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Everything posted by MakenasDad

  1. I have read/heard the same about what Dave said. As I said I don't know which particular bugs are passed, only that they can be. What do you do when your sick as precautionary measures Dave?
  2. I don't know the science behind what particular bacteria/viruses can be contracted. BUT, when I'm sick, I don't hang around them very much if at all. I wash my hands VERY good with antibacterial soap/water before feeding them, and then simply don't hang around the cage at all - or handle/cuddle/kiss them. It's SOO hard to do, especially because they look at you like they're missing you, but it's for their health.. What does everyone else do when they're sick? I'm kind of curious too!
  3. Definitely bulky.. But you're right you can really get a sharper image. I just thought I'd ask as we have a contest to get a great landscape shot. I thought I may have to go the extra mile and use a tripod to get that "pro shot" - don't steel my idea!! LOL! Also here is a quote out of a nikon book I have called Nikon school of SLR photography - "Generally, the slowest speed at which you should try to hand-hold the camera is the equivalent of the fraction created by dividing 1 by the focal length of the lens you're using. For example, if you're using a 50mm lens, then the slowest speed for handheld photography should be about 1/50 (or the next fastest speed, e.g., 1/60)" Just thought you may be interested :-)
  4. I too will be watching this post out of interest. Falco - welcome to the forum!! You should post an introductory post in the welcome room and tell us more about yourself and the birds. This is a great forum with a plethora of information. Dave also is known around these parts for knowing his stuff!! Once again, welcome and I wish you luck with the breeding. :silly:
  5. Awe, that's terrible!! As many bird owners here have experienced - welcome to the "my bird bit me club." You did the right thing though in not having a huge reaction to it, and simply just putting him back in his cage. I know that must have been difficult - but good job! B)
  6. We also use the Aviator Harness for Makena. Although he doesn't like it 100%, he will tolerate us putting it on, and will bite at it once it's on him. We go out for walks with him as frequently as we can to try to get him used to it. It's best to start them young. I've heard that the older they are the more difficult it can be to get on, and longer it takes as well. I've provided a link if it helps. This is THE harness to get if you're considering one. Everyone here who has one, uses this one.. Hope this helps, and best of luck! http://www.theparrotuniversity.com/instructions.php
  7. As everyone else says - PLEASE do your research! It's a big decision! Just make sure you have all the facts about both, almost the point that you're blue in the face with knowing all about them. If you have specific questions about them - this is definitely the place to ask!! :-)
  8. Thanks for posting, it's great to hear that you've received such a large amount of some products. We've considered doing that as well, but there are only a couple that are carried in our local pet store, and if we found something other than what's local the only other way to go is mail order. Something to consider I guess when requesting samples...
  9. Hello fellow shutterbugs (as they say) :-), I was wondering what everyone's thoughts are on purchasing a tripod? I've been doing a little research and there are so many options! I've read that you really shouldn't spend over $100 unless you are pro and have the reasons to do so. What are your thoughts?
  10. Congrats Melissa! I always enjoy looking at the photos you've submitted. I like this room a lot, and think you'll do a great job. As Kristin said, expect plenty more from us, as we just got a new camera recently as most are already aware. Good job{Emotions-000200BE}{Emotions-000200BE}
  11. We bring Makena up to a mirror every time we take a shower. There's a full length mirror in our bathroom. He hasn't ever thought much of it. I've even put him up close to it before and he didn't really have a reaction at all. Maybe if you bring Alcazar up to it, do it at a distance at first and do it gradually over time as you don't want to frighten him TOO badly!! Haha G'luck and keep us updated!
  12. Very nice pictures!! That's actually how we saw Makena for the first time (pictures,) he was still very young when we picked him up. I'm sure you'll fall in love with him (if you haven't already) when you see him for the first time - Congrats & keep us updated!
  13. Ya, Makena does the exact same thing. I take him to the kitchen sink, and while I'm making his breakfast, he lets it go like a B-52 and *BANG* - the sink didn't even see it comin.... It's like a nuclear blast!!!
  14. Wanda's dishwasher quit working so she called a repairman. Since she had to go to work the next day, she told the repairman, 'I'll leave the key under the mat. Fix the dishwasher, leave the bill on the counter, and I'll mail you a check.' 'Oh, by the way don't worry about my dog Spike. He won't bother you. But, whatever you do, do NOT, under ANY circumstances, talk to my parrot!' 'I REPEAT; DO NOT TALK TO MY PARROT!!!' When the repairman arrived at Wanda's apartment the following day, he discovered the biggest, meanest looking dog he has ever seen. But, just as she had said, the dog just lay there on the carpet watching the repairman go about his work. The parrot, however, drove him nuts the whole time with his incessant yelling, cursing and name calling. Finally the repairman couldn't contain himself any longer and yelled, 'shut up, you stupid, ugly bird!' To which the parrot replied, 'Get him, Spike!'<br><br>Post edited by: MakenasDad, at: 2007/11/05 21:40
  15. Great job Melissa - thanks for posting the pictures! Action shots can be difficult, but you did a great job. As for the bird you weren't sure the name of, it's called a rose breasted cockatoo, they are known for a sweet temperament.
  16. I'm with all of you on this one as well. I rescued a B&G Macaw when I was younger. I had to wait on the list for two years before getting a call. The bird adoption agency we got him from charged only $100 to help support the agency, and the bird came with a cage. After having to go to college, I was going to look for a place that would take my birds, but it didn't work out that way. (I also had a miniature yellow collar macaw.) The birds weren't getting the love they deserved at home, so we went on a search to find a more suitable living situation. My parents found them a home (without telling me,) and my mom couldn't tell me about it for about a week or two, when my dad spilled the beans. I can't remember being more upset, and to this day I still miss my babies. I had to find my babies a new home, and it was very difficult for me. There are so many stories like this, and for people just to say that they don't like their pets for the way that they are is heartbreaking. I love all my pets for who they are, and finding a new home and loosing them was so difficult for me. This is not something I could imagine ever going through again. Although I now have an education, I miss my birdies... BMustee, I think you were spot on in your response, just saying what we were all thinking.
  17. Hi Zeta! Your baby is SOOO cute, I just love em' when they're still chicks!! There is a lot general useful information to your question on the "FAQ" tab found at the top of the page. I have provided a link to your question. Not to detour you (we love questions!) but just to answer your question in general. If you still have any questions after reading this, please feel free to post them! Congrats on the new baby!!! http://www.greyforums.net/faqs/minimum-cage-requirements.html
  18. MakenasDad

