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Everything posted by LunaBaby

  1. Luna does this too! She speaks alot of gibberish all day long and beeps like the microwave. One new sound she makes sort of sounds like "ok ok ok ok ok" but I'm not quite sure. The only word she says is hello and she learned that quickly when she heard an amazon say it.
  2. So I Keep Luna's cage in a room down the hall and close the door so that i don't disturb her in the morning when I wake up at the crack of dawn. I've tried covering her cage but that scares her so I just leave the light off and close the door. Anyway.. Every morning when I wake up (and this is at 4 or 5 in the am) I try to stay as quiet as possible but Luna always knows I'm up and insists on getting up with me! I get up and start moving around and within 5 mins I hear her little clicking noise meaning "Hi mom i know you're up". I ignore her because I want her to get anough sleep. If I dont acknowledge her she begins saying "hello" "hello" pause "hellooooooooo". Ive continued to ignore her and it doesnt stop. i just want to make sure shes getting enough sleep. Do you think shes going back to sleep after I leave? If shes not getting enough sleep, does anyone else have any suggestions?
  3. Great idea! My Luna is by far the best thing that's happened to me. She is a year old and the most playful energetic bird I have ever seen. Sometimes I think she's a bat instead of a parrot because she spends most of her time hanging from the top of the cage attacking her toys and swinging back and forth. At night she's a little cuddle bug and I love those times because she tucks her head under my chin (makes me melt). She's a little hesitant with new people but she'll usually step up. It's funny though because the new person holding her cant move forward at all or else Luna will lean back, sometimes hanging upside down off thier hands to get away! It's pretty funny, you'd think the person had cooties. She will eat anything I give her except dried fruit. Otherwise she's a garbage disposal! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her!
  4. Her feathers don't look so messy anymore. And I haven't actually seen her pluck any, the only thing I notice is that she seems to preen alot. Ive been taking her in the shower with me almost everyday thinking she may just be extra itchy. i am going to try the aloe mist and the red palm oil to see if that helps. Thanks for the help =) I will keep an eye on it and keep you posted.
  5. Ok thanks for the response! I am just worried because I recently moved. She started messing up some of her back feathers prior to the start of the molt but I wasn't sure if she was upset or if that's just normal. But I do know she is definetly molting, there are pins all over! When she's wet though, Ive noticed some bald spots. That strip down her breast bone (which I believe is normal?) and then what I call her "elbows" which is the bend in her wings. I saw what looked like it might be a balding spot under her wing in her "armpit" but i see pins in there also so I was hoping this is normal. Otherwise she seems as active and happy and talkative as normal. Do you think this is just typical molting? Or should I continue to worry?
  6. Hi all! Ok so My grey just turned a year old on Feb 21st and she has started her first big molt. I know that during a molt you should never see any bald spots, which I dont unless she's wet. I know there are a few spots on Greys where feathers don't grow but I'm having trouble finding out what all those places are. My other question is should there be small bits of down showing ever during a molt? I've never seen Luna pluck but I'm getting nervous =( -Taylor
  7. Oh yea and in the mean time.. I suggest you pick up a bottle of Simple Solutions bird droppings remover.. Its awesome!! It has a little brush on the end of it, you squirt and rub and it comes right off!
  8. Hi Guys, Great photos! I'm not any good at photography and I have a pretty crappy camera but a good friend of mine came over with her camera and took a few pics of Luna.. now I REALLY want to get a nicer camera so I can take pics like you guys! Post edited by: LunaBaby, at: 2007/10/14 02:01<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2009/07/30 03:12
  9. The potty training was the hardest. I started watching the time between her natural potty times.. then when I had her out I would walk her over to her cage and stand there saying "Go potty!" until she did it. At first she had no idea what I was talking about obviously so i would keep saying it until she went naturally and rewarded her with a treat or head scratches and taking her off the cage again. the hardest part was keeping her there while we waited for it to happen she would fly off alot in the beginning, and I would go after her as fast as i could before she would "go" and bring her back. This took a few months. If I have her out now and go too long without bringing her to the cage for potty, she'll go whereever we are but Ive got her schedule down pretty well and she seems to hold it a little longer so I'm guessing she knows to wait for "potty time".
