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Everything posted by Makena

  1. Makena loves Kaytee exact pellets! We give him a mix of that and harrisons and he always eats the kaytee first
  2. I think we paid $70 for Mak's DNA test. It really varies from vet to vet.
  3. Just yesterday my husband was out on the balcony talking on the phone. Makena could see him out there from his cage. So he climbed off his cage, managed to climb up the bed, walk across the bed, get up on the pillow, and edge himself onto the window sill where he paced until my hubby came back inside! LOL
  4. Right now Makena is sharing a house with me, my husband, my mother in law, my father in law, my brother in law, two maltese dogs (who I can't stand cause they are mean and bark at everything) and my 10 cent guppy Lil Dave (who I have had for 3 1/2 years!) Yes, I am going nuts....
  5. Makena is one of those greys that doesn't talk although he has picked up every random noise you could possibly think of!! I had him outside today and he was mimicking all the birds that were flying around perfectly. I almost didn't even realize it was him!
  6. Just the occasional spider... That's about it!! And thanks, it's great to be back!!!!!!
  7. Makena just "one eyes it" if it is crawling around. He gets really spooked at anything that flies though! One time in Hawaii I noticed him fixated on something. I went over to see what he was looking at and it was a HUGE roach crawling up the wall. YUCK!!!! I definitely don't miss Hawaii!!!!!!
  8. We just traveled from Hawaii to California with Makena. It was extremely stressful for us because there are no airlines that will allow pets in the cabin from Hawaii to CA. We were not about to put our little guy in cargo!! Every airline can set their own rules and costs when in comes to transporting pets. More and more airlines and discontinuing pet travel for liability and annoyance reasons. We ended up getting a note from our vet saying it would be extremely risky for us to put Mak in the cargo area. Luckily Hawaiian airlines accepted the note and allowed us to bring him on. We got a carrier at petsmart that was within the guidelines, drilled a small hole through the back and put his favorite perch in there to make him more comfortable. We also put a towel over his carrier to keep him calm. It worked!! He was calm and quiet the whole time and no one even knew he was there! If you are in the US you need to look at the requirements on the Department of Agriculture website. Every state has different requirements as to what can be brought in and out and what the process is. California is one of the more strict states and they required us to get a health certificate within 10 days of Makena's departure date. We had to get an examination by our vet that cost us about $120. After a lot of adjusting Makena is safe and sound and loving his new surroundings! I would use air travel as a last resort. I definitely would not recommend bringing a bird along if you are just going on a vacation. Air travel can be extremely stressful for the bird and hard on the parents !! We won't ever do it again unless we absolutely have to!!!
  9. I wish he would call me something!! My grey doesn't talk :pinch: What is the farthest distance you have ever driven... and where were you going?
  10. That's harder than it looks! I got 31
  11. Darn it!! I wish I had read this thread a little sooner! I would have sent my husband, he is only about 10 minutes from Pleasanton!
  12. Awwww... poor little Talon!! Good luck with the toweling... I know it would be hard for me too!
  13. I heard they don't poop in their cage/home because in the wild it would indicate to predators where they are sleeping/nesting. If they poo right below where they are other animals would search out the poo and get them during the night. Makena always poops when he is standing on the edge of his cage. I would definitely recommend the tile! Luckily we have seed trays which catch more poo than food!!<br><br>Post edited by: Makena, at: 2008/05/12 11:19
  14. Makena always looks flushed like that when sleepy
  15. I commend you on doing your research! It sounds like you will be a GREAT grey parent someday. They definitely are time consuming but sooooo wonderful. If you have anymore questions let us know, you came to the right place! Karma for you
  16. I actually have some before/after pics but I am waaaaaaaay too embarrassed to show them!
  17. OMG that is sooooo freaking cute!!! That's kind of how my husband and Makena cuddle.. LOL!
  18. Great video! Cosmo is sooooo sweet
  19. We have had Makena for almost a year. Between the special foods (pellets and fresh fruits and veggies daily), cages, vet appointments (there have been 7 so far), medicine he has needed, adoption fees, travel costs, toys, play stands, extra food bowls, aloe, portable carriers, changing out all our teflon to stainless, window treatments to make sure he doesn't fly into them, carpet cleaning, replacing all our cleaners to all natural products we have spent WELL OVER $5000. Granted our grey has had quite a few medical problems and we are moving (so we had to buy a new cage). BUT... Just so you know a worst case scenario. We also spend about 4-6 hours per day playing with him, cleaning his cage, cutting him up fresh foods, changing his water, bathing him, etc. He also spends about 8 hours per day out of his cage. To be honest... If I had known the time and monetary commitment required for a grey before hand I probably wouldn't have gotten him. I thought they just kind of stayed in the cage all day. I also thought that changing out the newspapers every few days was all the cleanup that was required. Ha, he somehow manages to fling food and poo everywhere!! But even after all this... I can't imagine my life without him in it. He is a family member. It doesn't matter how many times he bites me, screeches or flings poo.. I will always still love him. Of all the pets I have ever had he is the most intelligent and rewarding. Greys can be wonderful pets.. just be prepared!!!
  20. Thanks guys for all your help. We have decided not to give him drugs. I kind of knew the second he brought it up that it wasn't something we wanted to do. I am glad you all agree! Judy, the wedding was perfect :kiss:
  21. I am glad your daughter is back home!! I have my fingers crossed that everything turns out fine!!
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