You're not alone, I have come across SEVERAL scams while trying to purchase a Hyacinth Macaw. I get the same thing... send the money for the shipping, and when you get the bird, then "I'm trusting you to send the rest". What a bunch of bull&*@#. They say they would never scam a person, as they are christians and blah, blah, blah. They didn't get my money, but a few times they fooled me into believing it might actually happen.
They last one said he was in Cameroon, I told him I would not give ANY money, until I saw the bird, he was fine with that and shipped the bird email the bird is in europe waiting for a direct flight to Canada, and it was ok to send the money now. I wouldn't send it... next they thought I was scamming them, and decided to reclaim the bird, and proceeded to threaten me with charges etc. What a joke! That was on Tradepoint. Most of the images they use to show you the bird, are taken from the internet, and I have reported that to several site owners.
So sad that this happens