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Everything posted by Shamelessmuse

  1. I don't have any of the above things with Teflon personally I don't drink coffee. I use stainless burner covers, ect...then again I have a stove that is older than me with no teflon anything. I don't use air freshner because I am allergic, I can't use bleach because it makes me sick...I don't have stain resistant carpet or furniture...I do have a carpet cleaner. I may be as sensitive as a bird I use natural essential oils for de-smelling any doggy smell. Again, people are going to make the choice if they want to use it or not. I just saw too many birds die as a result of Teflon the 6 years I was a vet tech and like I said if it does that to a bird, what is it doing to me. It's just a risk that I am not willing to take when I really don't have to. No one is perfect and no - you can't 100% eliminate anything that is a threat. But, I can eliminate the ones that are easy to do. Teflon was an easy one, I love my fancy pants stainless pots (that were a total bargin).
  2. Greyce currently has 4 toys in her cage and a bowl with various foot toys. One she hasn't paid much attention to though. I think for her (a petiet TAG) 3 is perfect, 4 with a small one.
  3. Patience, patience, patience! I just adopted a 18 month, well 19 month old Grey last month. It's been slow going but we keep making wonderful baby steps! I spent the first few weeks just talking to her in the cage. Everything I do I explain "want apple?", "want nanner?", "want pepper?" to discribe foods and ask her if she wants it as I give it to her. I just desribe everything I'm doing with her and just in general. Slowly we've been building trust, we aren't 100% yet...but, last weekend she started letting me step up when she was outside, but on the cage. I take her out and put her on her play gym, hold her, do step ups...it's slow, but you will get there. As far as talking, if she was doing it before, she probably will again. It may be tomorrow, next week or next year. It will all be her comfort level. As Judy said, don't make an issue of it. Congrats!
  4. I won't give any one flak for their choices, I will give them the facts, but no one can be forced to bend. for me personally it not only comes down to not wanting to take that risk for my bird. But, also if it is harmful to a bird would it not be harmful to me? And after some of the things I have read, I am not convienced that some of that gross stuff wouldn't leach into my food either. I would rather just used my Stainless set. I did switch before Miss Greyce joined us after some research I had done. I had a brand new set at that - I sold it on Craiglist though. I also got a stainless iron and a non-teflon ceramic dryer - my hair seems to like it more anyway!
  5. Grey's often make up words and put things together wierd. It isn't that uncommon at all.
  6. I can't really say for sure with out really seeing. When you say the bottom, do you mean the tip of the upper mandable?
  7. So cute! Quakers are illegal in Georgia...found that out after trying to find a good breeder to get a baby from last year...I was crushed!
  8. OMG!! So cute!! My two dream birds have always been a Grey and a Cockatoo...I have always been partial to M2s...but, those little G2's are cute as little buttons...you are seriously killing me here!
  9. Greyce loves it, I add all the things she won't eat, but needs and all the things she loves to bribe her to eat it. I mix it up in all sorts of things. We even made a bird bread omlet the other morning. I decided to have a fancy brunch so all the critters got something special too!
  10. rickster - That is great! However do keep in mind that you will typically go through a honeymoon phase with a new older bird, followed by them testing you (what they can get away with, ect) and you may find that things change a bit. Learn bite body language, the best bites are the ones that are avoided and do some reading on how to handle it when it happens as chances are one day it will...better prepared. Congrats on your new baby!!
  11. No worries Terri, I would be more than happy to offer any advice I can! Moving is hard, moving to a diffrent climate with critters adds a whole new element.
  12. Hey Terri! Well, I am a southern girl and here in Atlanta the humidity is oppressive (and we don't get any ocean breezes) and it is hothothot! As far as the fumes go, I would wait as long as possible after painting. I don't know how much input you have, but there are some new paints that do not put off the fumes. I am very sensitive, using paint thinner in the house can send me straight to the ER. So I always wait 3-4 days after painting before I sspend any time in a freshly painted house. Temp wise, your babies should be fine. Make sure they always have plenty of water available and watch them. I would slowly adjust them to the heat, spenind 5 minutes in it a couple of days, 10 minutes, ect. But, being African Greys they should adjust. Now if you had polar bears...that would be another story! One thing you will want to talk to your avian vet (in florida) about is west nile virus and what precautions you need to take for your area. It is something we have in Florida and Georgia (the south for the most part) and it kills birds. I have sent off a few birds I have found dead and two have come back positive. Mosquitos are the carrier for this. Depending on your house and how you run your air, you may need a de-humidifier or not. I have to have one or the whole house gets mildew. I hope this helps!! Let me know if you have any other questions I may be able to help you with.