  10. Yea I read about that.. she has become an awesome flier! She hovers and makes crazy quick turns. It's been quite the process but I've for the most part trained her only to fly on command and to where I tell her to (Which is amazing!). And in doing that Ive been able to potty train her FINALLY! Before it was tough because she wanted to fly as soon as I took her out, she would fly to my computer chair and poop. =( She just LOVED to poop there! But anyway, with controlling her flying, I was able to train her to "Go potty" on command. In the beginning I thought maybe I should clip her wings because she was harder to manage and i didnt want her to learn bad habits, but now that she's under control and really seems to enjoy her "flying time" I dont see the need. She is safe, knows the house very well and hasnt crashed =). Thanks for all the input! have a great weekend!
  11. Aww That's awesome! I would have fallen in love too!! Congrats and good luck with the vet =)
  12. Yea see I'm still torn on the wing clipping thing so I'm not sure about taking her out yet. I suppose maybe i should try getting her a harness and see if she likes it. She's pretty good about letting me touch her anywhere.. Ive made sure that I kept her used to that from a young baby so she may be ok about me putting it on her.. I have a feeling though that she'll try desperately to chew it off lol Thanks for the suggestions! And Loviechick.. its so awesome that you have rehomed Greys.. One day I'd like to do that. =)
  13. awesome!! Thank you that makes me feel better. She definitely knows when I leave her view. She is trained to fly to my shoulder on command but lately Ive noticed that if I leave the room she comes looking for me. I would be interested in your article. i appreciate the feedback. Does anyone else bring thier grey out? I would love that but I know they can becomes stressed so I wasnt sure it was a good idea.
  14. aww I agree with lovemygreys... most parrots Ive met dunk thier food. My grey LOVES her pellets like that! Its sort of like someone telling you that you arent allowed to have milk with your cereal. i would just suggest putting a second water bowl.. one near the food and one on the other side of the cage.<br><br>Post edited by: LunaBaby, at: 2007/10/12 03:28
  15. Hi Gloria, He is still very young. They say most greys really start talking around a year but some start around 10 months. My Luna is 8 mos but she is starting to speak in gibberish so I know it's coming!
  16. Just in case anyone else is looking for a new cage.. ebay is on fire! Check this one out! Cool cage<br><br>Post edited by: LunaBaby, at: 2007/10/12 03:13
  17. Hi all! Luna is almost 8 months old and although she is comfortable with the people who live with her in her home, shes already becoming "nervous" around outsiders. She's still social in the respect that she wants to be around everyone (out of her cage) but she wont allow anyone besides her "flock" to approach her without fliying to one of us. =/ I tried socailizing her the best i could by inviting friends over as much as possible and having them handle her but it's not always that easy to find new people or to even get the old ones back over =). So I was wondering what other people here do to socialize, maybe there's something I could be doing differently. I think she's doing well considering she has not adapted to one person, but instead her whole "flock". Also, she is nervous of new toys so i try to switch the toys in her cage often. If she's scared of one. I leave it near or sometimes attached to the outside of the cage until she is comfortable with it. Anything else I should be doing? Thanks guys and gals! -Taylor
  18. Luna does that exact routine. We call her "running bull" because she bows her head and tries to "run" through the bars. LOL we think it's funny. But shes always done it, she just wants to be out with you. make sure you listen to the others and don't run to her rescue. Otherwise she will do it constantly to get the attention she desires.
  19. Luna definitely does that when she's begging for me. I think you should take it as a compliment =)
  20. In case someone doesn't know and wants to, it's called the interramal region or interramal space. It's where the tongue is =)
  21. I also mixed the fine pellets in with oatmeal. Added more and more pellets and less oatmeal each time. It works!
  22. LOL I tried these and figured out Luna's attention span to be about 30 second :laugh:
  23. When I brought Luna home, she was eating crappy seeds.. she was pretty picky about food, she would eat seeds or people food.. so I bought the harrisons fine, added a bit of water and heated it up.. making a mash(you know a parrot cant resist soft and warm!). It got her used to the taste of the pellet itself. I would add less and less water and started showing her how to dunk her pellets. One day I came home and saw pellet chunks in her water! =)
  24. im not really worried as much about bugs or diseases because both have been tested recently.. you scare me more with the beak ripping YIKES. Thats enough to scare me into keeping them as far away as possible
  25. im not really worried as much about bugs or diseases because both have been tested recently.. you scare me more with the beak ripping YIKES. Thats enough to scare me into keeping them as far away as possible
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