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Everything posted by Connie

  1. Showing off her pretty clean wings.
  2. Goldie's first shower and my first bruise! {Emotions-0002007D}<br><br>Post edited by: Connie, at: 2007/12/27 09:26
  3. Playtime with baby girl Goldie... ok, not working again! Here is a You Tube video of Goldie playing dead... well kinda. LOL edited by: Connie, at: 2007/12/17 18:31
  4. Thanks lmg, me too. It was a very long wait. She is such a cuddle bug right now, it's fantastic.
  5. By request, I am posting the stages Goldie went through from 10 days old, to coming home at 127 days old... 10 days
  6. Hi all Well, it's been a loooooong wait but Goldie is finally home. She scarred the crap out of me with her first squawk, and a couple after that lol, but all is good. She is having a bite to eat and playing with her new toys. She was so tired, I'm surprised she didn't fall right asleep.
  7. Yes, it is the one that you can program to talk, but I have Spanky and he's the teacher around here. He picks stuff up sooooo quick, and teaches it to Darla, so I imagine Goldie will pick up a word or two from him. Here he is on YouTube... It's dark, but you can hear him saying Merry Christmas etc. http://www.youtube.com/user/TennesseeDolly23
  8. YA, I just hope she likes me too, and didn't get too attached to the breeder. I can't wait to meet her.
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