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Everything posted by Bronxboomer

  1. Well to be honest u really don’t need all that stuff like special cages or incubators special light. I hand raised my 2 Amazons and they both turn out healthy and great. I used a 10Gal fish tank with blankets and hand feed them and they both grew up fine there both 7 months old now.
  2. My Greys are 2 years old and my Double Yellow Heads are still young there only 7 months old
  3. I guess there is only one way to find out
  4. First off just wanted to say Happy NEW YEar to Everyone!!!! May the new year bring everyone luck and joy. I plan on breeding Greys now i was told once your start breeding there no longer pets. You can't play with them or touch them anymore. Now my Question is what if you split them up once they have there babies what will happen?? I have 4 big cages with dividers what if i decide to split up my male & Female grey after 2 months when they have the babies and try to play with them again as pets. I'm just tryin to get some info..
  5. Trust me luvparrots your Tag will go crazy over those pomagranites. just make sure you wash it really good<br><br>Post edited by: Bronxboomer, at: 2008/10/13 05:53
  6. I meet this lady that has 10 Greys here in NJ there all her pets. She told me to give my Grey some pomagranites since there in season now and cut it up and mix it with some Pumpkin. I went out to get some i couldn't believe my eyes my Grey and my DYH Amazon where in 7th heaven they just ate like it was a party LOL:laugh:
  7. This weeken i will post up some pictures:) B)
  8. Well everyone my DYH Amazon is 17 weeks and he is almost off his feeding he only takes 5cc at night and eats all his food and veggies he is doing great.
  9. Well i do have to say for weaning my first bird I'm doing pretty good he is gaining weight & eating more veggies & fruits and his seed mix I'm cutting down on his Feeding so lets see how things get:)
  10. Oh believe me he flys Very well and he is very Fast his confidence is there:laugh:
  11. I didn't buy my DYH it was given to me buy the breeder because i helped him out with a few sales. The DYH eats Veggies & fruits & when he is in the cage he does eat his seed mix i seen him. I just wanted to know how long before he stopes crying to be hand feed and eats on his own like my grey
  12. I just got a DYH Amazon and I got him at 13 weeks old he was on 1 feeding according to the guy that gave it to me. I took him to the vet got him all checked out and everything is fine with him. I had his wings clip & his nails trim. When I first got him I start feeding him one feeding in the morning at 9am & I would give him 20cc which was what the breeder told me to give him. While he is in the cage he does pick on his Pellets and some seeds while I have him out the cage I make him a bean mix and veggies & give him Fruits. I've been weighting him and he is at 300grms so far I weight in the morning before I hand feed him. The Third day I had him he cryed all day like a cry for more Formula when he sees me making it he goes crazy. So I got kinda worry and took him to the Store where I bought my Grey which they deal with all kinds of parrots & birds. The lady that feeds the birds told me. Since he is only 13 weeks old I would need to give him 2 feeds a day one in the morning and one at night. Which I have been doing. I asked the lady how long before I don't have to hand feed him anymore she says it could be a month or 2 or sometimes 6 months. Now I went to another bird store here in NJ and they guy told me another month or so he should be fine. Its like every place I go to I get a diff answer can someone please give me a good answer or some type of help. Also he doesn’t like to be in the cage he always wants to be out with me when I have him in the kitchen he fly’s off the play stand and comes to me and always wants to be on my shoulder kissing me. Should I just leave him in the cage to cry? Also will he grow out of that babie cry he does all day?<br><br>Post edited by: Bronxboomer, at: 2008/09/21 03:19
  13. Thanks everyone I'm Happy to know she's a girl Next I'm going to have my DYH DNA B)
  14. Well everyone when i first bought my grey we named him Casper we just had him DNA last week and found out casper is a Girl LOL I guess its to late to changer her name now because she already knows her name LOL Oh well i still love my grey:kiss: B) <br><br>Post edited by: Bronxboomer, at: 2008/09/16 03:37
  15. Yeah I love my parrots & I plan to open a shop soon & breed my own birds. I have plenty of time I run my own Business so I have plenty of time & love for this lil ones.B) :)
  16. Next I'm Getting another Grey & another DYH to have the pairs:P
  17. Thank u Carolyn Soon To have another Grey & DYH B)
  18. I got my DYH Amazon Today & he got along with my Grey so fine they played together for hours. I kept an eye on them at all times but they just had a great old time.
  19. He was kinda Angry when i took him out the shower LOL <br><br>Post edited by: Bronxboomer, at: 2008/09/07 22:00
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