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Everything posted by birdhouse

  1. Thought I'd ask how much everyone is paying & see who's got the best price & good service. I need to get a new bag of TOP pellets, but my local store's been having supply problems. So I'm probably going to have to start buying online & I'd appreciate anyone's suggestions.
  2. So how do you know when it isn't safe? And doesn't tin give off heat in the sun?
  3. LOL I am like scared to think what would happen if I left the container unguarded. Phenix would would OD on them if he could. But I only buy them once in a while & he only gets a couple at most a day.
  4. Doesn't hurt to spike the hot chocolate & bring out the seed catalogs, either. lol We've been "lucky" enough to be on the line for some of the "Wintery Mix" storms. No fun at all to shovel but it really collapsed some of what we had on the ground, Penny. I am working on a co-op plan for after I move my lot. I will definitely put you on the list. Okay, Ray. You can join too. How come you didn't think to post an ad?
  5. Wow, Robin, that's a big time entrance into the club! Most of the charter members can't even claim to have needed stitching up! Props to LP for taking it so well!
  6. Oh-ho, cute! All set to see one of your fabulous pics of your new beauty... Got Me!
  7. This is so Greyt!!! Almost like keeping Yoshi in the family, even. So glad for everyone.
  8. It will be interesting to see the differences between the two experiences... now that you have your stripes & everything.
  9. We have large schools of quarter sized jelly fish that light up green when they're disturbed. But they're no where near as cool as that! Thanks for posting this.
  10. Yes, Judy, Belle was very happily playing in the snow while I was slaving away. Janet, this offer is open to anyone, anywhere, anytime they're willing to take me up on it.
  11. My TAG does not cuddle, but my ekkie does. She doesn't particularly like to be scritched, but loves to do the same beak thing. Sometimes, she wraps her foot around my finger & holds on with her face "buried" & her eyes closed or pinning. She started when she was young & she's never outgrown it. Lucky me!
  12. * Local pickup offered - B.Y.O.S. * Making room for new inventory so no quantity too large * Fresh made almost daily (possibly into April) * Consistency ranges from sheet ice to "Snowman" quality * Available in white, gray & yellow ** Note: for south bound loads only... Please call in advance as these may require an escort PS Please don't tell Robin!
  13. LOL Had to play it twice because Phenix & Kura were so wrapped up in it. Totally adorable!!
  14. It's so easy to forget that little changes mean so much to them! But, like you said, they can certainly remind us pretty quick. Hope everything goes ok with your surgeries.
  15. Welcome to you & your flock! Bet there's a lot of happy bird noise at your house! Once you cut your teeth in the Training forum & Grey Lounge, maybe you could do some posting in the Other Birds forums. Would love to see pics, particularly the caique.
  16. My TAG likes them. My Ekkie is crazy for them. They polish off the nubby end as foot toys, too. Straws are huge around here. Have you tried stuffing the ends with qtips? Or stringing an unwaxed paper cup then sticking straws thru at all angles? My guys will destroy a cup like that if I leave it on the floor of the cage, too ...less clean up
  17. I wish everyone could start their parrot experience by working at a rescue. You'll learn so much. You'll have a very real idea of what you're signing up for. You'll really understand what can go wrong. And you'll have the opportunity to do a great deal of good in the meantime! Yay for you! And hopefully, one (or maybe more ) of those guys will wrap themselves around your heartstrings & find a great new home! Welcome & I hope we'll hear a lot about your experiences in the future.
  18. As soon as I read free flight, I thought of Shanlung. If you haven't already, you might like to read his threads because their pretty interesting & kind of exotic. He isn't around the forum as much since his work moved him. But he still stops by every so often & you might PM him. Free flight outside is an awesome concept, but pretty risky. There aren't a lot of people who are willing to take that risk & have birds that can be trained sufficiently to be allowed to fly free. It's a pretty special thing. Good luck.
  19. Ok, crazy I know, but don't we kind of put our head down, flutter our "wings" & wiggle around when we floss? I wonder if he thinks you're posturing the same way a bird does? And I would think that floss look like fun, too. And next crazy theory... does he like Mom? Because they can hear anyone on the phone with us from across the room & recognize voices. Or do you usually have long conversations with Mom & he's just looking for attention?
  20. LOL ...my apologies. LOL Great car alarm, Mocha!
  21. Hope this finally gets Mino back. Fingers crossed...
  22. And if all goes really well, this is just an infection that the antibiotics will squash & be done with it. Glad to hear you're both feeling better!! PS Thanks for the info on the testing. That's good to know.
  23. birdhouse

    Picky Eater

    I really don't know. It may be an urban myth. Somehow, I've gotten the feeling that there are some bad spices, but, like you, can't find specifics. So, I just err on the side of caution & only offer spices I've specifically seen ok'd. My guys don't like them, so it's a non-issue at my house, anyway.
  24. LOL That must have been hysterical to watch!
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