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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    Great idea and it sounds like BIG FUN. Thanks for the psot on how they enjoy this. It's hot here in California, Dayo should enjoy and welcome this COOL new play idea. B)
  2. Welcome Bernadette!!! It's nice to have you here and we look forward to hearing more about you and your Grey. :-) We also just love to see Photos here of everyones Grey. :-) Again, Welcome!!
  3. Oh God, Like Chet is the "be all - end all" of Parrot behavior correction and training? Yes, you know your being pressured in to a bad decision when they result to "SCARE" tactics. :-)
  4. Hi Ice, Are you CAG's wings clipped to where it falls straight down? They should only be clipped, so that they can fly no less than a 45 dgree angle down or better yet, maintain almost a level flight. If it's going straight down, that is very dangerous and could cause a lot of bodily harm. It can split his breast open.
  5. Yes, they were meant to fly. But, since they are also being raised domesticated and 100% reliant upon their owners for mealtime and thus life itself. It is a death sentence, if they fly away and are not found. I just went through that experience and will ensure it never happens again. I could not stand the thought of a creature dying decades before it's time, due to unwise decisions based upon the environment the Parrot lives in. That is a home by home decision that must be made by the responsible person. No one can pass judgement on that. So, it is not crippled for convenience. I would hope it is limited, for life and well-being.
  6. Oh Geeezzzz, "Semantics" ....... I love it!!!!!!! I stand "CORRECTED"............. {Feel-good-0002006E}<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/06 13:46
  7. Tari - Nice Avatar you have made there!! :-) As CD articulated so well , you are a very valuable member, friend and helpful to all!!! {Characters-00020078}
  8. Thanks for your opinion on this subject. Each households environ must be studied carefully and responsibly be each Grey owner to determine which choice would be the safest for the Grey. It should not be based upon an individual wanting a crippled teddy bear, as you so well put. With a young child and I assume young ones coming over to play etc. how so you deal with the never failing of children, in their excite flinging a patio sliding door open coming in or out and then leaving it open for example? Do you just keep your Grey caged while guests are there? Do you educate your guest on your Grey? I would like to hear of how you deal with the situation. :-)
  9. This is turning into a pretty good debate, with very good points on each side of the fence. I had never considered a Parrot that cursed, might be limited in being re-homed. It is completely understandable though, as it would be offensive to some households and their guests at times. DavidDogma - You must correct your 7 year old Son if you are advising him of correct adjectives to use in the proper audience or circumstance. School, for example, would expel him, if he could not get it under control. So I assume you mean, you don't "punish" him for it. I commend you for this. It is vitally important, as it would affect him negatively the rest of his life, if he did not understand this. Eating Beef is also something highly disgusting to some cultures, yet we work with them everyday and get along. They just have us buy a veggie pizza when ordering lunch for all at work. :-) Isn't it great, so far, that no one has started flaming anyone? I think that says a lot regarding the members we have here!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/06 13:11
  10. Mine came back Amazon...wrong, wrong, wrong ;-)
  11. I Know MrSpock is right on. I purchased Chet Womack's DVD over a year ago when I first got Jake my Breeder Peach Front Conure. It did not help me at all. As already stated, asked the members here that have already had to overcome behaviour issues and also successfully trained their Greys. There is a wealth of experience and helpful people here. :-)
  12. Thanks for the Photos Lovie! My favorite is your Sun in the Cozy hut :-)
  13. Hi Dicky601 and Welcome to the Forum!!! :-) The behavior your describing is normal for a Baby CAG as Lovemegreys stated. I watched Dayo at once a week visitations from the time the 2 clutches of 6 CAG's were 8 weeks old. The would always scratch whether in the Cages or on a blanket. Dayo has stopped scratching now at 17 weeks old. He did scratch a little in a cardboard box I through in his cage though. :-) 14 weeks old is still very young.
  14. I would advise against using a Glove. It may really freak him out. Secondly, if he becomes used to the glove being on your hand, He most likely will not except your bare hand. It sounds like grabbing his Feet has made him more fearful of your hand now. That's why his body language changed to a position of protecting his feet. You may need to give him a little time to become comfortable with you and slowly over days, get him used to your hand being nearer and nearer to him posing no threat. Once he is comfortable that your hand does not pose a threat, start Slowly and gently trying to get him to step up. Have you tried using a perch to get him to step with your hand at the far end of the perch? This method works well sometimes. Each time you have him step up on to the perch, grasp the perch a little closer over a period of time until he is stepping up with your hand almost touching his feet when he climbs on. At this point, he should accept your hand alone, without the perch. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/05 14:39
  15. FairY - <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/05 14:14
  16. Toni wrote: LOL Toni - Our youngest Grandson son say's that and a few other "Choice" words at times that he has picked up. Obviously, they have no idea what they mean, but say them in reaction to things mimicking their parents reactions to things gone wrong :-) It's impossible to turn off a 24/7 recording device, be it Grey or Human. ;-)
  17. That is a ton of very good detailed information MrSpock!! Thank you for taking the time to articulate this so well. You also indicated a large Cow Bell is Big Fun for them, but perhaps alarming to us unsuspecting owners when they "Attack" them..... I can't wait to get one into Dayo's Cage!!! :woohoo:
  18. Wash his Beak out with Soap ;-) .....Just kidding! LMG gives good advice. After time passes and he does not hear you saying those words ( too often ;-) )or reacting to them, they will just be used by him less frequently and eventually go away....hopefully. Only time will tell.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/05 11:52
  19. Hahahahahaha Big Fun!! :woohoo: I will try that with Dayo, I'll bet he will have a blast with it. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  20. David - Since your new CAG is flighted. What is your experience thus far with it and what is your take on the subject?
  21. Welcome David!! You have a CAG home now, that's great. Since you have been reading topics here and don't seem to have any questions immediately....How old is your CAG? We love photos here, so when you get a chance, please post some of your new CAG. :-) We look forward to hearing more from you.
  22. Hi Emma, It sounds like you are giving him plenty of space to adjust and lots of love. :-) I don't see age mentioned. Do you know how old he is? Thanks for joining the Forum and our Family. You will find we care immensley about each other and our Greys. :-) Post some Photos of him when you get a chance, we love photos.
  23. Welcome Kathy and congratulations on your new Baby CAG. Thanks for the information and photo you posted, what a cute looking Grey! How is getting him out of his Cage going? You have been doing all the right things from I can read in your post. Once you get him out of the Cage, does he like to stay with you and perhaps get some Neck scratches?
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