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Everything posted by fourtrap

  1. Hey Connie you might be on to something here. I have two DNA sexed CAG'S and what you are decribing is infact true on my greys. The male has the white on the tips of his wing feathers and the female has none. Be interesting to see how this poll turns out, should be interesting. Karma to you. Benny
  2. Welcome to the family and congratulations on your baby grey, you sure do have a loving wife good for you. All the best. Benny
  3. Hello Deb and welcome to the family I also have a grey that started chewing and plucking her feathers a year ago December, I could not figure it out she was getting attention all day long and her toys have been changed weekly.Tried avian aloe spray worked for awhile then she started up again. I went to my avian vet and he gave her some medication to take for a month. She has been on it for a week now and I notice a difference in her already, no feathers or down in her cage or water. The medication that she was given is as follows...Meloxicam 1.5 mg/ml oral suspension, give 0.08 ml orally once a day for 30 days. Hope this helps you out. Benny
  4. Hi Sunny and Amy, first off welcome to the group. Since you have a young bird you should a easy time teaching it step up. You need to spend alot of time and praise her when she does things. Enjoy Benny:)
  5. Hello Tickle & G...your grey is acting normal remember everything is new to him/her, new cage, home, people etc. Don't worry you can bet that he/she is keeping a close eye on what is going on around him/her, be patient and before you know it you will see a change. Rug his head, beak and try to include him/her in daily activities even offer him.her a treat when you go near the bird. Good luck and welcome to the group. Benny:)
  6. Great pics thanks for posting them. Benny
  7. Hello Sean and welcome to the family. Congratulations you have chosen a great bird who will spend the rest of your life with, and many hours of enjoyment. All the best. Benny
  8. Won't be long now Connie and she will be home with you and the fids, then she can come over and meet her big sister Samantha :laugh: Let me know if you need help, Karma for you. Ciao Benny
  9. OMG way to cute, welcome to the group great pics :laugh: Benny
  10. Welcome to the group Dona & Danni... I'm sure you will enjoy this site lots of great information and people. Any questions feel free to ask, enjoy your new grey. Benny
  11. Hello Roo & Winsten and welcome to the family, hope you enjoy your stay with us, this is an excellent forum enjoy. All the best Benny
  12. Hello Lee and welcome to the family You sure have your hands full and good for you, these fids will keep you on your toes have fun and enjoy them. All the best Benny
  13. Welcome to the family Cowgrls101 & Sandy, glad that you joined look forward to reading your posts. Don't be shy to ask questions here the people are great. Have a great weekend. Benny
  14. Hello Lyndaelyzoo, and welcome to the family, glad that have you join us. Benny
  15. Hello lovemyGreys, what an adorable puppy you have he's soooo cute. Thanks for the pics have fun with him. Benny
  16. Welcome Chuckles to the group, glad to have you on board. Look forward to your posts. Benny
  17. Welcome Chuckles to the group, glad to have you on board. Look forward to your posts. Benny
  18. Hey Trish and babygirl a warm welcome from Canada, glad to have you here look forward to reading your posts. Benny
  19. Hello mosfatal and welcome to the family, enjoyed your post hope to read more of them. Benny
  20. Hello Harley and welcome to the family, look forward to your posts. Benny
  21. Welcome to the family Manzi and Adele, glad you could join us. Benny<br><br>Post edited by: fourtrap, at: 2007/10/25 16:47
  22. Welcome leonidas to the family. Congratulations on your new baby grey. We have alot of experienced members who will be happy to answer any questions that you may have, Enjoy your baby. Benny
  23. Hello ILMAG... use the aloe vera juice spray that will help to stop the dry skin iching, let the birds sleep 10-12 hrs per day and change out there toys every 3-4 days. Your bird may not be comfortable as of yet new home, people and or cage. In time he/she will come around who knows what he/she went through at his last home. Your doing fine, perhaps with the biting let the bird come out of the cage instead of going into his/her cage to get the bird, he/she may feel threaten when you go in the cage. Good luck hope this helps. Benny
  24. Hey Melissa...great pictures you are a natural congrats Thanks for posting Benny
  25. Hello Rikki and welcome to the family, glad you could join us. Great pic Benny
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