fills and Tobie has an opportunity to get under the spray or not. He usually gets under the edge of the spray or under a wild stream of water that is separate from the main stream. When the water fully is over his belly and lower chest I let a little out. He usually just sits with his eyes half closed enjoying the spray, but some times we have a pool party, especially if it has been a while between baths. He likes the cooler water.
  9. Thanks for the info. I just ordered Good Bird Magazine.
  10. Birds got you wrapped around her little birdie toe. Love how they like to boss everyone around.
  11. I would love to get inside their brains. I think they just have to push the limits to find out how much you'll put up with. I'm sure all is well.
  12. What strikes me about all of these stories is what a big presence a little grey bird is - with out fail. Everyone sais it differently but the bottom line is that the bird has a huge impact and a huge presence in our homes. MarcusAG talked about how the birds have brought she and her husband together. I have to say that the same thing has happened in our house. The bird talks just like Frank which endears him to Frank. We laugh so much more. The bird will be upstairs talking and I'll hear Frank downstairs laughing at what he said . Franks laughter makes me smile. The bird is more mine than his but he talks about it as much as I do. We had dinner with friends a few months ago and Frank was telling some of our funnier Tobie tales. They are still talking about the stories. At a time in our lives when we are taking care of aging parents and on that score we are trying to keep their spirits up in their poor health. The first thing they want to hear is what's Tobie been up to lately. Before long we've got them laughing. There is a kind of magic with grey parrot ownership - wouldn't you have to agree.
  13. Love this. I think they could make any sound possible if it interested them.
  14. Tui is so comfortable with you to alow you to handle her like that.
  15. For some reason today I am just bursting with love for my Tobie. He has been especially clever and funny lately and gives me the usual kisses, but they seem sweeter. When I'm sitting on the couch he will come across the back of the couch and step onto my shoulder and watch a little TV with me. After a couple of minutes he will touch his beak to the side of my head and make a soft kissing sound. Dear sweet bird. He has added many smiles, a few chuckles and lots of love to my home. What do you love most about your grey and how has he changed your life.
  16. " I will say again, having a "Young" parrot and yes even my dobermans, reminds me many times of my children when they were 0 to 5 years old. Not so much in cognitive abilities, but the innocent and lively personalities they have and are like sponges at times, like walls at others and when quiet you better go see what they are getting into". Loved this comment, Dan. I have no children and because of Tobies childlike personality and the things he sais I am experiencing parenthood for the first time through him. I have always said my dogs were my children, but this is more so. Congratulations on Dayo counting to 10. That is quite amazing. I'll have to work on that with Tobie. I want to share - since I'm here - two things that Tobie said recently that surprised me. I heard them clearly and I'm sure he ment exactly what he said. I was in the kitchen just out of sight of Tobie and he said " Whatcha doing! (No surprise since he often asks that if he can't see me) I answered "I'm fixing lunch" After a quiet pause of about 10 seconds he said "Whatcha doing Nooowww" . Surprised me because I'm sure he's never heard me say that. The other thing he said. He was on his play stand looking down at Brandy(the dog) who is kind of a buddy of his. Tobie sais "Whats uuuup, Brandy?" . Brandy, of course didn't say anything. Tobie sais, "You don't know what's uuuupp???" The lilt to his voice asking the question was sooo funny - wish I had a video.
  17. That is so frightening. 10 feet away and the door only opened long enough to step out sideways. Keep looking. Shanti may be nearby and you just can't see her. Never give up.
  18. I really think that they learn to do better with time. Tobie snatched earrings off my ears and ruined more than one necklace. My fault - I know - for not taking them off. Now - at three years he no longer grabs the earrings (dangly earrings are all I wear). He flips them with his beak and sais " Quit that ". He hasn't harmed earrings or necklaces in over a year and I wear them all the time.
  19. I had the same kind of experience with Tobie. He never has gotten so that he "leans into it" but he puts his head down now and holds still puposefully to let me drop it over his head. Last spring was a different story - I had to start over with the training. He go stubborn once and I said O.K. and took the dogs outside to play with the frisbee. Tobie was on his playstand watching from the window. When I came in Tobie waited until he saw me coming up the stairs and said " let's go outside ". I tried the harness again and with just a little effort he let me put it on. I never know if he really means what he sais. That was what I said to the dogs as I took them out earlier.
  20. I'll bet she is really enjoying the shower but wants to keep that a secret.
  21. David, I am so sorry. My prayers are with you. I hope you will find Shanti soon. Since he flew just before sundown maybe he found a nearby tree to roost in and won't go far before morning. Don't give up.
  22. Be patient. I used to wonder if Tobie would ever talk. I'll never forget the time my husband came into the bedroom and woke me up at 6:00 in the morning to tell me that as he passed by Tobie's cage Tobie said "What's up". I jumped out of bed and ran to the cage waiting to hear it again. It was a week before he graced us with his "what's up" again. Now he chatters continuously.
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