    new video

    Good job Beccy - I loved watching the video. I haven't put anything on youtube yet, but I'm sure that will be next. Thanks to you & Brian!!
  19. I must say that's quite the accomplishment, as of now, this is only my 50th post!! Good job - I also enjoy reading your posts.
  20. Awesome idea Joe!! Did you know that at the Home Depot and probably the like, you can buy little misting adapters? The only reason I tell you about them, is that they still put out a good amount of water in a very gentle mist as opposed to a direct stream, just an idea. Looks like your birds don't care one way or another though! B)
  21. We started misting Makena using a spray bottle since he was a chick as to get him used to water. I know it's a lifelong "trait" to be able to bath them, so we started young. Sometime he doesn't WANT to get wet while watching us take showers, but after we start misting him with the water, he wants to jump down and be completely drenched. He fluffs up all his feathers and sometimes even spreads his wings out as not to miss a spot - SO funny! If starting to bath them at an older age, I would probably stand a distance with the bottle, as not to produce a negative impact. Spray at the point that the mist almost fades to nothing (i.e don't spray with the bottle right in front of them.) Just mist a couple of times to get them used to it, and increase the amount over time (days/weeks) until they get wet - see if eventually they don't start to enjoy it? Hope this helps - g'luck! Notice the water on the ceiling!! :pinch: <br><br>Post edited by: MakenasDad, at: 2007/10/26 22:28
  22. I would NOT allow it, as yeasts are what they are testing for when a gram test is done. Yeasts are what cause sour crop. I would discourage it!!
  23. I almost want to start a new thread, but I wonder what they do in the wild.. I've noticed a "theme" of all of our birds doing the wolf-whistle. I know that we didn't show Makena how to do that, as we don't whistle at him, he just started doing it one day, and now all the time. Does anyone know if it is instinctual, it'd be funny to be walking through the Congo, and hearing wolf whistles. Just my random thought for the day.
  24. I was wondering what time, in general, does the first molt generally occur? Makena's about 6 months, should it be happening sooner than later - or closer to the year mark? Thanks..
  25. Exactly. Although transit times vary in each individual, it is slowed down in general. You're right though, we're all different - mainly (about 75-80%) of this is actually controlled by genetics, kind of interesting huh?
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