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Everything posted by ubecrew610

  1. Check out there on line store, i think they have great prices, and they dont kill you on shipping.
  2. i took the 2 hour ride down to this store and it was pretty cool. Great people and they all new what they were talking about. The place is huge just to only carry birds and there supplies. check out the site or take adrive. it is really worth it. www.birdparadise.biz Let me know what you guys think.
  3. I tried last night to do the flying lessons that MrSpock had given but she wouldn't even flap. She would rather take the chance at falling then flap. She was at the vet right before i got her, i have yet to track down a good vet, cause i live out in the middle of no where! I know she can flap because she will sit on the side of her door and flap to open and close it. I am ust starting to think she might be a little SPECIAL.
  4. She Flutters, but there just seems to be no lift. when i look at her, Her right wing seems to sit over her back a bit more then her left wing, and the right wing almost overlaps the left, could she have had a broken wing before i rescued her?
  5. so hopefully she will learn to fly in a bit, then i can clip her wings.
  6. She has never had her wings clipped, there was never a need to do it. could her falling be part of the learning process. could she be to old to fly? Thanks
  7. Does any one elses birds just randomly jump off the top of there cage. My Bird never learned to fly, but she will just randomly jump off stuff. im not sure if it is to get to me, or she is just falling by accident. But im affraid she is going to hurt herself, because she seems to fall really hard. If any one can hepl explain this to me it would be great. Im about to cover my living room in bubble wrap. Thanks
  8. http://www.birdsnways.com/birds/iedible.htm Nice little site. All do it yourself stuff
  9. i know of a Bird store in Burlington, New Jersey. that is supposed to be the argest on the east coast, so i think they may be really cheap. Has any one ever heard of the store
  10. Does anyone ever sell used cages? and are they worth it? thanks alot.
  11. That is how i got MY CAG. I figure she wasn't out of her cage much cause once she is out it is tuff to get her back in. Also i really dont think she was ever held. i have tried to teach her to step up using all the methods, but i always get bit. When she wants to step up, she will walk over and climb onto your hand. Also Most Rescues are great but im only 21 years old and when i made the descion about a year ago to find a AG no rescue would let me Adopt one. It isn't like i didnt have the education, Animal/Vet Tech and a grew up with Umbrellas. It was just a pain, but i did find my CAG from a friend of a friend that just wanted to find her a home. Now she is queen of the House. She even chases my Pitbull around. Love that bird
  12. yea i do, i just want some thing io can give her with out her gettin heavy or sick from
  13. Also are whole peanuts a bad treat for her. i mean whole as they are in the shell.
  14. what can i give my CAG for a treat when training. so i want to find something small and healthy. Thanks alot
  15. What address? thanks for the help! I just dont want to have to move her around. It really freaks her out, so i was hoping to find someone to do a house call. Thanks
  16. Does any one know of anybody who can do nail trimming near Quakertown Pa. zip is 18951 if you want to google it.I live in Eastern PA and would like to find someone local so i dont have to move my CAG. If anyone know anyone let me know thanks!
  17. sorry my dimensions are 24 deep x 36 wide
  18. I know that bigger is better most of the time, but the cage i got with my bird is really tall. I think this maybe why i am having problems with my CAG. Im 6ft tall and i am eye level with the cage + the play top. it is 24wide x 26 deep. i let her out from 4:00 till about 10 to 11 at night. would it be really horriable to put her in a cage like this one. I do really like the play top. Does any one know the dimensions? http://www.greyforums.net/component/option,com_zoom/Itemid,99999999/page,view/catid,1/PageNo,13/key,114/hit,1/
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