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  1. just a question regarding parrot food. i have always fed my grey the normal seed mix with sunflower seeds and also give her about 5 moneky nuts each day as she loves them. im thinking about changing her diet as someone told me the seed mix is bad for them and monkey nuts are also bad for them. thing is she loves sunflower seeds and monkey nuts. her food is similar to this picture https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/A1bWlOkblxL._SL1500_.jpg would it be good idea to change her diet to something like this https://www.parrotessentials.co.uk/harrisons-high-potency-coarse-complete-parrot-food/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA84rQBRDCARIsAPO8RFwVDaJpmnzZPsQ1kNeSRQ8kB669iQ0VzB5pkEVXUrtDUBCeB2TzZxEaAlRjEALw_wcB
  2. hi could someone please explain if uv light are good for greys, and do these uv lights also give off heat to keep birds warm? was reading up on them and read they are not needed and other sites say they are a must if your bird dont get sunlight. im looking for something that will help my bird but also keep her warm. this is the one i was thinking about buying are they good ? http://www.northernparrots.com/arcadia-compact-uv-deluxe-bird-lighting-kit-lamp-and-holder-prod828111/ thankyou
  3. ok thanks for the advice, does this one look ok seems good price. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/300894143974?ru=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_sadis%3D200%26_ipg%3D50%26LH_SALE_CURRENCY%3D0%26_sacat%3D0%26_samihi%3D%26_samilow%3D%26_fpos%3D%26_ftrt%3D901%26_oexkw%3D%26_udhi%3D%26_sabdhi%3D%26_ftrv%3D1%26_udlo%3D%26_sabdlo%3D%26_adv%3D1%26_sop%3D12%26_dmd%3D1%26_okw%3D%26_nkw%3D300894143974%26_rdc%3D1
  4. oh ok thats very strange? as they are advized for being for parrots here ? http://www.midlandparrots.com/arcadia-parrot-pro-uv-flood-248-p.asp http://www.northernparrots.com/parrot-pro-uv-compact-waterproof-bird-lamp-and-holder-prod828101/ anyone comment as im puzzled.
  5. hello my femail grey has a bad coat seems she plucks. i heard uv lamps are good for greys for vitamin c i have just bought one of these http://www.arcadia-reptile.com/uv-flood-lamp/ will this be good for my grey and safe to use. and just wondering also best way to attach this to her cage. thanks
  6. what is a crop infection? i have noticed she was pulling her chest feathers out and the part with the lump has gone bald, so might be a swelling due to her keep plucking her chest feathers. and yes i will see if the lumps still the same in couple of days, now i have removed the eggs. if not i will book her in to see the vet. i feel so guilty to be honest removing the eggs as she keep going to bottom of cage lookin for them.
  7. just a update. its been over a couple of weeks now as she still sits on the eggs. im getting kina worried now as she has a lump by her neck, might be down to swelling due to sitting on the eggs for over couple weeks? anyone advize?. i really dont like taking her eggs off her but im getting kinda worried about her sitting on them for so long i have had to do it.:unsure: heres another picture of the swelling. <br><br>Post edited by: jjcool, at: 2009/03/07 21:51
  8. just a update. today i noticed my african grey laid another egg. so shes laid 2 in last few days should i be concerned? she laid the first egg 3 days ago and laid another today. i have put some egg in her bowel which shes not really keep on, but she is eating the sunflower seeds which i heard are quite fatting but good for calcium.<br><br>Post edited by: jjcool, at: 2009/02/11 20:01
  9. ok just a update: been keeping a eye on my african grey and noticed shes stopping at the bottom of cage with egg siting on the egg and trying to push it underneith her, i have covered her over and left her in piece, also put some cheese in her bowl.
  10. thanks judygram , thanks for putting my mind to rest, i was indeed shocked as i had him ( now her) 2 years and shes nver laid a egg before :ohmy: ok i will lave it in the cage, how do i go about changing the paper at bottom where the egg is as i heard it can stress them if you touch the egg.<br><br>Post edited by: jjcool, at: 2009/02/08 21:26
  11. just a update i need some advice maybe i have found out why hes been quiet and pulling cheat feathers. i just noticed hes laid a egg on bottom cage??? i thought he was male since i bought him? is laying a egg normal? hows it possible if theres only him in cage? as hes never done this before? can someone advize please as pretty shocked to see hes laid at the bottom of cage and sat by the egg? shocked!!!!:ohmy: :ohmy:
  12. hi there. just some advice please. i have had my african grey for couple years now. he had a bad feather plucking problem when i had him on his back. but the stopped and now his feathers on his back have grown back. question is over the last couple of days i have noticed hes been going to the bottom of his cage and pulling his chest feathers out and now he has a bald patch. anyone know why he might be doing this? only thing i have chnaged is i have had my dog in our living room last couple of days as shes uselly in the kitchen could it be maybe this? or could it be somethink else? anythink to lok out for ? anyone please advize. thanks
  13. just a quick question thats always wondered. my african grey parrot has white marks on his beak. is this normal? what is it? as some pictures i seen of others they are plain black beaks. just curious here a picture i took.
  14. well the ring is pretty lose with split in it so guess its a split ring. it does have a serial number on it.
  15. just a question regarding the ring around my african greys foot. as i bought him off a couple about 8 months ago they were unsure of his age etc. question is can i tell his age or breeder from the numbers off his ring on his foot? thanks
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