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Everything posted by Connie

  1. This will be her new home... The parrot in there now, is the remote one that Wal-mart sells, I bought it to try and get the greys used to a big b&g bird...of course they were not very friendly with it. lol
  2. Here she is, now 116 days old. What a beautiful baby. I got an email from the breeder saying she is all weaned and ready to go, so I'm going early to get her. I go pick her up next Wednesday, weather permitting! NO SNOW, NO SNOW, NO SNOW!
  3. ya, the other one was even worse. Once I get her home, I will have great pictures to post I'm sure
  4. Let's try this again now...
  5. Don't know why posting pic isn't working? Try again... Nope, still not working. Can't get it in the photo section either? Help anyone? Photo is below required maximums.<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2007/11/27 14:50
  6. Goldie is now 109 days old, and will be coming home Dec 15th.<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2007/11/27 14:45
  7. I've looked into getting a Hyacinth Macaw, but all I got were scammers. They are my favorite too Tycos_mom, and yes Judy...in Canada they go for approximately 15-20,000. That's a LOT of coin! I did see some in the USA for around 12,000. still a lot!
  8. Thanks for the Karma siobha9. Show your kids this link... http://www.happyhookbill.com/fizgrow/bby1.htm It shows a baby Macaw from inside the egg, to 120 days when it goes to owner. Very informative and interesting.
  9. Is anyone else utterly amazed at the growth rate of birds... WOW. From an egg to a beautiful bird in ONLY 3 months. Incredible. I asked my breeder when Goldie can come home, and he said beginning of Dec. won't be long now, I'll keep the pictures coming as I get them.
  10. Here's Goldie at 90 days old, she's becoming a big girl now, and very pretty I must add! {Feel-good-00020114}
  11. ok, this is a tough one, for originality, I gotta go with Makena, but for edibility, I gotta pick Nevjoe. Vote to Nevjoe. Sorry Makena.
  12. Well I wish you were closer BM I would let you come play with her anytime you wanted!:silly:
  13. Dang, missed another one. {Feel-bad-0002006A} We should have a contest room!
  14. Thanks MrSpock. Maybe I'll keep my babies as they are, and leave the breeding to the pros! What you say makes a lot of sense, and since they are pets already, I guess I'll keep it that way.
  15. Thanks for all the advise, I would like them to bond, and hope that they mate in the future, but I'm not going to push the issue either. They do spend time in one cage, with the door open (their own choice) that's why I was thinking about putting the two together.
  16. Can anyone out here tell me how to tell if my birds have bonded? Spanky will be 2 in March and Darla just turned 2 in August. They spend all their "out of cage" time near each other, within 2 feet anyway. They will sit on the same perch together without a fight, the odd time they will lunge beaks at each other, but no serious fighting. I've been playing with the idea of taking one side off each cage, and putting them together, but I'm not sure if they are ready for that? They don't preen each other, at least not yet. Anyone with experience please reply.
  17. ya I laughed when I saw it too. Now that she looks like a big girl, I can't wait to get her home. It's killin' me not to be able to touch or hold her. Should be soon though, probably first week of December, just in time for christmas.
  18. 86 days old now and full feather...
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