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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. You are under surveillance 24/7 now, so be careful. Thanks for sharing this.
  2. danmcq


    Hi, my name is Dan and I am a grey-o-holic. But, I refuse to give it up, so everyone just leave me alone about my disease.
  3. Wonderful update and photos! It sounds like you are handeling things very well and the two of you acually had a good day with lots of laughs on Ziggy's part. Thanks for sharing this.
  4. Wow, it's wonderful that reporters are getting involved. With all the "Eye's" you have out there, Murphy should be found.
  5. Awww, what a cute baby grey. Just make certain you have food and water in the cage when your gone. Eating outside the cage is ok and your doing fine.
  6. Congratulations! Quinn is a fine looking grey.
  7. Testing... this thread seems to be toasted.. can't get to 17.... Hmmm, now I can view it once I posted... strange.
  8. The kids do not need to be afraid when Ziggy is in the cage. Many greys are cage aggressive to all except their "Chosen One". Your children can talk and listen to Ziggy without trying to feed or give scratches etc. Perhaps just have them do this and Ziggy will feel less threatened by what is viewed as "Intruders" of her cage and pewrsonal space. The yellow eyes do indicate Ziggy is fully mature and at least 5 years or older. It's wonderful to hear that you all all in this need relationship with Ziggy for the long haul.
  9. Hi Samy, please see my response to your post in the training room. Welcome to the forum!
  10. Greys are different than other species of parrots in many ways. Most select one person as the "Favorite" and will become jealous and protective of that person as you have described. Getting a flighted bird of any type caged is difficult unless they are ready to go to their cage. The things you have described are very normal behavior for a grey. Unfortunately, parrots are not domesticated like dogs or cats and are still very wild in the sense of how they behave and interact with people. I suspect, the person that you got this person from, was just being helpful and this grey it seems does indeed talk human. I assume the thought in recommending a grey, was perhaps you child would be encouraged to talk more if he thought perhaps the grey would learn some words and perhaps talk back. that may well happen, however a close and bonded type relationship does not need to exist for communication to take place. Also, depending on the age of this grey, if it is 5 or older, it is very set in it's ways and you are just seeing the tip of the iceberg in terms of what her personality is really like. Right now she is just reacting and is not yet truly a member of the flock. It takes months for that to happen and for the real personality to come out in most cases. If you feel that she is not a fit for your home, the sooner you return this grey so it can move on to it's final "Forever Home" the better. They live many decades and people need to understand that getting such a long lived creature is a life long commitment. I do however, hope that this works out for you all and that this grey can in some way help your son to become more forth coming in speaking.
  11. I loved this very entertaining video of Marcus having fun and laughed along with him. He has obviously in the past enjoyed such fun times and you are finding those things he enjoys and it is bringing out the true Marcus underneath. Soon he will feel comfortable enough to just flap those wings and spin/swing that boing to his hearts content. You may even want to say spin or swing, which ever is appropriate at the time. He will soon be saying it as well. I loved his laugh and comments. Thanks for posting this and I hope to see many more!
  12. Great hearing an update Julie and seeing you post again! Thanks for soing so and I hope to hear more.
  13. Thats wonderful news!!! Now that the people in that area know and are on the lookout, it greatly increases the odds of Murphy being captured and returned. Fingers, Toes and Eye's crossed here for a speedy return.
  14. Just hang in there Paul and never give up hope. As others have said, we're all here for you and feel your loss along with you. We check this constantly for updates hoping that the next post will be announcement that you and Murphy are reunited. The second time my Conure Jake flew away during that huge thunderstorm, it was 4 weeks before I got an email from a person 40 miles away that had found Jake at their backyard bird feeder. He stepped up for their small child and they carried him in the house, got a small cage for him and after a few days thought perhaps someone may have posted online regarding his escape. Thats when I received the email from the craigslist ad I had placed in the lost and found for the central valley area. I share this just to show that even after we are internally feeling we have lost them forever, there is still hope. You hang in there buddy, we're all with you in this.
  15. Good luck Paul. He's out there and you or someone will see or hear him. Hoping for a quick retrieval.
  16. Good Night Paul. Sleep well, hopefully, and be out at the crack of dawn, which I'm certain you will be.
  17. LOL! You are now a confirmed crazy bird lover. You are right however in the similarities and you'll also find the "Terrible Two's" match as well. Todd is right, you should drop it so your grade doesn't drop as well.
  18. The 45 degree angle is certainly important and Murphy is trying to fly down, but does not know how. I had the same issue with my conure which was in the top of a 75 foot tree. I ended up rolling his cage directly under that tree and he worked his way down far enough over a few hours that we used a pole we attached a T-Perch to with duct tape, he stepped down on to that then we slowly lowered it to his cage where he scrambled right in and drank a ton of water and then chomping down food. The reason I say this, is Murphy may or may not try the flight down. It's another avenue to try and perhaps at least keep him in the same tree so you know where he is.
  19. Congrats and LOL @ "Shut Up!". YOu rright, words said with such gusto are picked up almost immediately... A moment on the lips and forever in the heart.
  20. Oh No! When they fly away, they are normally scared of all the new sights, sounds and critters. Instinct tells them to find cover from predators and to be silent so as not to bring attention to themselves or their location. As you search, make sure you do so slowly and visually scan all tree's, bushes etc. carefully as they are not brightly colored and are hard to see. I doubt seriously that he flew miles away on the first leg of this flight. Right now is probably the closest he will be to your home. As hours or days go by, the chances are the distance will become greater. I know how you feel, as I have been in that position two times in the last 4 years. You have my prayers and best wishes for a quick finding of Murphy. In my experience, you normally will not hear a peep even if they are only a hundred meters away the first 24 hours. But, you never know. Just keep on keeping on with your calls for him and listen for even the faintest or short return call. Please post online for area in places like Craig's list, 911 parrot etc. It only takes a few seconds to post so you can mainly focus on being out there searching and calling.
  21. Great photos of the Flocks "Office". LOL at Ray's great suggestions for a relocation.
  22. LOL, I saw that a year or two ago. Thanks for refreshing the memory of that hilarious video.
  23. Thanks for sharing this video. I always enjoy watching them.
  24. Oh jesus, I can not believe some one sold you a baby grey that young and especially for 100. Dave our resident breeder/expert has given the best advice anyone could. It is imperative you follow his instructions. I pray you and your new baby make it through this tough journey.
  25. Well, thats a new one. How did she come to that conclusion? I seriously doubt her Grey is color blind.
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