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Everything posted by Nychsa

  1. Congrats!!! Look forward to hearing all about your new baby as he continues to grow!
  2. :laugh: Judy! Josey certainly sounds like she needs to have a handle on things! Bella doesn't look after she went, but she says "oops poop poop!" Jiggy on the other hand, he eyeballs his doings from one side to the other and then he scooches away like "that wasn't me - eeew, who did that???" :laugh:
  3. danmcq wrote: :laugh: Shoot, I was looking at her crop wondering if that whole matzo ball was in there somewhere!! You'd think after that much food she'd be down for the count digesting, but no sir! She was running around like a maniac, doing her dances, running back and forth on the couch, chasing Jiggy and chattering her little beak off :silly: I couldn't believe her! My partner is Jewish, so he turned me on to the chicken with noodles and matzo ball soups. I had it last night for dinner and since Bella shares my dinner, she went to town on that matzo ball! I thought her favorite food was chicken wings, but in the mean time, I think the chicken wings have been surpassed by matzo balls :laugh:
  4. I really should weigh Bella right now - she just ate a whole Matzo ball!!! ok, Granted it was one of those little ones..., but still, it was the size of a lime! I'm looking at her wondering where on earth she put it :ohmy: Add to that, she ate a bunch of noodles too! Bella weighs 553 grams first thing in the morning. She's 14.5 inches long. But, Dave tells me his little one weighs more than Bella, so I'm not going to worry about it - I can feel her keel bone and she's as happy as can be - so, she seems to be digesting her matzo balls!
  5. HI there, I'm faced with the same situation - this Sunday is a get together and most everyone brings their greys or other parrots to the meetings. I'd love to bring Bella, but I dont' have access to my avian vet (we just moved to FL and haven't seen the vet yet). Bella is 14 months now... there are other birds there her age.. so, I'm researching it before I take her.
  6. I haven't read the book M2M - I'm not sure I could. I think it would be too upsetting. We can learn about greys without confining them to some lab and limiting their lives.
  7. I'm also wondering if Dr. Pepperberg's evaluations are too limiting. Just focusing on speech in my mind doesn't really demonstrate the full range of the grey's intelligence. I mean, if you look at one of the other threads, there are several stories on there about different greys who not only demonstrate language comprehension and speaking capabilities, but also demonstrate caring, expressing their desires, an understanding of their surroundings etc.. I can't imagine those birds in that lab have many opportunities to express their full personalities if all that is ever focused on is their speaking ability. I also found that dark, grey lab too depressing for a grey... I wish Dr. Pepperberg would either show that Griffin has a full life or if he doesn't that she considers letting him have one.
  8. OH my gosh is that adorable or what! Thanks for sharing Siobha!!! Goodness, now I'm wondering if we're not missing a little boy Grey in our flock!
  9. Awwww that is so sweet Siohba! Now anyone who says these animals simply mimic sounds has no clue! She was clearly helping him! Too sweet
  10. Thank you for posting the link Christina. I really found it interesting. I was a bit shocked at how badly Alex had plucked himself and it looks like Griffin is pretty rough on his feathers too. I wonder what that is all about.
  11. Oh that is a hoot Zandische! Maybe you can get a picture of something like that :laugh: that would be awesome! Bella is 14 months old now. She goes crazy over videos of other greys. I need to really make a video of her watching videos! :laugh:
  12. That is wonderful! How old is Athena?
  13. PS to my post though - I wish I understood the foot fetish thing though! LOL! Today while I was sipping my coffee on the couch, she "gurged" for my foot! :blink: :dry: I think you were right Dan - it might be the red nail polish - maybe I should do my fingers red and see what she does!
  14. Wow Dan! Thank you so much for sharing!! Dayo sounds like he's really expressing how much he's connected! Isn't that wonderful!! Look forward to more Dayoisms! I whole heartedly conquer with your conclusion that these guys are our families. Bella's connection to me goes well beyond that of any companion animal I've lived with. She "gets" things and she's in tune to everything that's going on. It's amazing. I don't think anyone can understand that unless they've spent time with these beings.... I think that is one of the reasons I value all of interactions on this board so much. I know people here have "seen" what it is like living with a grey And to me, that's a blessed life
  15. Hi Pat, Thank you re: my dog. He's doing very well again (knock on wood). So, hopefully we've done the right things to avoid this kind of thing in the future! My kids are grown and out of here as well. So, in many ways - my managerie is certainly taken center stage here at home My kids are however involved with my birds as they don't want to stay disconnected from them in the event I'm not around to take care of the birds any more, the kids will take that over
  16. Poppy, I just moved here, but the plan I have is if a hurricane comes and we need to leave, I have two travel cages that they can stay in for up to a week. I'd use those for the birds in the event of an evacuation.
  17. That could be right poppy - they just start chattering when it rains! It's a hoot - I mean, that is if you don't mind your ear drums getting blown out :woohoo:
  18. Zpyder wrote: That's a great question Zpyder - if you get additional information on that - please do share!! Karma to you!
  19. Great Ronda!!! Sweetheart is coming around!! All your hard work will start paying off
  20. danmcq wrote: Ooops, I documented the age when Bella said her first words, not her current age..
  21. dblhelix wrote: LOL that was my question too - I assumed it was at what age did they start?
  22. Congrats Raposa!! Now the flood gate is opening and pretty soon you'll remember the days when you could leave the room without having someone yell "MAMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  23. All - thank you for all the responses Dave, the blinds are usually down far enough so they won't see the lightening. They've never been covered, so I'd be concerned about how they'd react to being covered! Tracy,Zpydr, M2, I think you all are hitting on a common theme, namely a reaction to bad weather and a desire to keep the flock together? Well, if Bella and Jiggy consider the Greyhounds as part of their pack, they sure chase them out of the room with that racket!!!
  24. Greetings everyone, It appears Florida has thunderstorms every afternoon in summer! I'm not really sure how this is affecting my parrots and I worry a bit about them. When ever a storm starts up, they both begin to chatter away. Jiggy makes his typical conure noises but at the top of his lungs! Bella starts cycling through all her words and sounds that she knows and at the top of her lungs too. I don't think they're anxious or scared, but I'm not sure why they start this really loud chatter when a storm starts. I've searched the web trying to get some data on parrots and thunderstorms, but to no avail. If anyone has any insights, that would be great. Cheers! Terri
  25. judygram wrote: :laugh: Judy! Yep - that one time I get a little spoiling, but most of the time "Her Majesty" has first dibs on everything. If I make myself a nice cold glass of juice she freaks out on her perch until she gets to drink first. Sometimes I think she's done and I go to try and take a sip, she actually pinches me on the cheek to let me know she's not done!
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