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Everything posted by Nychsa

  1. Mel wrote: Faster than a deer Mel! :cheer: greyhound = 45 mile/hour coach potato!
  2. Laurie wrote: Laurie, I will definately pass that on to him! With an ego like his, he needs lots of koodos! :laugh:
  3. Thank goodness we have each other Tracy! I think the rest of the world would have us committed~
  4. Jiggy aims to please and show off Pat and Lyric! He was strutting around with that feather as if it was final validation of his greatness!
  5. Ah ha ha Tracy and Siobha!!! Now that just made my day ! Yes, I'm not alone in my bird insanity! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  6. LOL Judy - we aim to please! I will keep my pen handy as I observe the quests of Jiggy, the Grey Stalker! I really need to get Bella's side of the story. She's so laid back about his antics! Every now and then she'll get fed up and give him a good chase :laugh:
  7. LOL Acappella! We'd need to get a little battle helmet for Jiggy - he really thinks he's the great warrior stalker!
  8. I agree Christina - I would take your bird to the vet as quickly as possible.
  9. LOL I promise to remain Jiggy's faithful biographer Cdelatoorejr . Such a great bird needs someone to document all his triumphs! Siobha - not sure "dream" is the word he wants to hear right now - association - bad greyhound! LOL Kitty, I'll pass it on to Jiggy!
  10. Greetings Friends. It's me again: Jiggy, the fearless, warrior knight of the Dusky Headed Conure Order. I'm here to report victory to you. It was on this day that I sat in wait, surveying that grey pest and those lucious red tail feathers. Today one will be mine! And there we have it! Proof that this loud mouthed CAG is no match for my skills and cunning! Take a good look! I'll mount this in my cage along with all my other war trophies! Shut up Dream! That's not true! Mom didn't give me the feather! Mind your own hound business! Stupid greyhound! Just because she's a sight hound, she think she sees everything! And so the saga continues... Jiggy and the quest for victory!<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/07/22 01:13
  11. siobha9 wrote: :laugh: yes, Doc is SO abused, just look at him on the couch! He OWNS this place!
  12. siobha9 wrote: That's a matter open for debate :laugh: I don't know who is more crazy, the grey stalker, the grey with the foot fetish, or their unfortunate owner Siobha - it's all his fault - I'm the victim here! This guy primes the pump around here!
  13. judygram wrote: I'm happy to share Judy and certainly happy you got a giggle out of it! What else can I do with these two but laugh?? This is my sailor's karma that I have two deviants - one stalker who likes to peep and one with a foot fetish!
  14. Hi there Nims, Bella used to borrow when she was very young, but it stopped over time. Bella doesn't care for cardboard boxes either. The blow dryer doesn't bother her though I try to keep it from her as I'm not sure if there is teflon in it. Some have teflon in them. Cheers! Terri
  15. LOL Dan, he just made himself a peep hole in the paper and now he's watching her through it :laugh: He's such a little freak! She knows he's there, I can't believe he thinks he's invisible to her!
  16. Thanks Trust! You're welcome Tracy They go at this for hours! Jiggy will pop out from under the paper and nip Bella into the foot until she gets fed up and opens a can of "whoop Azz" on him! Then he runs off screeching. The little green devil is lucky he's flighted and can zip off as fast as he does :laugh:
  17. siobha9 wrote: :woohoo: :lol: :silly: :side: But Siobha! I'm doing just fine !:laugh:
  18. Good Job Max! (well, ah, I think I'm with your girl friend on those special noises!) But it sounds like you and Gizmo are doing great! How old is he now?
  19. Greetings friends, I'm Jigme, aka Jiggy, aka Jiggyman - I'm the great African Grey stalker! I live with this pest of a grey who thinks she owns everything! Her name is Bella. But today, I'm going to show her! Dang, she's looking at me, I'll just hide, she won't know I'm here. I'll wait for her to get into position and then I'll nail her! Ha! What did I tell you! Now I've got her! I'm going to nab me one of those red tail feathers and victory will be mine! Ok, so today I wasn't feeling like getting into a big hunt. It's Sunday! She got lucky, I'm taking the day off!
  20. Congrats! The waiting is maddening - I feel for you! One day seems like a million days Your baby is very handsome and I'm sure you'll have many stories to tell and pictures to share as he continues to grow and prosper. Keep us posted! Terri
  21. That's great that Ceaser was able to stay with you - many best wishes with your situation and look forward to hearing all about him. Grat pictures!
  22. judygram wrote: :laugh: Thanks Buddy!!!
  23. My house is pretty open and the birds are centerally located, so they can pretty much see me all the time. If I leave for another room, Jiggy flies after me and Bella glides to the floor and waddles after me - we call it her "stealth mode" because she makes her wings low and puts her head down. She looks like one of those stealth bombers :laugh: Plus she thinks she's being sneaky which is always funny! Dan - good point re: looking on your shoulder before you go outside! Jiggy flies on to my shoulder all the time and he's such a light weight, I forget his there when I'm busy!
  24. Hi, is it shivering or a kind of shaking? Bella will shake a bit every now and then when she's just sitting on her perch. I've read other members post that their greys do the same thing.
  25. judygram wrote: Judy paint your toe nails red and put your feet up on the couch when Josey is there with you - that might just do the trick for her too!
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