  13. Karma to you dbhelix! I agree wholeheartedly! I know many intelligent people that know nothing about bird behavior and feel that they can be trained just like a dog. I also know people that seem to feel that negative re-enforcement works when training any animal. While the thought of someone biting their bird is terrible, we can do more good by educating them, without offending them. If you point fingers, tell someone how horrible they are (no matter how you feel) the chances of them listening to you after that are slim to none. Sometimes it is better to bite your tounge and offer friendly advice for the greater good. Unfortunatly I think we may have already run him off.
  14. Sorry guys, I've been so busy!! Merlin is doing just fine. Healthy as he can be. My mother has now bought a door gaurd that she slips in the gap when she has them out. After a great deal of lecturing from dear old daughter (me), I don't think we will have any more close calls. Bless her heart, she was in tears over the whole thing. Even after the vet said he was fine, she kept calling me all the time "He's doing this, is that okay?", "what about this"...She loves them so much!
  15. Thanks guys! I am so proud of her and to be honest, proud of myself. It is a wonderful feeling for sure!
  16. How cute is this? He is adorable, thanks so much for sharing!
  17. Wow! Sorry I haven't been on much, but we have been a busy little house. I've been spending a great deal of time with just focusing on the critter. Well, it is all paying off ladies and gentlemen!! Greyce has come off her cage on her own and been letting me handle her more. She is terrified of towels, blankets, ect...but I think we will get there. We have been working on step ups, ect over the past week or so AND!!!! She let me get her off the cage today!! I am so excited - you have no idea!!!! :ohmy: I went to the bird show today, got her lots of toys and a new table top perch (at a steal, 25 US!!) So after cleaning everything I decided to give it a go and got her to step up off her cage with a peanut bribe (found some awesome US organic, raw peanuts) and up she went and right on to the perch. By the end of the day/evening she was sitting happily on my friend's hand, (who is terrified of birds and held her first tonight) eating bell pepper...many milestones for everyone today. She didn't even want to go back in her cange tonight, she wanted to stay with me!! :) I could split wide open with joy!!! She still won't let me touch her otherwise, but my goodness we have come such a long way!! So to everyone out there that has a rescue and are so envious with the stories of everyone and their babies, you can get there!! Keep love in your heart, have no fear and a great deal of patience...it is slow moving...but it will come. PS.... On biting, when she nips, if I gently push toward her she lets go and it has helped an amazing amount...her nips have become mere gently mouthings!! I am so happy guys, I am full of smiles!!!
  18. I think you did a great job!! I don't think it will set you back at all!!
  19. Your baby needs to go to the vet ASAP, now, before now...Emergency Room Visit is needed, please let us know how it goes!
  20. I agree 100% with Danmcq! One of the biggest mistakes pet owners make is that all the animals get along and nothing will happen. Well, things happen in a split second and animals (no matter how well trained they are) are never, ever going to be totally predictable. So, please, no matter your personal experience - never think they are! I saw so many mangled, injured and dead animals when I worked in emergency medicine that were things that could have been prevented. Hec, just the other day with the door shut so the cats were not in the room they swipped one of her parollettes under the door. It really only takes a nick from a cat to kill a bird.
  21. Oh, he went to the vet today for sure!
  22. Oh, your welcome!! I got my paradise cage there for about half what I could find it online and other places!
  23. Judy it is yummy with a bunch of garlic, some pepper flakes and wilt it gently with that and some olive oil...yum!! It can be very bitter though, I love it anyway.
  24. My mom called me in a tizzy last night. She has two young parollets and she had opened the cage for them to come out. Well, the boy who is not very easy to handle (he was very young when she got him, bad bird breeder:unsure: sold him unweaned and didn't tell my mother a thing, thank god I could teach her) anyway he is a massive biter and not very tame. My mother loves him to pieces (both of them). Well, Merlin flew out, across the room and landed in front of the door. It was closed since she has a few cats and all of the sudden under the door came a cat paw and grabbed him, pulling him under the door. Thank god no mouth was involved and my mother was quick. He wasn't hurt, but utterly terrified. Unfortunatly he never saw the cat and is now scared of my mom...who is so upset about the whole thing...she was crying for hours. I went over what she needed to do to work with him, earn his trust, ect...but she is going to have a long road now for sure. Moral of the story, just because the cats aren't around - be careful!
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