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Everything posted by MakenasDad
Also, in general CD has some pretty good advice. One thing however I would change, are the words always/never when on a weight loss regimen. If you tell yourself I'll never eat ice cream again, you're going to want it that much more, and eventually you will, and there is a strong likelihood you will binge, or eat a lot of it at once, as opposed to eating it in moderation over time. We are creatures of habit, and this can be difficult to portion out servings, but if you can do this you will be happy during your diet, and ultimately have better results. Honestly it is better not to go on fad diets, but to choose a healthy overall diet and stick with it. This is called a lifestyle modification change. As we want instant results, this can be difficult, but overall - over time, it's the way to go.
Fairy, Thats a great question. We have been hearing a lot about this recently. Basically, in a "nut"shell, the difference is this: White bread is goes through a refining process where the husks of the wheat is "peeled/grinded" off, leaving only the inside of the grain. This is the reason white bread is white. In whole grained breads, this husk is left on. What is the nutritional benefit? Well, in general we have been eating more refined foods, meaning less fiber. Our bodies will eventually break down the outside husks in some grains, but in others not at all. This is what we refer to as "fiber" aka foods that we eat that our bodies don't directly break down. What this allows is prolonging the "spike" in blood sugar, known as the glycemic index. So, as our bodies break down that husk, blood level sugars are not spiked but go up and down over a longer period of time. Here is an example: Try eating a bowl of rice krispy ceral for breakfast one day, and a bowl of quaker oat meal another, which day do you think you will feel fuller longer? I hope I wasn't too scientific in my explanation, but if you need further explaining, or have any additional nutrition questions, please let me know! Also, some things you read about nutrition are opinions, because of the way we were raised, I try to steer clear of opinions, unless I explicitly say they are mine, as my background is a BS in Nutrition. Thanks for reading!
Good job sweetie! Congrats! I knew you would do it. I'm happy that you have become a part of this forum and I have been introduced to so many greyt people! I enjoy reading about what you and everyone post. Thanks for your support everyone else! When you said you wanted to reach 1000 before the end of the week, I knew it wouldn't be long before you reached your goal. XOXO {Love-0002012C} {Love-000200BF}
What kind of camera's are you using
MakenasDad replied to nevjoe's topic in Photography & Video Room
The point & shoot isn't THAT bad.. It's taken all the images we've posted. But like Kristin said, we can't wait for the D40x - I've ALWAYS wanted an SLR, and can't wait to see the results! -
Sounds good. As your vet said "no lice were found," did he look at the feathers under a microscope? He/she should be looking for "knits" found only by looking under a microscope - the lice like to hide.. As for medications: our vet suggested not actually spraying directly onto the bird, as it can irritate their lungs, and the chemicals can get into the eyes and cause irritation. So, what we did was sprayed the solution onto a rag in another room (to prevent inhalation) and then wiped it onto the feathers - belly, back, and under the wings. We were to do this every 3-4 days for about 4 weeks. That was what we were supposed to do. If it helps, the product we used was "8 in 1, mite & lice spray." As Makena ended up being treated with an oral solution, I can't really comment on the effectiveness. Your vet may not have wanted to treat orally as the medication can make birds kind of "woozy." I hope all the best, and am sure all will be well as we can all tell how much love you have for your birdie. Please continue to keep us updated!
Jujubechan, What did the vet do about the lice? Poor Makena had lice, and we tried a spray solution. When the vet found worms as well, he was treated orally, with a medication called "Ivomec." This medication treated both the worms and lice - so we discontinued with the spray. I was just wondering what your vet did for you? Thanks.
The Fugitive - Harrison Ford
Two birds meeting first time, what does this mean
MakenasDad replied to Zarlock's topic in The GREY Lounge
Hello all, I know that Tui is only 2.5 years old, and not yet sexually mature, but what about the other? Also what is the sex of them both? I.E. Are they both males, if so, could be a dominance thing? I just thought this information would be interesting. Thanks. -
{Communicate-000200D5} Good Job Joe!! I love reading your posts - keep em' comin'!
