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Everything posted by TinyTimneh

  1. good point dan :blush:...there's really no amount I'm not willing to spend to keep Jacko healthy and happy but if I can save it's always a bonus. I'd feed him whole fresh foods exclusively except that I'm gone all day to school so it would spoil and go bad in his bowl--which of course I don't want.
  2. Whoops--guess I should of clarified judygram sorry about that. I meant that there's no added 'vitamin d, calcium etc.'
  3. Look for those with seed catchers around the bottom and avoid cages with slanted solid sides on the bottom (don't know how to explain it) because the birds tends to poop on them. In general as well look for a good paint job that cleans up well. Also bite the bullet and do a mini-clean every day instead of one big one once a week (it's soo much easier).
  4. Jacko LOOOVES bananas. If not bananas then oatmeal or scrambled eggs. Although really if I'm eating something he'll try it.
  5. Just wanting some opinions as to which are better. Jacko's on Harrison's high-potency coarse and he has been for nearly 6 months. He loves them--so no problems there. But I'm considering switching him to TOPS because: -there's more varied ingredients -it's peanut, soy, wheat (and according to their website corn) free -it's not as crunchy as the Harrison's apprently(end up with a heck of a lot of pellet powder right now) -it's dramatically cheaper (10 pounds for $ 40 compared to 5 pounds of harrisons for that price) -there's nothing artifical or synthetic I'm considering NOT switching him to TOPS because: -there are a few ingredients in harrisons (the clay and palm oil etc.) that aren't found in TOPS -it's lower in fat (and since switching Jacko to the higher-fat harrison's high-potency he looks much better) -I remember reading on a linnie forum that TOPS is lacking specifically in Vitamin D3 -I know it isn't complete (neither is Harrison's of course as birds all need fresh food--but at least Harrison's has vitamins) Regardless of what pellet he's eating I will be: -offering him fresh mash daily (either Shauna's Mash Diet or Mike's Manna Mash) -adding palm oil to his mash -setting up a UV lamp for him over his cage
  6. Hi everyone, Back after a long hiatus--sorry I ended up rehoming my cockatiel and my linnie died suddenly while I was away so it's just me and Jacko for now (am considering another TAG-sized parrot in a couple months). So anyway finally got the financial situation and Jacko will be getting a new cage in the next two weeks. It's a big cage measures 40 inches long by 30 inches wide by 53 inches tall. Haven't decided if I'm getting a dome-top or a playgym on top (Jacko tends to be a bit of a shmuck if he's got access to a playgym on top of a cage). So my question is, what should I do for layout inside the cage? One big perch across the length? A couple rope perches at different levels? A maze of toys and perches with it getting sparser near the bottom? Boings? Swings? Pictures or websites with pictures would be amazing
  7. Anyone actually successful in getting their grey to wear a flightsuit/bird diaper? I'm really looking forward to letting Jacko and Sully the cockatiel out and about to fly around in the house---envisioning many hanging gyms and whatnot. I've had no luck potty training Sully and Jacko is hit and miss. I don't want poop all over the place. Also, can an aviator harness fit over the bird diapers? I would love to take them out and about without getting parrot poop all over my shoulder too and I do NOT trust those flimsy leashes that attach with velcro and little tiny rings.
  8. Well guys I already live with a dog (and Jacko lived with a large sheperd mix for many years before I got him) so it's not so much that he is afraid or isn't used to them... He just thinks it's great fun to charge them, bite them and chase after them while they run yelping from the room (obviously I don't let him now that I know)and if he is in his cage he runs to the bottom, puffs up and begins strutting back and forth... so I should I give him treats everytime he's around the stuffed dog or something for positive reinforcement??? I could also do what I've been doing in terms of the tiel and that is whenever Jacko is out of his cage and is aggressive towards the tiel I go over and towel him up quick (he hates towels) and put him back in his cage for a minute or two for a time out. Seems to be working...
  9. Hey all, Although I am still living at home I plan to gradually become more independant over the course of the next few years. I am disabled and suffer from Spastic Diplegia (form of cerebral palsy), I am mobile but am shaky and it doesn't take much for me to slip and fall (wintertime is a particular nightmare) and it can be tough for me to stand up again. I also have problems with coordination and strength so lifting/carrying things and moving around while carrying things can be difficult as well as climbing stairs. As such I plan to (hopefully) get a service dog to be able to get around my community and do things on my own safely. I am worried about Jacko though because he hates dogs with a passion---but I will need to have the dog with me. Anybody have any tips or thoughts???
  10. Like anyone with a chronic habit he has good days and bad days... sometimes something will trigger him and he'll do a lot of plucking and remove all the progress he's made. But it's gradually going down and the bad days are getting farther and farther away from each other it seems. He may never stop completely and that's ok by me I love him regardless. It's mostly just working out too much sleep vs too little, keeping him occupied and bathing/misting him as often as I can etc. So in short, sometimes we have rough days and he plucks like crazy but on a grand scheme of things I think both he and I are headed in the right direction
  11. Sully is, if my memory serves me correctly...is 3 or 4 years old...will check again for the barring.
  12. Oh there's no particular reason I want him to sleep either outside or inside his cage or carrier--the door is left open and he can go in to sleep or sleep outside of it, I've just decided to give him the option because he does spend most of the day in his cage because I'm gone. Because he is right there in the room with me (door closed and clicked shut) and the room is relatively parrot proof I have faith in him and I also know that once the lights are turned off he picks a spot and doesn't move till morning (and I get up when he gets up). I like that there is just a natural flow of him living with me doing his own thing instead of him being in a cage until I let him out. He also does a lot of plucking at night so I'm attempting to see if letting him live as cage-free as possible will help him as it seems to be.
