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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee on two Greys getting along. You will only be able to answer that question by actually bring another home and living with the outcome. Our Grey is VERY jealous of any bird getting attention. A second grey in this home I know without a doubt it would not work here. Dayo must be with or on one of us at all times. It seems to be the "baby" syndrome. They are cute, but as you said, they grow into adults.
  2. Oh Jan, I am so sorry to hear of your recent loses. It's is good to hear Tobie is doing well and flighted! I would love to see some photos and\or videos. I did not see the baby being moved, Guess I am going to have to start recording it so I don't miss a second of it .... I am working from home and I am the phone a lot while helping users with software support needs.
  3. If you have an avian vet in the area, get a fresh stool sample and take it down immediately. They can tell you on the spot IF your grey has worms, which is very unlikely. Also, if your grey is a small frame, the weight will not go any higher. A bird will not starve itself and that may just be the weight your grey will remain at + or - 10 to 20 grams. You cannot not "Fatten Up" a bird most the time and if you do by feeing it "Junk Food" it will just be overweight and not healthy. If your grey constantly stays at the weight + or minus the above, it's fine and healthy.
  4. Thats a wonderful streaming camera, I've been watching it for two weeks now, it is addictive!!! Thanks for posting it, I just hadn't gotten around to it due to not wanting to miss 1 second of the action.
  5. Dee - Even if it is not full direct sunlight, the reflected UV hitting Gilbert will be more in 15 minutes than any bird light set-up could ever deliver. Interior bird lighting (barring commercial industry as in poultry farms) is barely enough output to make enough difference to get them through the winter months. Gilbert will enjoy it out there while getting fresh air, sunlight and good chat sessions as you talk about the trees, birds, sounds etc. He will look forward to it and ask to "Go Outside" after a while.
  6. It sounds like the two of you are building a very fast relationship and coming to understand each other very well. I am so happy for you Dee, you deserved this.
  7. Wonderful story of your endeavor and Marcus's response with the letters! I look forward to plenty of updates on the progress with this.
  8. Great photos of wee Issac. It is nice having them so docile at that young age. But, even given all the hell the adults give us, I would never want Dayo to not be in all the glory he is today ... smart a$$, bite your face off kamikaze and all.
  9. Nothing like being outdoors. They make small cages you can take your bird out in if you cannot get their large living cage out with them in it. They will love it and hawks will not be a worry. We have tons of hawks here too and just roll the cages out through our patio doors. Excursions are always in a small travel cage of pak-o-bird.
  10. Hahahahahaha, Gilbert is a real gem! Thanks for sharing that.
  11. Very sad...... I pray this will turn out well.
  12. GreYt news on the homecoming and Gilberts adaption to you and your home. I have no doubt he has landed in his forever home where both of you will enjoy many years together.
  13. LOL - All those cool things to chew up and do battle with, what does Bo choose, the blinds. Dayo days him and Bo are two peas in the pod. I enjoyed watching this video and love the room setup.
  14. Yes, I have sung the "Banana Boat" song to him since we brought him home. I am told he does sound like me....
  15. LOL!!! Your messing with Rorschach's home. I don't cage day while cleaning his cage and just shoo him off when he tries to land on me. I must admit though, he is fast and deadly at times. You situation will improve if you get a temp cage while you clean. All though, it may be a chore to get him in it once he figures out the routine. In the summertime, I just roll Dayo and the cage outside and they both get a bath and cleaning.
  16. Today he seems focused mainly on a new word, namely bottle. He has found it to be big fun to fly and attack bottles we have emptied like, juice, milk etc. He will land on top, try to keep a grasp with his talons and either spin it or push it while flapping his wings until it goes into the sink or on to the floor. Of course he could want a stiff drink while waiting to be let out of his cage.
  17. Well, my very kind Dayo now proclaims "Oops, clean the poop up! It's dirty". So we know every time he poops and he seems to lavish the thought of us having to do so.......
  18. Welcome Lawrence and Buddy! Thanks for posting the photo and a nice introduction. I am looking forwarding to hearing and seeing more.
  19. Well, my only suggestion is you approach him in a way you know he will listen and just explain why you are saying what you are about to explain. Let him know how keyed in and intelligent they are in learning behaviors, be they good or bad. I understand yours is a delicate situation, but surely he will listen to reason? On the flip side, if your grey ahs learned that your FIL is the rough house fun guy, your FIL may not be very successful at changing that. I am my greys rough house person and we both enjoy it except when I take a "Hit". They are smart and do interact with people on different based on the relationship. At any rate, just figure out how you are going to approach your FIL during the time he is on the road and hopefully it will work out.
  20. Judy gave a good response. They choose when they wish to become active. Our grey mostly just sits either on us or on a T-Stand while watching TV or Movies in the evenings. He will watch along as well and sometimes, laugh or comment on what is happening, but he is usually just kicked back with a leg up chilling or on a lap getting scratches. During the day when out of the cage, he will have his pterodactyl screaming fly-by's and kill all toys routines, then settle into a nice sit and chill position. Some like their cages, some view it as a prison, which Dayo thinks the latter.
  21. Thats wonderful bran! Your patience and observance of body language is paying off. "You just gotta know when to hold em and know when to fold em and know when to walk away" .... Thanks for sharing this.
  22. Penny, we have lost more dishes and mugs that way...... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, they sure seem to get a kick out of the big crash and splatter! Loving these stories!
  23. Loved the videos. Rubi is a character. The first video seemed to indicate she was "antsy" in the sense she wanted out. thus the words related to getting out of the cage and the "dancing". The second video she was more relaxed, enjoying the echo chamber and obviously using sounds and words related to the phone you had with you. There is no telling how many words she actually has stored in that majestic mind at 4 years old, but you will hear many over time as she thinks and uses them. It is common when they are just sitting and chilling to seemingly have a mental replay of events, sights, sounds etc. constantly calibrating them and also experimenting with them in different orders or mixtures. For her to say something she finds useful that you say, will take some calibrating time and may or may not be in your voice. Only time will tell. Be consistent in your use of words and phrases at correct times when certain events are happening or you are offering a food item, going to another room, leaving etc. The know when and what these things are and will ultimately decided on their own if it is something useful to them and spend the time calibrating to correctly use it.
  24. There is no doubt they understand and apply correct phrases like you have taught Bella. It is evident in her questions of "Whats that?", that she does understand why it is used and wanted to know what the was. Whether they decide it is important enough to use a word like plant is completely up to them. Most times from my experience, they use what is useful to them in some way. I would love to hear how often Bella uses "whats that" and then if she applies the word to an item later down the road and why it would be important to her.
  25. The leafy greens are best washed in a vinegar/water solution, rinsed and given raw to achieve the maximum benefits of all the vitamins and minerals they contain. They may just pick them up and toss them at times, other times they will eat some. Each grey is different, keep offering them whether they eat them or not. I toss more veggies than eaten, but some days they eat a certain item and others they toss them.
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