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Everything posted by LunaBaby

  1. Hi all! Soo.. My Luna is 6 months old now and as wonderful as can be. I usually watch a good friend of mine's Amazon when she goes away and the time has come yet again! The only issue is that previously I didn't have my own parrot =) sooo I'm wondering what the best way to intro them is. Both are very happy well adjusted birds but Im preparing myself for every outcome. Lucy (the amazon) will be here for a week this time, but she is due back ion OCT and I know I will have her many other times in the future so I figure it's best to start adjusting Luna to other birds while she's still young. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  2. Oh good, Thanks Snoozy.. that's what I was hoping to hear!
  3. Oh wow thank you.. yes shes making that panting noise when she does the wing drop. I love when she wants me to baby her! I dont believe I mentioned that she's almost got the wolf whistle down! She tries to copy me when I whistle at her but all she can get out is the first part.. so adorable! Thanks again =)
  4. I haven't ever seen her pluck anything and the skin I see isn't red or irritated looking. I'll just keep a close ye on her, she's 4 months old but appears to be fully feathered. Today shes acting kind of funny. Extra playful. But shes making this weird whining sound when she sees me and fluffs up and drops her wings.. shell do this until I pick her up or she flies to me. Shes still playing with everything and making normal sounds and eating so I'm guessing maybe its an attention thing? I'm not usually this ignorant I promise! =) I've never felt like sych a mom before though.. this is the closest thing Ive had to a real child and man it is close! Thanks for all your help I will keep you posted
  5. Ok so I usually mist Luna but today I decided to try her first real bath. I got a big bowl of water and she climbed right in and started playing! It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Flapping her wings, turning in circles, flinging water everywhere.. so cute. When I set her on her perch I noticed a patch on her chest that wasn't noticeable while she was dry.. it was pretty bald and about the size of a penny. She is a super happy bird.. loves playing and flying. I take her out in the morning for breakfast before work and then leave her home with cartoons on all day. I'm away about 8 hours but my day starts very early from about 6 to 2 in the afternoon. And once I get home shes out all afternoon and evening until bedtime. I've never had a baby bird before.. grown parrot yes but never a baby bird. Am I doing something wrong? Do you think thi is the start of plucking? God I hope not I could cry just thinking about it. I did read that on first moult babies can lose patches but I thought it was odd that I only notice it on her chest Im so worried. -Taylor
  6. Great news! WE ALL WANT PICS!! :woohoo:
  7. Yea I do.. I'm hoping that I can try to into her and Luna someday soon =)
  8. Im having picture troubles =( im still trying! <br><br>Post edited by: LunaBaby, at: 2007/06/25 01:13
  9. I NEVER thought I was a bird person.. I have a zoo but never even thought about having a bird. That is until I met Lucy, the Mexican Red Headed Amazon! A friend of mine, knowing the animal lover that I am, started construction on her house and was pretty much living out of her basement. Being that parrots have such sensitive respiratory she wanted to relocate Lucy for the duration and guess where Lucy ended up? lol Needless to say, I ended up with Lucy for what I thought would be a couple of months but ended up being about a year and a half! I fell in love . She went back after construction but my friends were so busy and Lucy seemed depressed because she was used to all my attention.. they started planning a wedding and were never home, so I ended up with her again. But now they took her back and I have been so lonely. I tried getting them to give her to me.. what the heck does it hurt to ask? But it didn't work Now I have Luna, because I knew I'd never be ok without a parrot, and I love her to pieces but I miss my Lucy!! Here is a pic I took of her gnawing on a toy, she's so gorgeous. Thanks to Lucy I have joined the wonderful world of parrots and I'm never going back!<br><br>Post edited by: LunaBaby, at: 2007/06/25 01:05
  10. LunaBaby


    I don't know much but a friend of the family has had one for about 15 years and coincidentally is named Gina as well =) Gina (the Nanday) is super attached to her owner and timid around others but warms up in time. Very active. She is so cute, she says Scetti (for spaghetti) when she wants food because her owner is italian haha. If you don't mind the conure screach than I'd say go for it!
  11. LunaBaby

    crazy eyes!

    yay I did good! :woohoo: haha
  12. Are your wood perches store bought? Or do you find your own and sterilize them? Being that he is ingesting the wood he could be ingesting some harmful properties like resin or sap.. because they are so gummy, they can cause blockage. Make sure to avoid resinous wood like maple, fir or birch atleast until we figure this out..
  13. LunaBaby

    crazy eyes!

