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Everything posted by tibanks

  1. Hello and Welcome to the forum Rue. Glad you could join us here. Looking forward to hearing more about your flock.
  2. My two greys definitely have their moments and days around here. Sometimes when I put granny back in her cage she will lunge towards my finger and give a good bite. I've learned to just talk and praise her now as I put her back into her cage. I make sure I have her complete attention. Also a finger that does has an earthquack could be helpful with biting. However the biting your talking about, where the bird does not want to let go, could be fear biting; Or simply anger about having to go back into the cage. Since you guys were having a hard time getting him back in where he needed to be could have been either. Anyway these things happen from time to time, hard not to make a big deal out of it as your getting bitten..but you have to try hard to keep your composure. Hope your husband will continue to be involved with Baxter, Im sure this behavior is out of his norm..and he was just having a parrot moment.
  3. As with Baxter I got my birds as older birds..I was told when buying both birds that neither liked men. I was even showed how the bird disliked men when husband and sons were introduced. However when these birds were introduced to my home within a week both were excepting my husband. He isent their number 1 person(they leave that love for me :kiss:) but they do step up for him, and they allow him to offer them food & toys. He's the toy maker around here..they have a general respect for him, as he with them..I agree that the birds really need to have some socialization with all family members since all members are a part of the flock.
  4. Hello and Welcome Lynette. There is such a wealth of info here, take a look around and ask any questions. Congrats on the new one to come.
  5. Sorry I see now where you posted he is 6 y/o. He's very handsome and regal looking.
  6. Hello and Welcome MB. Im so happy you have given an older bird a home, and he has adjusted well. Both my birds have been second hand birds, and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Any idea how old your guy is?
  7. Ok finally got the volume to work..I've never heard either of these sounds from my two..
  8. Hello and welcome I feed a fresh diet along side seed. Tina
  9. Darn I couldn't get the volume to work:angry: Tina in OR.
  10. I have one of each, and both will make noise as if to say back off, but I dont know if I really consider the sound to be a growl. I will say my Congo is far more prone to make this noise over the Tag. Tina in OR.
  11. I really like Bird talk too because they dont just talk about parrots they talk about all birds. Plus yes the centerfolds are a plus..I use these behind the bird cages to protect my wall. But I also really find myself enjoying Companion Parrot Quarterly. http://www.companionparrot.com/ Tina in OR.
  12. That is so cute, I can see it now. Thanks for sharing. Tina in OR.
  13. We have a double decker cage too. Granite the Tag get's the top, and our Green Check conure buzzard prefers the bottom. Ruby our Cag is in her own cage, with the bird gym between the two cages. My Cag would love to interact with the Tag, but the Tag is not real receptive so I always have to keep a close eye. The Conure I really have to watch cause both birds are afriad of her. For the most part around here I find that my birds all like to have their own space and place. I juggle birds all day with play time and one on one attention, but I love it. I didn't buy any of these birds hoping or expecting them to interact and be friendly towards each other..I realized I had to make time for each indivdual and to house them as individuals too.
  14. WTG Nora. I adopted my Congo at 14months too from a couple who no longer had the time, best decision I ever made. Shes been with us now 3mos. I also have a timneh as well that I've had for 7yrs, shes a wonderful bird..Welcome to greys, and hope to hear more about you and your baby. Tina in OR.
  15. Ok add us to the count too. I have one of each..Gotta luv em. Granite-Tag; Ruby-Cag Cag-27 Tag-19 Tina in OR.
  16. Hello and welcome, glad you joined us. Tina in OR
  17. Wow never heard of breeding a tag & Cag..Will be interested in seeing pictures. Welcome to the board. Tina in OR.
  18. Im pretty up front with my guest too. But I find that people are more scared of them and dont mind viewing from a distance..they find the beak intimadating. Both my bestfriends are scared of them. Now my mom on the other hand wants to be up in their face, wasen't to long ago she got a lip bitten, and now she keeps her distance. Tina in OR.
  19. Hello..Welocme to you & your grey. Glad your joining us. Tina in OR.
  20. Hello and welcome..Glad you could join us here TINA
  21. Hello and welcome..I guess Im kinda new too. I've had my Timneh for 7yrs, she is now 10. My Granite is a great bird we love her so much, cant imagine our family w/o her. I also have a Congo too, Your going to fall in love with your bird. Glad you could join us. Tina in OR.
  22. Great Pic, you both look so happy. Thanks for sharing. Tina in OR.
  23. Very nice set up..great job making your own toys, sure saves a bit. Tina
  24. Hi, and welcome.. I totally agree with Baxters mom. I got my grey off of craigslist, and she is only 14 months old. Also I got my Timneh as a second hand bird from a breeder and have had her now for 7yrs. Dont rule out befriended an older bird that needs a new home. Good luck finding a new friend. Tina in OR.
  25. Im a big user of the word "Dont" or "Dont Do It" and the evil eye. Mine likes to try to test me sometimes as I put her back on the perch in her cage. I also try to keep eye contact, and talk to her so I know I have her attention to distract from a possible biting moment. T
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