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Everything posted by Trina

  1. I hope your doggie lives a long long time.... It is so painful when they go. I could cry just thinking about it.:dry:
  2. Congrats, enjoy your baby time....
  3. Hola Jesus, Vivo en Espania y puedo hablar un poco espaniol. Bienvenido aqui y mucho suerte para criar los pollitos! Mucho saludos
  4. Hi I have a big yorkie (don't know how that happened) and a German wire haired pointer. I have a cute clip on You Tube search 'Pippa super Terrier' you can see me and them...lots of fun. My husband says he seems to be moving slowly down on the totem pole. Plus of course Ying Mo our beautiful CAG:kiss:
  5. Get well soon Mandi, you are in our thoughts....Trina
  6. Thanks goodness for that, the story really made me feel SAD
  7. I don't really know, but I guess you have to wait for her next molt before they will grow back....
  8. Wow, sorry about your bite. I have the aviator as well abeit I am putting it on a 4 month old. Not too hard, but we have also had our moments ahhaah.... I find the best is when you get the first wing through tighten up the slack even just be holding it with your hands so that nothing loose is hanging around,it gives you a chance to stay in control and get everyone calmed down. I find that when you get one foot hooked up in the neck part you have had it (panic all around) and you really want to prevent that. Good luck.
  9. I love dogs toooo! I have two a yorkie and german wired haired pointer. I have a very cute video on youtube with my yorkie. It is called Pippa super terrier have a look if you want.
  10. Maybe we should ask texasgirl if she knows any bird rescue centers. I haven't seen her online for ages though...
  11. My bird wants only to ride on the top of my head, it hurts and I keep trying to keep him on my hand or shoulder but somehow he always wriggles his way up. I told my husband I need a baseball cap with a built in perch but I don't think he will let me out of the house with that kind of get up. Crazy bird woman
  12. Hi Drewbake and family, Her weight sounds ok to me to, just keep monitoring it. If she is now eating fine you will notice that she loses a bit once she starts to fledge. Don't worry it is normal. Just make sure that she stays good and meaty on the breast. Sometimes the breastbone is sticking out a lot but the breast should feel meaty and full on either side. If she is pooping good you have nothing to worry about. Keep us posted....
  13. If you can handle her, I recommend feeding her with a teaspoon with the sides bent inwards, far better than a syring I find. You can control the flow better and don't have to worry that you are going to get it down the wrong hole. It takes time so don't give up if she hasn't accepted the food in the first minute. Talk to her gently and stimulate her beak area with your fingers. But three feeds to miss needs to be taken care of. She should be eating 30-40ml a feed...
  14. Trina


    Take good care of yourself and get well soon. Just remember you have all of us thinking about you both! Don't rush things one day at a time, but I bet all your animals were so happy to have you back. regards Trina
  15. Hi ya, welcome. I have just finished hand feeding my baby (he still eats a little formula but not much) I was feeding him 30-40 ml per time. He really only started doing some serious head bobbing in the last week or so when he actually was not that interested in the baby food. Figure that out!!! Since he is now almost done the baby thing 90% he does enjoy having his seeds soaked overnight so that they are good and soft. I also gave him real baby food fruit and veg loved it. Good Luck...
  16. You got the aviator you are just gonna love love love IT!
  17. Nice video, Unfortunately I missed the thread, better luck next time. However it was great to see some of the people in the forum. I will add something next time for sure!
  18. Trina


    Please give her our best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!!
  19. Trina

    funny redness

    Hahaha I know exactly how you feel.. Great news though
  20. Has anyone seen the grey on you tube singing 'Jesus loves me' I love it...
  21. Trina


    Thanks for all your info, his screaming was what he normally does at about 10pm everynight, playing whith his toys and getting all crazy, so that was very normal.He has just eaten. He then just sort vomited/reguritated and that was it. Then carried on as normal, I called the vet and he told me not to worry, just watch his poop and any other changes. He is feeding fine and active as normal...so I will wait today and see what happens.
  22. Trina


    Hello, My bird was just screaming is head off and then threw up his baby food. It is the first time I have seen that, should I be worried? Or just wait and see, otherwise he is totally fine...
  23. everyone already gets what they want the universe is only abundant....
  24. Well done Judy! So far all the comments and responses to my questions have helped me so much...Keep up the good work and remember you are reallllllly appreciated!
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