    I decided to look this up and found some cool info.. "Cells called cones are also present in eyes. Cones allow the brain to perceive colors. A human may have 10,000 cones per square millimeter while some birds may have up to 120,000 per square millimeter" "birds who forage and feed in the daylight see colors very clearly from far off. It's been said that a hummingbird can spot red flowers from over a half mile away" "The eyes of most birds are on the side of their heads. This placement allows them to be able to see the things on each side at the same time as well as in front of them. This type of vision is called monocular vision. Birds with eyes placed like this get a wide area of vision to be able to see danger as quickly as possible. For instance, Rock Doves (pigeons) can see 300 degrees without turning their head." And apparently birds can see Ultraviolet light!
  14. I do actually but it's an older Nikon coolpix 4300.. nothing fancy =)
  15. Awesome picture dblhelix!! I'm so jealous of all you talented photographers! Anyone wanna take a few pictures of my babies?? :silly:
  16. Here's a better pic.. imagine a penny for a perch lol
  17. Look it's the world's smallest bird and it's too cute! It's a type of hummingbird called a zunzuncito (say that 10 times fast) Check it out!
  18. Ok yay because I love it, it makes me feel so special. She's my little baby!
  19. He was beautiful!! I'm so sorry for your loss
  20. Hi all! Luna is eating pretty well.. though I mentioned in previous posts that the women who hand raised her weaned her off formula onto seeds and im working at fixing her diet. I decided to try giving her some scrambled egg this morning and she LOVED it. The only odd thing was that she wouldnt eat it on her own. She became really excited and went right into 'baby mode' and wanted me to hand feed her. Is this bad? Should I not give in to that cuteness since she's already weaned? And why was it the egg that did that? Any other food I hand her she will take from me and hold it and eat it like normal. Is it because the egg was so soft? Just wondering if I should be discouraging this behavior even though its so cute.
  21. I would never have known I had patience until I brought my animals into my family =) With all the love I get from them.. they make it so easy :cheer:
  22. She will actually fly to me already if I leave her somewhere and themn call her. Im working on 'stay' by leaving her and watching her as i slowly step backward and repeating stay. As soon as I call her though, she's on it with a quickness. Trouble is when I lose eye contact.. If I turn to leave her she flies.. and if I leave her view she flies looking for me. Baby steps but she's so smart I'm sure we'll get it down
  23. Omg that's so precious.. I definitely would have cried!! awww
  24. LunaBaby

    nite time

    I had always read that it was good to cover them but I'm guessing it really does depend on the bird and the living situation. The breeder I got Luna from didn't cover her so when I brought her home and tried to cover her she was scared. I assumed it would take some time so I 'half' cover her cage, leaving the front exposed. I want to work up to covering her only because I wake up really early for work and I get the 'blinkity blink' of a sleepy bird when the lights come on. I feel bad
  25. Luna is 4 months old today. She is wonderful.. pretty well-behaved. My only real issue (and it hasn't become huge YET) is that she loves to randomly fly at her will. The woman I got her from let her fly all over the place. I understand that fledging is important because they learn so many valuable things and I understand the pros and cons of both clipping and not clipping. I personally don't mind flight as long as the baby is safe and it is monitored. With that being said I am currently working very hard on keeping Luna put unless I say it's ok. When she leaves her cage I put her back immediately (I know I will need to be patient and keep doing this over and over). However is it the same for when she is playing with me? On the floor or simply perched on my hand? Do I bring her right back to where she was or should I place her in her cage for a minute or so? Not exactly sure.. I just wanna nip this prob in the bud early =) -Taylor
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