  13. Well I have enough trust in Jacko that he'll behave and be ok, although I totally understand luvparrots. Generally speaking if he has things to chew and food to eat he'll stay in a particular spot. This was night number two and all went well actually. Less plucking overall and no poop on my stuff lol.
  14. thanks judygram yeah...but at this point it's still functional so yay for my cellphone :laugh: so what are your thoughts? boy or girl tiel?
  15. here she is lol--srry it didn't work the first time
  16. ok, I know this is an old thread that pretty much died BUT I managed to find a pic of sully (sorry it's only a head profile--I'd take another but I had my cellphone in the pocket of my shorts when I jumped in a friend's hot tub and forgot about it for an hour--so the camera function is pretty much useless). any thoughts?
  17. I'm gonna agree with Dave and say separated is the way to go for not only allergies (very serious problem for any multi-bird homes that have any powder birds i.e. greys, tiels and toos and have new world species as well) and for size issues. Also I have read that greys living in close proximity to large noisy species may feel added stress because they interpret the other species constant calling and loudness (common traits in New World species like macaws, conures, amazons etc.) as signs of alarm or danger. Also regardless of whether or not your greys and macaw learn to like each other it is important for everyone to have their own cage (obviously if the greys are living together this doesn't apply to them) to help with the introduction process. I could forsee your greys being upset that this newcomer has 'taken over' their space. Imagine if you will that someone had moved into the other side of your bedroom, even if they were behind plexiglass and couldn't get to you it wouldn't get things off on the right foot and you'd certainly feel very invaded. Separated in separate cages is my vote.
  18. Jscko is similar in that he doesn't make alot of noise voluntarily. I dunno if this could be used as an in-cage toy but one of Jacko's favourites is incredibly easy to make. Get 1 large chew-proof bowl (but short enough on the sides that your grey can lean over and stick his head in) and 1 to 3 large marbles (or beads) of your choice (big enough that they don't fit in your grey's beak. Put the marbles in the bowl and show it to Beau. Jacko had a blast for a really long time lol, just sat there with his head in the bowl rolling them around :laugh:.
  19. Yeah I took the plunge last night and thought, hmmm... I wonder. So Jacko officially had his first cage-free night last night and slept on top of his crate that I'd put up on a shelf in my bedroom (I thought he was gonna sleep in it but meh apparently not lol). He did superbly actually, although I'll be making some adjustments because he didn't poop where I thought he would and instead pooped all over my stuff (yuuk:sick: ). He was up just before dawn at about quarter to six this morning. He plucked less than he ususally does that night but he had a major plucking episode after I put him back into his cage and left for a few hours but I think its because it was a new experience and I forgot his favourite yellow block (oops). He seems to be more itchy now that he's started harrisons (apparently this is normal because he is 'healing' and sometimes it can cause itching according to the harrisons website) but I'm ignoring it. Might try it again tonight and see what happens.
  20. I stand corrected then Thanks lovethatgrey... will check those sites out
  21. Well I don't know how things are where you are Ernzzz but around here the ONLY place I can get it (because it has to be shipped from my understanding) is the sole exotic speciality vet in my whole province because I've been told only vets are allowed to sell Harrisons. Good luck with the conversion
  22. Actually on a side note for those of you who feed harrisons how much do yours eat in a day out of the recommended 1 1/2 to 3 tbs?
  23. Hey all just got back from the vet with the Harrisons a little while ago..ended up getting 2 one-pound hi-po coarse and 2 one-pound high-po super fine... for a total of.. $66.50 (:ohmy:) so I didn't get the power treats cuz I didn't have any cash left lol. Will definetly be getting some as winter rolls around though. To my huge surprise there was no hesitation at all with them trying it or going near it... they actually did what harrisons claims and instantly started tasting it no questions asked.. YAY! I just hope I can get enough $$ together to buy the winter batch lol (1 high-po coarse and 1 high-po super fine are in the freezer, the other two are in the fridge) because my goodness is it expensive. At first I was skeptical with the 1 pound lasting 4-6 weeks but I was shocked with how little food it actually is compared to the amount I was giving them with zupreem. Right now I'm giving them the higher-end recommended portions (3 tbs and 3 tsp respectively) but I'll adjust depending on how much they eat. I think I might go change sizes and just get the fine for both of them...Jack makes a lot of mess with the coarse and the super fine is sooo teeny.
  24. I guess then it might be because I'm 18 lol... most people my age spend all their time shopping or drinking or hanging out with various people. Me, I'm a bird person I spend most of my time with a parrot riding around in the hood of my 'bird sweater' (i.e. the one I sacrificed in the name of keeping my other clothes poop free--most of the time) and looking for whatever I can find to keep them occupied ... and I like it that way!
  25. Don't worry Jillybeanz... you're not the only under-blankets-grey-snuggler One of the customary routines of Jacko and I on weekends is I'll stumble groggy and blurry-eyed from bed, retrieve him from his sleep crate and crawl back into bed. Then both he and I will crawl back under the covers and spend a lazy morning in bed snoozing and snuggling until we get up to go eat breakfast lol. As for the ways he shows he loves me there's almost too many. One of my particular favourites is if he's sitting on my hand and i've said 'who's my pretty baby?' his face patch will blush and he gets all fluffy and will crouch down on my hand and stick his neck out and snuggle his head into my neck and stay there with his eyes closed... melts my heart every time
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