Oh geez, where to begin?! Everything our Makena does is cute in some fashion or another. Kristin said in another post, but I have to say it again, that when we put him in his cage, and he wants out he will literally turn upside down on his back with his feet dangling in the air either in the bottom of his cage or even in his food bowl, as if to say "look at me, I'm locked in my cage and helpless." This one gets me everytime. {Characters-000200D2}
Short weekend trip (AG alone for first time)
MakenasDad replied to GreenT's topic in The GREY Lounge
GreenT, How old is your Grey? I like what the others have suggested, but if no one can stay over, maybe you could set a radio on a timer? (couple of hours a day?) If you do that, you may want to set the station to a news station. I've heard of birds picking up some pretty annoying tunes before on music stations. Hope this helps.. -
Ya Dan, there really wasn't any competition there. Judy, I plan on buying the High Potency FINE next time. It really hard to find anyone who even sells it on the island. In fact only the vet offices sell it. I'll check around and see if we can find some here before attempting to order online and paying shipping. The picture really made us chuckle as well, haha. :laugh:
Well we pretty much have Makena weaned off of hand feeding formula. We used Kaytee Exact Rainbow mix to ween him off, and he pretty much likes it (mainly the red ones for some reason.) In addition we always have another bowl full of his fruits/veggies. We started putting Harrisons High Potency coarse in his pellet bowl to see how much he likes it. Here is a picture of his thoughts: <br><br>Post edited by: MakenasDad, at: 2007/10/05 21:37
Sorry to post kind of late on this, but I really felt the need. I am happy to see you're going to do it! It sounds like you are taking the proper precautions of bringing her into the college environment. I was in a similar situation when I went to school. I had two macaws, a blue & gold, and a miniature yellow collar. I left them at home at first for my mom to take care of. I noticed that when I'd go home, they just we not receiving the proper care they deserved. I wanted to take them to school with me, but there was not anywhere in the area I lived in that would allow "pets," and I knew it wouldn't be fair to bring them into the environment I lived in at the time. We had to put them up for adoption, and I have regretted it ever since. I miss my babies! But now we have Makena are couldn't be happier! B) There is some great advice in this thread that should definitely be of concern - good job everyone! Best of luck to you!
Awww. Looks like she enjoyed it! As I posted in the other thread, we have been using Aloe as well on Makena. Did you notice how much softer her feathers are? Makes a difference, huh?
Well we were in Walmart today and found the Aloe Vera Juice as pictured. We also purchased a sprayer. After cooling it in the fridge, we gave Makena shower today and while his feathers were all puffed up like he likes to do, we misted him (full strength) with the Aloe Juice. We got everywhere, feet, under his wings, back etc.. He really didn't seem to mind, and in fact it seemed "cooling" to him. The spray has a unique smell (not bad), but it goes away after drying. Now he is on my shoulder assisting me with this post, and is as soft as he's ever felt! This stuff works! And anything to keep his dander down and reduce skin irritation is great! Thanks Dave - Karma for you!!<br><br>Post edited by: MakenasDad, at: 2007/09/25 05:36
Our new stainless pots/pans came! Before Makena, we had teflon pots/pans. Everytime we (Kristin) would cook, we would open all the windows, turn on the ceiling fans, and make sure he was in a well ventilated area. Well now we don't have to worry as much of any unseen fumes hurting our little baby. Luckily it was about time to replace them anyways.. haha. It may take a little time to get used to cooking in stainless, but it's worth it!
Hi Dave, Thanks, this is something that I have looked into, and ya know you're right - you may just be onto something. I have downloaded and analyzed all posts and PM's between Kristin and Dan, and have sent it to the lab for a scientific analysis. As soon as the results come back I'll keep you posted. May the force be with you - always.
Thanks everyone for such a warm welcome. It really is no surprise as I feel as if I know most of you already thru Kristin! Joe, if I can think of any dirt, I may just have to PM you. Haha. Thanks again everyone as it's great to officially be a part of the flock!
Dicky601, I have had two Macaws before our Grey, and have seen them all occasionally do this. Not only did the Macaws stick their nail into their nostril, but I caught Makena (our Grey) do this the other day. Everyone is saying the right things though, it may be a problem if you notice discharge, mucus, etc.. Honestly it's just kind of "funny.." I'm sure he'll be fine!
Yeah, come on everyone - I did!! B)
Aloha! While I have been one of those guests who have been "lurking" as some have called it, or just checking things out - I have finally become a member! I must say I knew it was time when I was asking Kristin (username Makena) to post questions for me! I also saw the post of nevjoe asking all guests to become members, and I knew I had to. I've heard Kristin telling me about all the fun she has and stuff she learns, as well as using everyone's usernames in our everyday conversations! It feels good to come out of the dark and be a part of the community. I'd normally say something about our Grey (Makena) here, but I honestly think everyone knows everything about him already!