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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Dave is spot on, please listen to his advise.
  2. It is always wonderful have them enjoy the glorious outdoors with us, isn't it.
  3. I agree wholeheartedly Ray, relationship is #1, everything else can evolve in it's own time and place. I prefer to have Dayo select what it is he wishes to learn or do by him putting forth the effort and instigating whatever it is that he seems to want to help with on his own, rather than training specifically because I want him to learn some "Cool" trick. An example of this, was his first interest in how the kitchen water lever turned the water on and off. I taught him to turn it off for me and he scrambles to get over to the faucet every time I run the water so he can climb up, stand on the lever and his weight pushes it down/off, which I praise him for "Helping Daddy". This has also lead to discovering he "Wants" to evidently feel like he is helping the flock in many manners. He starting expressing interest when I would empty the eating utensil holder that I do by sitting it on the counter and then placing the spoons, forks, knives etc. in the drawer in their respective holding slots. Soon he was lifting the utensils out and throwing them in the drawer for me as best his aim could be. I thank him for "Helping Daddy" and evidently he feels a great sense of self worth in helping the flock once again. There are other things he helps with in his own way as well and I am constantly on the look out for things that it appears he would like to help with. He does like to ride on one of our shoulders every time we Vacuum for example and proclaims from room to room "Lets Vacuum, floor dirty". Anyway, I thought I would offer a possible way people could look for their birds to feel like they are contributing to the flock which is hardwired into their magnificent brains to do.
  4. The Kale is fine along with other dark green leafy veggies. I would personally leave spinach off the list due to it being able to reduce calcium absorption.
  5. Congratulations on the improvement. Your devotion and loving care is starting to pay off quickly!
  6. I am appalled your grey farts......................................NOT! You can't hide ANYTHING from them. Thanks for sharing this.
  7. Awwww, cute video. Love the cuddle time!!!
  8. It could be that the toys presently in the cage are not ones interesting to your grey. They will sit a lot and preen or perhaps snooze when in the cage, but at times will chew on a a favorite wood toy or bash around a bell. But, as I say, that only goes in bursts, then it's back to sitting. They are most active when out of the cage and getting into or on everything they can to check our or destroy. Perhaps slowly introduce some new toys and see what interests the most over a few days. It could even up to a week before your grey decides it is not a demon.
  9. Nice update on Issac! He is such a character and is very entertaining to read of. I know that being there in his presence is more than you can even begin to describe, barring writing a book. They are so smart, trick em once and the next time they normally won't fall for it. Been there, done that myself and got the same results. It took a while, but we got a ritual down that when it's bedtime, we turn out the lights, ask him to step-up and then gently place our hand over his back as we walk to the family room where his cage resides. If we need to cage him during the day, we get some fruit he loves in a bowl like apples, grapes or mango and carry him and the bowl together to his cage, which he is then divided between wanting back out and eating his favorite fruits. I know your busy, but I sure enjoy the updates on Issac!
  10. Dayo was clipped before the breeders would let us bring him home, despite our plea's and objections. It was 2 years before all flights were in. However, as they slowly came on, he did started having good flight abilities at around a year old. Nothing compared to what they have when are primaries are full though.
  11. Too Cute! They are so precious when that young. Thanks for the photo.
  12. Good to hear all went well during your vacation. Thanks for posting this update.
  13. What a great example of their cognitive abilities. Thanks for sharing this!
  14. A few grams is nothing to worry about. They easily very that much day to day if you weigh them that often just due to perhaps a slight sip of water or a seed or two. GreYt photos, thanks for sharing them.
  15. In the beginning, it almost sounds like a pigeon coo or an imitation of you making a tongue rolling sound. I could certainly hear "Good Boy" loud and clear. Thanks for sharing this. Shelley's advice in getting your grey used to a camera is spot on.
  16. GreYt video of Ruby! What an early talker and character to boot! Thanks for sharing this. I look forward to seeing many more!
  17. Cute photo and you are so lucky that Jax's truly seems to be loving it. :-)
  18. Ouch, these conures can certainly put a painful bite on you when they wish. Like sharp little scissors! Unfortunately, as with all parrot owners, sooner or later they will be joining this club.
  19. Welcome Shelly and flock! Congratulations on the new baby grey you put a deposit on. You will certainly see many personality differences between a puppy dog B&G macaw and a grey that is aloof and cautious of everything. In regards care, you pretty much know what living with parrots require, however you should check out our health and food rooms.
  20. Very cute! Thanks for sharing it.
  21. It seems you have it wrong, I see he fits perfectly in the bowl getting the only portion he wishes to bathe in that photo. Very Cute, thanks for sharing it!
  22. Yup, while my wife was starting to mop the floor this morning, Dayo pronounced "The Floor is Dirty!".
  23. Hopefully more members will post on their greys cognitive abilities observed. It is very impressive that you have read through the entirety.
  24. Murphy is such a "Cool Kat", he needs some shades. Thanks for sharing this, loved it!
  25. The first thing of importance, is ensuring she maintains/gains weight. The diet change is not that important right now while trying to overcome illness. The food items you mentioned are good, but fruit to a much lesser extent than quality high vitamin content veggies like carrots, yams, dark green leafy ones like kale, dandelions etc. Prepare them cooked, raw etc. chhunkes, sliced, diced etc. and just keep offering them. They will ignore some on days and other days focus on one item like carrots. They have different preferences each day much like us humans. Sometimes one item just seems like only it will hit the spot. Of course, please keep some harrisons available and offering good nuts like roosted and unslated peanuts, almons or cashews are good for tem as high quality protien sources.
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