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Everything posted by Connie

  1. Connie


    Just thought I'd bring this to the front again, for some of the newbies who may need a few toy ideas! {Nature-00020095}
  2. Spanky does that too, he says... go poop, go poop... then he goes and says... good boy. He even says it sometmies after Darla goes poop.
  3. Wow, what a difference in only 9 weeks...
  4. I have new pictures... These are Goldie at 80 days old.
  5. You're very welcome, thanks for the help with her name. I emailed the breeder today, asking for new pics. I hope he sends them soon, it kills me to have to wait 10 days for each pic.
  6. Sweetheart is beautiful, congratulations!
  7. Thanks a lot for the Karma Judy! Now I'm gonna have to get a Kurt:P :laugh:
  8. briansmum wrote: Karma #2 given
  9. It's official, Beccy and I had a chat and she has convinced me to go with Goldie. 2 Karma to you! (after 6 hours lol)
  10. Connie

    Time to Vote

    I know I'm too late, but here is one of mine... I vote for picture 2.
  11. Congrats Makena on reaching 1000!<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2007/10/20 04:43
  12. Foot toys are a great idea, you can also introduce a basket of toys for your bird to pick from. I also took the tray of mine as Darla didn't like it, but man is she a messy bird... she poops on all her toys inside the cage, from above.
  13. Recordings don't work with CAGs, best thing to do is look like a fool! lol by that, I mean interact with them... whenever you do something in their cage, tell them what you are doing... "time to get more water", gotta change your paper, dirty bird, talk to them when you are in the same room, tell them what you are doing, and repeat it. Momma's cooking supper, doin' dishes, watchin' tv, etc. This is how Spankyh picks up on things. Everyday he says, "gotta go to school", or time for a shower. He is so smart. I tried the recordings thing and nothing. I think they prefer the human (flock)interaction. As a member of their flock, they will mimic you!
  14. Where is the cage situated? is there at least one solid side of wall on the cage, is it by a door where people apear suddenly from another room? My Spanky is very afraid of those black grain moths. Are her eyes ok?
  15. judygram wrote: You took the words right out of my mouth Judy! When I was putting Spanky and Darla together, my 2 CAGs, I started by putting the cages together, and every couple days, I would get them closer and closer. They would go to the tops of the cages and every so often would lock beaks, (ALWAYS SUPERVISED) and now, they will share the same perch. This took about 3/4 months. Hope that helps. Fourtrap has a large mixture, you should pm him. He has a CAG beside a Macaw...CAG rules the roost!, and a TAG beside a sun conure. Also in the room are teils, quackers, and ringnecks. I might add, that they all have separate play time with mom and dad.<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2007/10/19 19:08
  16. I was told to help with weight gain, to feed nuts like pistashios, cashews, peanuts, almonds, walnuts and pine nuts, just make sure the all come in RAW form. No bleeching or roasting, and of course mixed with veggies, fruits, and pellets. I hope you've done all the reading on feeding with a seringe, the temp ... not getting it in the wrong whole etc! I got Darla from a bad home, and after 8 months or so now, she is giving kisses and has tried to feed me several times now. The ultimate sign of love! Good luck.
  17. You got it nevval, and SHE still needs a name. So far I've got Farina, Goldie, and Miss Buckwheat. I have a little rascals theme going with "my gang". I have Spanky and Darla already.
  18. I try to give karma everytime I'm online. Either to great photos or great ideas. I don't take points away either, but I think if you do...you should have to say why! Not agreeing with someone elses point of view, is not a good enough reason. Karma makes a person feel good. Give a smile, GIVE KARMA!
  19. Can you tell who mom likes best? <br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2007/10/18 22:07
  20. They have a Macaw and 2 cockatoos as well. I had the same thought nevval, not sure if my birds would be afraid of it, or try to mate with it. Thought I might put it in my van instead.
  21. me either Judy, I can't even visit her. She is almost 5 hours away.
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